1 00:00:00,410 --> 00:00:08,669 [Music] 2 00:00:09,980 --> 00:00:13,948 good morning everybody this is Pastor 3 00:00:12,359 --> 00:00:16,980 David Packer from International meb's 4 00:00:13,948 --> 00:00:19,410 Church in Stuttgart Germany this is a 5 00:00:16,980 --> 00:00:21,259 special weekend for Americans I speak of 6 00:00:19,410 --> 00:00:25,500 people of the United States of America 7 00:00:21,259 --> 00:00:28,230 and this is our 240 fourth birthday 8 00:00:25,500 --> 00:00:31,588 as a nation today I'm preaching this on 9 00:00:28,230 --> 00:00:34,890 on Saturday July the 4th so happy July 10 00:00:31,588 --> 00:00:37,530 the 4th all my compatriots out there but 11 00:00:34,890 --> 00:00:39,630 also if this is a great time to think 12 00:00:37,530 --> 00:00:41,310 about everybody's nation everybody in 13 00:00:39,630 --> 00:00:42,990 our church we have more than 50 14 00:00:41,310 --> 00:00:44,520 nationalities in our church but 15 00:00:42,990 --> 00:00:47,700 everybody in our church has a home 16 00:00:44,520 --> 00:00:50,850 nation and the text I'm reading today is 17 00:00:47,700 --> 00:00:54,180 second Chronicles 7:14 a very familiar 18 00:00:50,850 --> 00:00:56,160 passage to many but it begs the question 19 00:00:54,179 --> 00:00:59,130 what is the Christians responsibility 20 00:00:56,159 --> 00:01:00,859 toward his own earthly nation we're 21 00:00:59,130 --> 00:01:03,420 members of a new nation we're members of 22 00:01:00,859 --> 00:01:05,909 God's eternal Kingdom that's where our 23 00:01:03,420 --> 00:01:07,530 citizenship is an esper we'll spend our 24 00:01:05,909 --> 00:01:09,840 eternity being we all come from 25 00:01:07,530 --> 00:01:11,909 someplace we have a home nation some of 26 00:01:09,840 --> 00:01:15,570 us have immigrated to another nation and 27 00:01:11,909 --> 00:01:17,908 we have strong feelings for for both of 28 00:01:15,569 --> 00:01:19,919 them we have served my wife and I we 29 00:01:17,909 --> 00:01:21,840 have served and four different nations 30 00:01:19,920 --> 00:01:24,240 including the United States of America 31 00:01:21,840 --> 00:01:26,640 the Philippines Singapore and now in 32 00:01:24,239 --> 00:01:28,560 Germany and we have all these nations we 33 00:01:26,640 --> 00:01:31,260 feel connected to all of them in 34 00:01:28,560 --> 00:01:34,439 different ways but yet today we want to 35 00:01:31,260 --> 00:01:37,800 talk about our home nation of America 36 00:01:34,439 --> 00:01:40,859 and will be going home there eventually 37 00:01:37,799 --> 00:01:43,890 that's where we'll retire God willing 38 00:01:40,859 --> 00:01:46,439 someday in the future we back there with 39 00:01:43,890 --> 00:01:48,989 the grandkids but our text is second 40 00:01:46,439 --> 00:01:50,399 Chronicles 7:14 so if you have your 41 00:01:48,989 --> 00:01:53,310 Bible open it 42 00:01:50,400 --> 00:01:55,260 and this is a very familiar passage but 43 00:01:53,310 --> 00:01:57,030 I have to admit it's one of those verses 44 00:01:55,260 --> 00:01:59,670 that people are about as confused about 45 00:01:57,030 --> 00:02:00,840 as they are knowledgeable so we'll try 46 00:01:59,670 --> 00:02:02,460 to deal with some of the misconceptions 47 00:02:00,840 --> 00:02:06,478 of it 48 00:02:02,459 --> 00:02:08,549 and teach the truth of God it says if my 49 00:02:06,478 --> 00:02:11,459 people who are called by my name will 50 00:02:08,550 --> 00:02:13,439 humble themselves and pray and seek my 51 00:02:11,459 --> 00:02:16,530 face and turn from their wicked ways 52 00:02:13,439 --> 00:02:18,479 then will I hear from heaven and will 53 00:02:16,530 --> 00:02:19,800 forgive their sin and will heal their 54 00:02:18,479 --> 00:02:22,019 land 55 00:02:19,800 --> 00:02:24,239 well we live in a day when many of our 56 00:02:22,020 --> 00:02:25,980 lands need to be healed we're having 57 00:02:24,239 --> 00:02:28,020 race riots all over the world right now 58 00:02:25,979 --> 00:02:30,979 the black lives matter movement in 59 00:02:28,020 --> 00:02:33,180 America has spread across Europe as well 60 00:02:30,979 --> 00:02:35,819 people of color have been asking the 61 00:02:33,180 --> 00:02:38,400 question will I receive the same police 62 00:02:35,819 --> 00:02:41,370 protection the same rights in the courts 63 00:02:38,400 --> 00:02:43,890 as someone of traditional European 64 00:02:41,370 --> 00:02:46,950 ancestry and also the corona virus 65 00:02:43,889 --> 00:02:50,579 pandemic is concerned to everyone I read 66 00:02:46,949 --> 00:02:55,379 today with dismay I believe ills 57,000 67 00:02:50,580 --> 00:02:58,260 new cases in America yesterday alone but 68 00:02:55,379 --> 00:03:01,379 it's a concern to all of us and we pray 69 00:02:58,259 --> 00:03:05,669 for a vaccine to be created soon and 70 00:03:01,379 --> 00:03:09,180 that lies would be spared but leadership 71 00:03:05,669 --> 00:03:11,819 today in every nation is under close 72 00:03:09,180 --> 00:03:14,370 scrutiny because of these and other 73 00:03:11,819 --> 00:03:17,609 problems one of the problems we have in 74 00:03:14,370 --> 00:03:19,799 today's world is people blaming the 75 00:03:17,610 --> 00:03:22,079 other people for all the problems but no 76 00:03:19,799 --> 00:03:25,230 one's stopping and saying what part do I 77 00:03:22,079 --> 00:03:28,409 have in this and how can I fix and how 78 00:03:25,229 --> 00:03:30,359 can I help and any time we played this 79 00:03:28,409 --> 00:03:32,879 blame game the weather it's about a 80 00:03:30,360 --> 00:03:34,860 nation or it's about our marriage or 81 00:03:32,879 --> 00:03:37,229 whatever it is anytime we're blaming all 82 00:03:34,860 --> 00:03:38,459 the problems on the other side first of 83 00:03:37,229 --> 00:03:42,060 all we're probably not going to be 84 00:03:38,459 --> 00:03:45,120 correct no one is ever it's always their 85 00:03:42,060 --> 00:03:47,069 problem but secondly we're not going to 86 00:03:45,120 --> 00:03:49,469 be able to fix it because we can only 87 00:03:47,069 --> 00:03:51,659 really work on ourselves so this is the 88 00:03:49,469 --> 00:03:54,689 text that should call all Christians 89 00:03:51,659 --> 00:03:56,909 whatever your ethnic background but ever 90 00:03:54,689 --> 00:03:59,340 your national background or wherever you 91 00:03:56,909 --> 00:04:03,509 come from should call all Christians to 92 00:03:59,340 --> 00:04:05,549 do what they can in prayer in devotion 93 00:04:03,509 --> 00:04:08,219 in their own lives to make a difference 94 00:04:05,549 --> 00:04:10,500 in their nation now just a few quick 95 00:04:08,219 --> 00:04:12,689 comments about the misconceptions of 96 00:04:10,500 --> 00:04:15,050 this passage first of all this is not 97 00:04:12,689 --> 00:04:17,180 the only place in the Bible it says this 98 00:04:15,050 --> 00:04:20,269 it says it very well in this passage and 99 00:04:17,180 --> 00:04:23,300 actually was well something God said to 100 00:04:20,269 --> 00:04:26,269 Solomon King Solomon after he dedicated 101 00:04:23,300 --> 00:04:30,079 the temple and in fact it begins in 102 00:04:26,269 --> 00:04:32,419 verse 11 is this section and in verse 12 103 00:04:30,079 --> 00:04:34,339 it says the Lord appeared to him that is 104 00:04:32,420 --> 00:04:35,689 the Solomon at night and said I have 105 00:04:34,339 --> 00:04:38,599 heard your prayer 106 00:04:35,689 --> 00:04:43,579 and Solomon's prayer is in the previous 107 00:04:38,600 --> 00:04:46,100 chapter chapter 6 in him dedicating the 108 00:04:43,579 --> 00:04:49,759 temple to God he is admitting that this 109 00:04:46,100 --> 00:04:51,920 temple could not possibly contain the 110 00:04:49,759 --> 00:04:53,360 glory of God in fact he says the heavens 111 00:04:51,920 --> 00:04:56,780 even the highest heavens cannot contain 112 00:04:53,360 --> 00:05:00,230 you how much less this temple I have 113 00:04:56,779 --> 00:05:01,819 built so it comes before God humbly and 114 00:05:00,230 --> 00:05:04,759 he also admits in his prayer of 115 00:05:01,819 --> 00:05:07,610 dedication that the people will fail and 116 00:05:04,759 --> 00:05:09,079 be running to this temple often well 117 00:05:07,610 --> 00:05:11,330 that's a wonderful truth in God's word 118 00:05:09,079 --> 00:05:13,490 that God is a gracious and compassionate 119 00:05:11,329 --> 00:05:16,189 God he's full of mercy he's 120 00:05:13,490 --> 00:05:19,970 long-suffering and we can come running 121 00:05:16,189 --> 00:05:22,399 to him Jesus compared God the Father to 122 00:05:19,970 --> 00:05:25,460 a doting earthly father in the story of 123 00:05:22,399 --> 00:05:28,279 the prodigal son who after the son runs 124 00:05:25,459 --> 00:05:31,129 away and and loses all his inheritance 125 00:05:28,279 --> 00:05:34,189 the father still everyday scans the 126 00:05:31,129 --> 00:05:36,680 horizon looking for his son to return 127 00:05:34,189 --> 00:05:39,110 and that's how compassionate God is God 128 00:05:36,680 --> 00:05:42,879 looks for his people to come back to him 129 00:05:39,110 --> 00:05:45,350 but this is really something that is 130 00:05:42,879 --> 00:05:47,779 reinforcing what God had already said in 131 00:05:45,350 --> 00:05:50,450 the first five books of the Bible called 132 00:05:47,779 --> 00:05:55,099 the Pentateuch or the Torah but in 133 00:05:50,449 --> 00:05:56,539 Leviticus chapters 26 and 27 really 134 00:05:55,100 --> 00:06:00,080 about mostly 26 135 00:05:56,540 --> 00:06:02,300 it describes the promises God made to 136 00:06:00,079 --> 00:06:05,060 Israel that after he gave them the law 137 00:06:02,300 --> 00:06:07,939 of Moses he said if you will obey this 138 00:06:05,060 --> 00:06:11,810 law I will make you prosperous safe 139 00:06:07,939 --> 00:06:15,050 secure I will bless you in all ways but 140 00:06:11,810 --> 00:06:18,019 he says if you disobey if you neglect it 141 00:06:15,050 --> 00:06:21,300 and if you run after other gods then I 142 00:06:18,019 --> 00:06:23,399 will I will punish you I 143 00:06:21,300 --> 00:06:26,780 I will have you have a very different 144 00:06:23,399 --> 00:06:28,829 outcome and it mentions all the 145 00:06:26,779 --> 00:06:30,478 punishments the type of things that 146 00:06:28,829 --> 00:06:33,209 would happen to them for disobedience 147 00:06:30,478 --> 00:06:36,329 but again he comes to the end but he 148 00:06:33,209 --> 00:06:39,120 said and he says this but if they will 149 00:06:36,329 --> 00:06:41,848 confess their sins and the sins of their 150 00:06:39,120 --> 00:06:44,639 father their treachery against me and 151 00:06:41,848 --> 00:06:47,759 their hostility toward me then it goes 152 00:06:44,639 --> 00:06:50,370 on and says I will remember my covenant 153 00:06:47,759 --> 00:06:52,460 with Jacob and my covenant with Isaac 154 00:06:50,370 --> 00:06:54,750 and my covenant with Abraham I'll 155 00:06:52,459 --> 00:06:58,348 remember the land 156 00:06:54,750 --> 00:06:59,728 now that word land also that tells us a 157 00:06:58,348 --> 00:07:04,439 little bit about another misconception 158 00:06:59,728 --> 00:07:06,180 of the 2nd chronicles 7 passage but it 159 00:07:04,439 --> 00:07:08,848 says I will heal their land 160 00:07:06,180 --> 00:07:11,478 that word is not about the nation of 161 00:07:08,848 --> 00:07:14,668 Israel it's about the Land of Israel 162 00:07:11,478 --> 00:07:17,399 Eretz Israel is about the Land of Israel 163 00:07:14,668 --> 00:07:19,889 Israel itself is about the nation but 164 00:07:17,399 --> 00:07:22,888 Eretz is about the land and he's 165 00:07:19,889 --> 00:07:24,990 speaking really about the farm land and 166 00:07:22,889 --> 00:07:28,800 the verse prior to that he says this in 167 00:07:24,990 --> 00:07:30,658 verse 13 2nd chronicles 7 13 when I shut 168 00:07:28,800 --> 00:07:33,210 up the heaven so that there is no rain 169 00:07:30,658 --> 00:07:35,519 or command locusts to devour the land or 170 00:07:33,209 --> 00:07:38,218 send a plague among my people if my 171 00:07:35,519 --> 00:07:40,348 people and it goes on yes I will forgive 172 00:07:38,218 --> 00:07:42,750 their sin and heal their land he's 173 00:07:40,348 --> 00:07:45,449 speaking about the farm land not the 174 00:07:42,750 --> 00:07:47,098 nation so we cannot read into this the 175 00:07:45,449 --> 00:07:49,199 idea that what he's saying is if a 176 00:07:47,098 --> 00:07:53,550 handful of Christians pray that God will 177 00:07:49,199 --> 00:07:57,919 will bring a great healing of the nation 178 00:07:53,550 --> 00:08:00,478 now this is about the farmland but the 179 00:07:57,918 --> 00:08:01,859 application of it that's the meaning 180 00:08:00,478 --> 00:08:03,449 there's a meaning of Scripture all 181 00:08:01,860 --> 00:08:06,360 scripture can have one meaning but can 182 00:08:03,449 --> 00:08:08,370 have many applications and this is what 183 00:08:06,360 --> 00:08:10,259 we do read is the application is that 184 00:08:08,370 --> 00:08:13,199 when the people of God wherever they are 185 00:08:10,259 --> 00:08:16,379 on earth will meet the requirements of 186 00:08:13,199 --> 00:08:18,629 this passage that they will see God do a 187 00:08:16,379 --> 00:08:20,939 great thing for that nation God will 188 00:08:18,629 --> 00:08:23,729 bless Nations through Christians and 189 00:08:20,939 --> 00:08:25,620 Christians will pray so for things we're 190 00:08:23,728 --> 00:08:27,449 looking at first of all how does it what 191 00:08:25,620 --> 00:08:30,329 does it mean for us first of all is this 192 00:08:27,449 --> 00:08:32,158 we need to know who we really are and 193 00:08:30,329 --> 00:08:34,949 who's we really are 194 00:08:32,158 --> 00:08:37,950 he says if my people 195 00:08:34,950 --> 00:08:41,129 you were called by my name that is 196 00:08:37,950 --> 00:08:43,230 people who belong to God when we become 197 00:08:41,129 --> 00:08:45,990 believers in Christ we belong to God 198 00:08:43,230 --> 00:08:49,230 through Jesus Christ he has purchased us 199 00:08:45,990 --> 00:08:50,820 twice at creation and also at the 200 00:08:49,230 --> 00:08:54,149 redemption through the blood of Christ 201 00:08:50,820 --> 00:08:56,220 so we belong to him and it's people that 202 00:08:54,149 --> 00:08:57,870 are called of God who have heard God's 203 00:08:56,220 --> 00:09:00,300 call of their life who have turned from 204 00:08:57,870 --> 00:09:03,690 their sin and from their selves and put 205 00:09:00,299 --> 00:09:05,879 their faith in the trust in Christ and 206 00:09:03,690 --> 00:09:09,420 they are marked by him not only does God 207 00:09:05,879 --> 00:09:11,879 belong to them but they belong to him 208 00:09:09,419 --> 00:09:13,529 and they recognize that faith is not 209 00:09:11,879 --> 00:09:16,529 something that's just convenient for 210 00:09:13,529 --> 00:09:19,259 them rather faith is about who's they 211 00:09:16,529 --> 00:09:21,779 are and they belong to him now what this 212 00:09:19,259 --> 00:09:25,019 does not mean by the way is this about 213 00:09:21,779 --> 00:09:27,509 ethnicity alone it says if my people who 214 00:09:25,019 --> 00:09:31,319 are called by my name is not referring 215 00:09:27,509 --> 00:09:33,210 to the nation of Germany or the nation 216 00:09:31,320 --> 00:09:35,250 of America it's not referring to that at 217 00:09:33,210 --> 00:09:37,980 all it's not about ethnicity it's not 218 00:09:35,250 --> 00:09:40,440 about heritage you may come from a 219 00:09:37,980 --> 00:09:43,200 Christian nation and have a wonderful 220 00:09:40,440 --> 00:09:45,960 Christian heritage in history but that 221 00:09:43,200 --> 00:09:48,360 doesn't mean you're God's person you're 222 00:09:45,960 --> 00:09:50,430 part of the God's family the only way to 223 00:09:48,360 --> 00:09:53,039 become part of God's family is through 224 00:09:50,429 --> 00:09:55,079 personal faith in Christ it's certainly 225 00:09:53,039 --> 00:09:57,709 not about geography alone either just 226 00:09:55,080 --> 00:10:00,180 because you're in a land that is a 227 00:09:57,710 --> 00:10:03,030 traditional Christian nation doesn't 228 00:10:00,179 --> 00:10:04,769 mean you're part of God's people so it's 229 00:10:03,029 --> 00:10:07,589 a matter of putting our faith and trust 230 00:10:04,769 --> 00:10:10,079 in God let me ask you have you done that 231 00:10:07,590 --> 00:10:11,490 have you put your faith and trust in 232 00:10:10,080 --> 00:10:13,410 Christ that's the greatest question he 233 00:10:11,490 --> 00:10:15,539 human being had ever asked another do 234 00:10:13,409 --> 00:10:17,939 you believe in Jesus have you asked him 235 00:10:15,539 --> 00:10:19,559 to be your Savior if you're depending on 236 00:10:17,940 --> 00:10:22,530 the faith of your parents no matter how 237 00:10:19,559 --> 00:10:24,719 wonderful they are it's not it's not 238 00:10:22,529 --> 00:10:27,149 enough if you're depending on the 239 00:10:24,720 --> 00:10:29,910 Christian heritage of your nation that 240 00:10:27,149 --> 00:10:31,529 also is not enough now we may speak 241 00:10:29,909 --> 00:10:33,689 about a Christian nation but actually 242 00:10:31,529 --> 00:10:36,120 nations are not Christians only 243 00:10:33,690 --> 00:10:40,020 individuals are a nation cannot be a 244 00:10:36,120 --> 00:10:43,139 Christian only an individual can so it's 245 00:10:40,019 --> 00:10:45,230 about our faith and your faith and no 246 00:10:43,139 --> 00:10:48,328 matter how great a nation's faith is 247 00:10:45,230 --> 00:10:51,360 they must pass that faith on to the 248 00:10:48,328 --> 00:10:54,118 generation the Christian faith is always 249 00:10:51,360 --> 00:10:57,298 one generation away from being extinct 250 00:10:54,119 --> 00:10:59,309 so have you trusted in Christ but the 251 00:10:57,298 --> 00:11:02,278 second thing it mentions is this it says 252 00:10:59,308 --> 00:11:03,808 will humble themselves what this teaches 253 00:11:02,278 --> 00:11:05,879 us is we need to get honest with 254 00:11:03,808 --> 00:11:09,298 ourselves and with God or in our true 255 00:11:05,879 --> 00:11:11,759 spiritual condition now often when we 256 00:11:09,298 --> 00:11:14,100 read this text we take that word humble 257 00:11:11,759 --> 00:11:15,959 and connect it to pray if my people are 258 00:11:14,100 --> 00:11:19,829 called by my name will humble themselves 259 00:11:15,958 --> 00:11:21,748 and praise well that's in the same verse 260 00:11:19,828 --> 00:11:24,868 but actually in the original language 261 00:11:21,749 --> 00:11:26,129 the emphasis is on the humbling 262 00:11:24,869 --> 00:11:29,519 ourselves alone 263 00:11:26,129 --> 00:11:31,519 it's a full-stop if my people to call by 264 00:11:29,519 --> 00:11:33,989 my name will humble themselves 265 00:11:31,519 --> 00:11:36,480 interesting ly enough in the Hebrew the 266 00:11:33,989 --> 00:11:41,189 first word of that verse is humbling 267 00:11:36,480 --> 00:11:44,100 humbling themselves if my people and it 268 00:11:41,188 --> 00:11:46,048 has this idea that this is so important 269 00:11:44,100 --> 00:11:49,019 to God that he puts it at the forefront 270 00:11:46,048 --> 00:11:51,838 and often when we drift into sin we're 271 00:11:49,019 --> 00:11:53,399 so proud we're proud of our of our 272 00:11:51,839 --> 00:11:56,610 heritage we're proud of our success 273 00:11:53,399 --> 00:11:59,039 we're proud of any number of things how 274 00:11:56,610 --> 00:12:02,579 much money we have how many toys we have 275 00:11:59,039 --> 00:12:05,099 or whatever and all those things we need 276 00:12:02,578 --> 00:12:08,068 to confess those before God to be honest 277 00:12:05,100 --> 00:12:10,850 with ourselves and honest with him now 278 00:12:08,068 --> 00:12:15,269 humble actually means to allow God to 279 00:12:10,850 --> 00:12:18,209 subdue us to be under his authority the 280 00:12:15,269 --> 00:12:21,509 history of that word is the idea of an 281 00:12:18,208 --> 00:12:25,138 eagle great bird of prey whose wings are 282 00:12:21,509 --> 00:12:28,230 folded wings are folded any submissive 283 00:12:25,139 --> 00:12:31,048 subdued by the one who's captured him 284 00:12:28,230 --> 00:12:33,688 and that's what we are to be we are to 285 00:12:31,048 --> 00:12:35,578 be humble and to admit our own failure 286 00:12:33,688 --> 00:12:37,588 this is what's missing in today's world 287 00:12:35,578 --> 00:12:39,298 people that are truly humble and looking 288 00:12:37,589 --> 00:12:41,610 if they're a failure they're quick to 289 00:12:39,298 --> 00:12:44,119 blame the other people but they need to 290 00:12:41,610 --> 00:12:49,769 look we need to look first at our own 291 00:12:44,119 --> 00:12:52,019 failure now it's it's pictured I believe 292 00:12:49,769 --> 00:12:54,058 humility is a great picture of this and 293 00:12:52,019 --> 00:12:57,568 the product of son you remember him 294 00:12:54,058 --> 00:13:00,360 returning to the father and he went 295 00:12:57,568 --> 00:13:00,610 wealthy he left the home wealthy having 296 00:13:00,360 --> 00:13:03,639 his 297 00:13:00,610 --> 00:13:08,230 inheritance becomes old broken poor 298 00:13:03,639 --> 00:13:10,449 impoverished in rags and he came home in 299 00:13:08,230 --> 00:13:13,629 humility and he was saying basically I 300 00:13:10,450 --> 00:13:16,120 have ruined this and I returned as a 301 00:13:13,629 --> 00:13:18,458 failure and that's what he said to the 302 00:13:16,120 --> 00:13:19,509 father confessed his failure and that's 303 00:13:18,458 --> 00:13:23,500 humility 304 00:13:19,509 --> 00:13:26,019 to be honest with ourselves I have run 305 00:13:23,500 --> 00:13:28,059 this but that's the only thing we can do 306 00:13:26,019 --> 00:13:31,919 to really be acceptable to God to come 307 00:13:28,059 --> 00:13:34,328 humbly and then to trust in Christ and 308 00:13:31,919 --> 00:13:36,458 we see this talk throughout the 309 00:13:34,328 --> 00:13:39,578 scripture if you look at lamentations 310 00:13:36,458 --> 00:13:42,819 the third chapter this is the aftermath 311 00:13:39,578 --> 00:13:45,099 of the destruction of Jerusalem of the 312 00:13:42,820 --> 00:13:48,100 darkest period of the nation's history 313 00:13:45,100 --> 00:13:50,620 no no question about it but in the 314 00:13:48,100 --> 00:13:52,389 chapter in chapter 3 it has this 315 00:13:50,620 --> 00:13:55,419 wonderful statement about the mercies of 316 00:13:52,389 --> 00:13:58,179 God or new every day that even the midst 317 00:13:55,419 --> 00:14:00,250 of that misery God's mercy will still 318 00:13:58,179 --> 00:14:02,649 there espera says great is your 319 00:14:00,250 --> 00:14:05,289 faithfulness as to where we get that 320 00:14:02,649 --> 00:14:07,078 line for that great him but he also 321 00:14:05,289 --> 00:14:09,509 speaks about owning our own 322 00:14:07,078 --> 00:14:13,208 responsibility even even the 323 00:14:09,509 --> 00:14:16,600 responsibility of our forefathers it 324 00:14:13,208 --> 00:14:17,859 says it is good to wait quietly for the 325 00:14:16,600 --> 00:14:19,420 salvation of the Lord 326 00:14:17,860 --> 00:14:21,879 it is good for a man to bear the yoke 327 00:14:19,419 --> 00:14:24,338 while he is young let him sit alone in 328 00:14:21,879 --> 00:14:26,679 silence but the Lord has laid it on him 329 00:14:24,339 --> 00:14:29,560 letting bear his face in the dust there 330 00:14:26,679 --> 00:14:32,349 may yet be hope it has the idea of 331 00:14:29,559 --> 00:14:35,018 someone who would say be tempted to say 332 00:14:32,350 --> 00:14:37,209 well God is not my fault as I'm a young 333 00:14:35,019 --> 00:14:40,000 man it's the fault of my father and my 334 00:14:37,208 --> 00:14:41,919 grandfather in those generations but 335 00:14:40,000 --> 00:14:45,250 it's the idea that someone would even 336 00:14:41,919 --> 00:14:48,759 then say but this is my heritage where 337 00:14:45,250 --> 00:14:51,429 has it gone wrong not come from a white 338 00:14:48,759 --> 00:14:54,220 as you can tell why tear tissue in 339 00:14:51,429 --> 00:14:56,439 America from the state of Texas which is 340 00:14:54,220 --> 00:14:59,379 sort of in the South not entirety but in 341 00:14:56,440 --> 00:15:02,370 some ways in the south 342 00:14:59,379 --> 00:15:05,409 I do not know that any of my forefathers 343 00:15:02,370 --> 00:15:07,720 owned slaves I would not be surprised to 344 00:15:05,409 --> 00:15:09,740 find out but I really don't know far as 345 00:15:07,720 --> 00:15:11,930 I know none of them did 346 00:15:09,740 --> 00:15:14,419 but if they did it's so far removed it's 347 00:15:11,929 --> 00:15:16,669 not carried down in any family family 348 00:15:14,419 --> 00:15:20,750 history in fact I'll go a step further 349 00:15:16,669 --> 00:15:24,649 my grandfather was very much opposed to 350 00:15:20,750 --> 00:15:27,559 he was a pastor in the 1920s but he was 351 00:15:24,649 --> 00:15:31,100 very much opposed to the to the Ku Klux 352 00:15:27,559 --> 00:15:32,750 Klan and to all that movement in fact he 353 00:15:31,100 --> 00:15:35,240 because he opposed the Klan as the 354 00:15:32,750 --> 00:15:37,700 pastor he woke up one morning found a 355 00:15:35,240 --> 00:15:40,009 burning cross in his front yard I mean 356 00:15:37,700 --> 00:15:44,480 he was marked by the Klan as their enemy 357 00:15:40,009 --> 00:15:47,299 and and he he gave us a great example to 358 00:15:44,480 --> 00:15:49,970 follow to accept people of all color in 359 00:15:47,299 --> 00:15:52,669 fact when I went to college in the 1960s 360 00:15:49,970 --> 00:15:55,040 I had a black roommate which was not 361 00:15:52,669 --> 00:15:57,229 normal in college for a black and a 362 00:15:55,039 --> 00:15:59,750 white person to room together and my 363 00:15:57,230 --> 00:16:01,940 wife and I we served overseas and in one 364 00:15:59,750 --> 00:16:03,559 more step my daughter and her husband 365 00:16:01,940 --> 00:16:06,110 they've adopted two children of 366 00:16:03,559 --> 00:16:08,779 african-american ancestry so I have two 367 00:16:06,110 --> 00:16:10,820 black grandchildren we loved fully and 368 00:16:08,779 --> 00:16:13,129 accept them wholly hence our 369 00:16:10,820 --> 00:16:15,530 grandchildren and I care about their 370 00:16:13,129 --> 00:16:17,509 future is now very personal for me to 371 00:16:15,529 --> 00:16:20,240 want to ask well my grandchildren 372 00:16:17,509 --> 00:16:22,490 receive the same respect and rights of 373 00:16:20,240 --> 00:16:24,769 people that are that our viewer appiah 374 00:16:22,490 --> 00:16:28,009 ancestry in America so these are all 375 00:16:24,769 --> 00:16:29,600 personal to me but nevertheless there 376 00:16:28,009 --> 00:16:32,779 are some things that I have also 377 00:16:29,600 --> 00:16:35,029 inherited by my heritage and I know 378 00:16:32,779 --> 00:16:38,000 these ideas are there and I can't 379 00:16:35,029 --> 00:16:40,279 distance myself from them I can't say I 380 00:16:38,000 --> 00:16:43,940 was always faultless and I need to look 381 00:16:40,279 --> 00:16:46,189 and say Lord where is my fault in this 382 00:16:43,940 --> 00:16:48,920 current problem between races where have 383 00:16:46,190 --> 00:16:51,710 I failed maybe I've been better than 384 00:16:48,919 --> 00:16:53,750 most but I'm sure I have some faders 385 00:16:51,710 --> 00:16:56,690 maybe just prejudiced against them I 386 00:16:53,750 --> 00:16:59,389 never acted on it but maybe just in my 387 00:16:56,690 --> 00:17:02,870 heart I felt superior well that's also 388 00:16:59,389 --> 00:17:04,819 blameworthy whatever it is you know this 389 00:17:02,870 --> 00:17:06,588 is something that God puts on us that's 390 00:17:04,819 --> 00:17:08,149 why it says in lamentations it's good 391 00:17:06,588 --> 00:17:10,069 for a young man to think about the 392 00:17:08,150 --> 00:17:12,800 failures of his father and grandfather 393 00:17:10,069 --> 00:17:15,379 and to to consider what does it take to 394 00:17:12,799 --> 00:17:17,930 go forward you know it's so easy to 395 00:17:15,380 --> 00:17:19,190 destroy things but it's so hard to build 396 00:17:17,930 --> 00:17:21,019 things 397 00:17:19,190 --> 00:17:23,990 and we need people that are going to be 398 00:17:21,019 --> 00:17:26,559 humble enough to say Lord used me to 399 00:17:23,990 --> 00:17:29,690 build something but you want to last now 400 00:17:26,559 --> 00:17:31,279 by the way when we humble ourselves it 401 00:17:29,690 --> 00:17:34,250 also means we accept whatever punishment 402 00:17:31,279 --> 00:17:36,109 God has for us not punishment the sense 403 00:17:34,250 --> 00:17:38,329 that our punishment would remove our 404 00:17:36,109 --> 00:17:41,199 sins but punishments simply in the sense 405 00:17:38,329 --> 00:17:44,389 that this is the result of our sinning 406 00:17:41,200 --> 00:17:48,009 but we can also by the way plead our 407 00:17:44,390 --> 00:17:51,620 good case our good heritage before God 408 00:17:48,009 --> 00:17:53,450 david prayed this and psalm 82:6 16 he 409 00:17:51,619 --> 00:17:55,699 said turn to me and be gracious to me a 410 00:17:53,450 --> 00:17:58,220 gift your strength your servant and save 411 00:17:55,700 --> 00:18:01,220 the son of your maidservant their mighty 412 00:17:58,220 --> 00:18:02,660 God that my mother was a believer and we 413 00:18:01,220 --> 00:18:05,120 can always do that also 414 00:18:02,660 --> 00:18:07,670 the where is your mother your father we 415 00:18:05,119 --> 00:18:10,819 can remind God of the good things we 416 00:18:07,670 --> 00:18:12,860 have we have inherited as well no this 417 00:18:10,819 --> 00:18:15,109 is how we're to come like an eagle with 418 00:18:12,859 --> 00:18:18,409 wings folded or as Jeremiah describes 419 00:18:15,109 --> 00:18:21,649 that look like a lump of clay placed in 420 00:18:18,410 --> 00:18:23,450 the hands of the divine Potter we sing 421 00:18:21,650 --> 00:18:25,280 that song and we used to sing this song 422 00:18:23,450 --> 00:18:28,549 we're still Fiat today or not but 423 00:18:25,279 --> 00:18:32,359 speaking to God thou art the Potter 424 00:18:28,549 --> 00:18:35,779 I am the clay mold me and make me after 425 00:18:32,359 --> 00:18:39,469 thy will while I am waiting yielded and 426 00:18:35,779 --> 00:18:41,569 still so we come to God in humility 427 00:18:39,470 --> 00:18:43,640 the third thing though is we also need 428 00:18:41,569 --> 00:18:47,059 to connect meaningfully with him in 429 00:18:43,640 --> 00:18:49,700 prayer says and pray and seek my face 430 00:18:47,059 --> 00:18:51,589 and turn from their wicked ways first of 431 00:18:49,700 --> 00:18:54,590 all we need to pray we need to go to God 432 00:18:51,589 --> 00:18:56,959 in prayer and say God we need to talk to 433 00:18:54,589 --> 00:18:58,480 you I need to reach out to you 434 00:18:56,960 --> 00:19:01,640 prayer is one of the most neglected 435 00:18:58,480 --> 00:19:03,710 spiritual privileges in all the world I 436 00:19:01,640 --> 00:19:06,140 believe now I know some Christians many 437 00:19:03,710 --> 00:19:08,569 Christians who pray regularly but I know 438 00:19:06,140 --> 00:19:11,990 many many others that do not pray hardly 439 00:19:08,569 --> 00:19:13,879 at all but we ought to pray regularly we 440 00:19:11,990 --> 00:19:16,789 go with a surrendered heart to him 441 00:19:13,880 --> 00:19:19,880 putting ourselves in his plans his hands 442 00:19:16,789 --> 00:19:23,480 and then reaching out to him asking him 443 00:19:19,880 --> 00:19:25,370 to bless asking him to change people's 444 00:19:23,480 --> 00:19:27,710 hearts to pray for leaders to pray for 445 00:19:25,369 --> 00:19:29,989 peace to pray for national 446 00:19:27,710 --> 00:19:32,600 reconciliation to pray for all of these 447 00:19:29,990 --> 00:19:36,319 things God 448 00:19:32,599 --> 00:19:38,388 willing and ready and and he desires to 449 00:19:36,319 --> 00:19:41,509 bless nations and he's waiting for 450 00:19:38,388 --> 00:19:43,548 Christians to pray in James sport has 451 00:19:41,509 --> 00:19:46,370 the stinging accusations against 452 00:19:43,548 --> 00:19:49,849 Christians you have not because you ask 453 00:19:46,369 --> 00:19:53,058 not there are many things that God wills 454 00:19:49,849 --> 00:19:55,038 for us to have but we don't ask so we 455 00:19:53,058 --> 00:19:57,528 need to pray we need to seek his face 456 00:19:55,038 --> 00:19:59,509 also as we pray not just his hand 457 00:19:57,528 --> 00:20:02,000 another failure in prayers we just 458 00:19:59,509 --> 00:20:04,490 mentioned things that we want but the 459 00:20:02,000 --> 00:20:07,278 heart of prayer is seeking the face of 460 00:20:04,490 --> 00:20:09,769 God to be intimate with him in fact as 461 00:20:07,278 --> 00:20:12,648 we seek his face we find that he reveals 462 00:20:09,769 --> 00:20:15,048 to us his character and his character 463 00:20:12,648 --> 00:20:18,048 changes our character and our prayers 464 00:20:15,048 --> 00:20:21,200 are reshaped into the prayers he wants 465 00:20:18,048 --> 00:20:24,408 us to pray so seeking his spaces is the 466 00:20:21,200 --> 00:20:26,419 most important step is in a very 467 00:20:24,409 --> 00:20:29,389 important step in praying and 468 00:20:26,419 --> 00:20:31,850 understanding who he is and who we are 469 00:20:29,388 --> 00:20:34,008 speaking to it what does he desire 470 00:20:31,849 --> 00:20:36,319 Institute and then it says finally 471 00:20:34,009 --> 00:20:38,990 turning from your wicked ways 472 00:20:36,319 --> 00:20:41,418 turning means not just to look away but 473 00:20:38,990 --> 00:20:44,210 it means to walk away to turn away from 474 00:20:41,419 --> 00:20:47,629 those things to say God I won't do this 475 00:20:44,210 --> 00:20:50,960 anymore I put it into this at this this 476 00:20:47,628 --> 00:20:53,898 habit me asking questions do you pray 477 00:20:50,960 --> 00:20:57,139 second and do you pray humbly thirty do 478 00:20:53,898 --> 00:21:00,888 you pray seeking God's face a43 do you 479 00:20:57,138 --> 00:21:04,459 pray wisely for God's will and finally 480 00:21:00,888 --> 00:21:07,250 do you pray expectantly turning away 481 00:21:04,460 --> 00:21:10,819 from sin now the final thing though is 482 00:21:07,250 --> 00:21:12,769 society of expectancy says this I will 483 00:21:10,819 --> 00:21:15,678 hear from heaven and will forgive their 484 00:21:12,769 --> 00:21:18,169 sin and heal their land 485 00:21:15,679 --> 00:21:19,850 we always ought to expect God to hear 486 00:21:18,169 --> 00:21:23,600 our prayers especially when we meet his 487 00:21:19,849 --> 00:21:26,269 condition first John 5:14 through 488 00:21:23,599 --> 00:21:28,939 fifteen speaks about asking according to 489 00:21:26,269 --> 00:21:31,308 God's will it means not just the thing 490 00:21:28,940 --> 00:21:33,740 we asked for but the way we asked for we 491 00:21:31,308 --> 00:21:36,408 ask humbly we ask confessing our sins 492 00:21:33,740 --> 00:21:38,778 and the thing we ask for is also God's 493 00:21:36,409 --> 00:21:41,840 will and the goal of our prayers for his 494 00:21:38,778 --> 00:21:44,240 will to be done hallowed be your name 495 00:21:41,839 --> 00:21:45,778 your kingdom come your will be done on 496 00:21:44,240 --> 00:21:49,200 earth as it is in heaven 497 00:21:45,778 --> 00:21:52,950 christ taught us to pray now the promise 498 00:21:49,200 --> 00:21:54,719 in second chronicles 7:14 is this i will 499 00:21:52,950 --> 00:21:57,479 forgive their sin 500 00:21:54,719 --> 00:21:59,788 that means pardoning sin and it also 501 00:21:57,479 --> 00:22:02,159 gives a basis for reconciliation between 502 00:21:59,788 --> 00:22:03,778 people being restored to God and the 503 00:22:02,159 --> 00:22:07,139 healthy relationship with God but also 504 00:22:03,778 --> 00:22:09,479 being restored as believers to one 505 00:22:07,138 --> 00:22:12,748 another because of what God does in our 506 00:22:09,479 --> 00:22:15,090 life and I will heal their land 507 00:22:12,749 --> 00:22:18,118 again the word land mitt farmland not 508 00:22:15,089 --> 00:22:20,759 just the nation but it has the idea of 509 00:22:18,118 --> 00:22:24,178 healing going beyond just the farmland 510 00:22:20,759 --> 00:22:27,088 that word a healing it doesn't have the 511 00:22:24,179 --> 00:22:29,989 same meaning that we used today with our 512 00:22:27,088 --> 00:22:33,028 word we think of healing we think of a 513 00:22:29,989 --> 00:22:35,759 being healed from one disease but 514 00:22:33,028 --> 00:22:37,979 healing in the biblical language Rafa is 515 00:22:35,759 --> 00:22:40,919 that word in Hebrew but healing meant 516 00:22:37,979 --> 00:22:44,219 wholeness mean being brought to a - 517 00:22:40,919 --> 00:22:47,759 being hold again as an idea of a change 518 00:22:44,219 --> 00:22:50,749 human heart turning to God to use the 519 00:22:47,759 --> 00:22:54,239 land properly to bless others properly 520 00:22:50,749 --> 00:22:56,608 in this idea that God would use these 521 00:22:54,239 --> 00:22:58,379 people as well heal our land God would 522 00:22:56,608 --> 00:23:01,558 say I will heal your land also healed 523 00:22:58,378 --> 00:23:03,868 the farmer who tends to land and when we 524 00:23:01,558 --> 00:23:05,908 pray for God to heal our nations one of 525 00:23:03,868 --> 00:23:07,528 the things we were praying for whether 526 00:23:05,909 --> 00:23:09,570 we know it or not is for people to come 527 00:23:07,528 --> 00:23:14,098 to faith in Christ for people to know 528 00:23:09,569 --> 00:23:17,009 him as Savior know when God hears 529 00:23:14,098 --> 00:23:19,678 Christians pray today he acts in a 530 00:23:17,009 --> 00:23:22,108 gracious way to do more than we would 531 00:23:19,679 --> 00:23:23,879 ever imagine that's what God does God 532 00:23:22,108 --> 00:23:25,858 does exceed more than all we could ever 533 00:23:23,878 --> 00:23:28,199 ask I think quartic is spirit that's at 534 00:23:25,858 --> 00:23:31,108 work within us that he is able to do 535 00:23:28,200 --> 00:23:33,269 great things jesus said you are the salt 536 00:23:31,108 --> 00:23:37,138 of the earth you're the light of the 537 00:23:33,269 --> 00:23:40,319 world and our obedience our prayers our 538 00:23:37,138 --> 00:23:43,498 teachings and testimonies will bless 539 00:23:40,319 --> 00:23:46,798 others and whatever nation you are from 540 00:23:43,499 --> 00:23:49,440 pray for that leader pray for the other 541 00:23:46,798 --> 00:23:52,408 leaders of surrounding pray for the 542 00:23:49,440 --> 00:23:54,808 people of God pray for a revival to take 543 00:23:52,409 --> 00:23:56,260 place one of the things I'm convinced of 544 00:23:54,808 --> 00:23:59,349 I read this and 545 00:23:56,259 --> 00:24:05,619 a statement that chuck colson said years 546 00:23:59,349 --> 00:24:09,069 ago but the the politicians and the 547 00:24:05,619 --> 00:24:10,689 press present themselves as more 548 00:24:09,069 --> 00:24:13,419 important than they really are 549 00:24:10,690 --> 00:24:16,509 no no they're important but if you look 550 00:24:13,420 --> 00:24:18,460 at the way they present themselves they 551 00:24:16,509 --> 00:24:19,960 present themselves the press presents 552 00:24:18,460 --> 00:24:21,730 itself as saying you know you need to 553 00:24:19,960 --> 00:24:24,039 listen to every word we say if you're 554 00:24:21,730 --> 00:24:25,839 going to understand this world and the 555 00:24:24,039 --> 00:24:27,579 the politicians say you need to listen 556 00:24:25,839 --> 00:24:30,039 everything I say if you want to be 557 00:24:27,579 --> 00:24:32,799 helped and they both promote themselves 558 00:24:30,039 --> 00:24:35,950 and they are important but they're not 559 00:24:32,799 --> 00:24:38,589 as important as they present themselves 560 00:24:35,950 --> 00:24:40,450 to be Colston said really gets down to 561 00:24:38,589 --> 00:24:43,569 people working together on a day to day 562 00:24:40,450 --> 00:24:46,360 basis that's a great thought if you want 563 00:24:43,569 --> 00:24:48,189 to do something about race relations go 564 00:24:46,359 --> 00:24:50,199 get to know your neighbors I have a 565 00:24:48,190 --> 00:24:52,480 different skin color that's the best 566 00:24:50,200 --> 00:24:54,670 thing you can do find a way you can 567 00:24:52,480 --> 00:24:56,980 celebrate your faith together in Christ 568 00:24:54,670 --> 00:24:58,630 whether you worship at the same church 569 00:24:56,980 --> 00:25:01,059 or not that may not be the issue but 570 00:24:58,630 --> 00:25:03,790 that you acknowledge one another that's 571 00:25:01,059 --> 00:25:05,679 important now when Christians pray God 572 00:25:03,789 --> 00:25:10,539 does incredible things let me tell you 573 00:25:05,680 --> 00:25:12,910 about a revival in America in 1857 Hills 574 00:25:10,539 --> 00:25:16,299 incredible revival is called the Fulton 575 00:25:12,910 --> 00:25:22,000 Street revival and it was just an 576 00:25:16,299 --> 00:25:24,220 amazing thing July the 1st 1857 48 577 00:25:22,000 --> 00:25:27,400 year-old Jeremiah and Lanfear accepted 578 00:25:24,220 --> 00:25:29,650 positions city missionary in downtown 579 00:25:27,400 --> 00:25:31,540 New York because working on behalf of 580 00:25:29,650 --> 00:25:34,750 the Dutch Reformed Church on Fulton 581 00:25:31,539 --> 00:25:36,819 Street and he decided after being there 582 00:25:34,750 --> 00:25:42,160 a few weeks that he was going to start a 583 00:25:36,819 --> 00:25:44,019 prayer meeting at September the 26 1857 584 00:25:42,160 --> 00:25:46,720 he passed out a few pamphlets and had 585 00:25:44,019 --> 00:25:50,980 his first prayer meeting just for a few 586 00:25:46,720 --> 00:25:53,589 moments and he first he it noon right on 587 00:25:50,980 --> 00:25:55,299 the around the hour at noon well he was 588 00:25:53,589 --> 00:25:58,299 first by himself and after 30 minutes 589 00:25:55,299 --> 00:26:00,970 six other people filtered in next week 590 00:25:58,299 --> 00:26:04,089 he did it again September the 30th that 591 00:26:00,970 --> 00:26:08,140 time more people came up to 20 and then 592 00:26:04,089 --> 00:26:08,919 third week October 7th 1857 40 people 593 00:26:08,140 --> 00:26:10,810 were press 594 00:26:08,920 --> 00:26:13,360 and they began to notice that something 595 00:26:10,809 --> 00:26:15,669 unusual is happening something of God 596 00:26:13,359 --> 00:26:18,939 and God began putting it on people's 597 00:26:15,670 --> 00:26:22,210 hearts 2:10 well within just a few more 598 00:26:18,940 --> 00:26:23,940 weeks they had to had to divide by 599 00:26:22,210 --> 00:26:26,110 November they had to hold three 600 00:26:23,940 --> 00:26:28,210 simultaneous prayer meetings in 601 00:26:26,109 --> 00:26:29,799 different rooms an interesting thing if 602 00:26:28,210 --> 00:26:32,350 there was no preaching or just praying 603 00:26:29,799 --> 00:26:35,440 and people could quote scriptures but it 604 00:26:32,349 --> 00:26:39,849 was praying and within a few more weeks 605 00:26:35,440 --> 00:26:41,680 by the early days of 1858 God began to 606 00:26:39,849 --> 00:26:43,779 move in people's hearts and lives in an 607 00:26:41,680 --> 00:26:45,820 incredible way of their reports of 608 00:26:43,779 --> 00:26:47,940 revivals happening other churches began 609 00:26:45,819 --> 00:26:50,889 to have spontaneous meetings a 610 00:26:47,940 --> 00:26:53,590 conversions were happening in yonkers 611 00:26:50,890 --> 00:26:56,560 for example they said one noted that 90 612 00:26:53,589 --> 00:26:59,019 people were converted they began to 613 00:26:56,559 --> 00:27:02,289 spread not just around New York but 614 00:26:59,019 --> 00:27:05,049 outside of New York up to Canada across 615 00:27:02,289 --> 00:27:06,730 the nation of America and those years 616 00:27:05,049 --> 00:27:08,950 there were concerns about financial 617 00:27:06,730 --> 00:27:11,349 crisis it was also a very tense time 618 00:27:08,950 --> 00:27:14,230 leading up to the Civil War of course 619 00:27:11,349 --> 00:27:16,389 the worid did happen but it was a time 620 00:27:14,230 --> 00:27:19,329 and people felt uncertain about the 621 00:27:16,390 --> 00:27:23,680 future and they've turned to God and God 622 00:27:19,329 --> 00:27:27,419 gave them a spiritual jolt that was much 623 00:27:23,680 --> 00:27:30,190 needed in those days and March the 20th 624 00:27:27,420 --> 00:27:32,950 1858 this is what an editorial for the 625 00:27:30,190 --> 00:27:34,539 New York Times wrote the great wave of 626 00:27:32,950 --> 00:27:36,970 religious excitement which is now 627 00:27:34,539 --> 00:27:39,069 sweeping over this nation is one of the 628 00:27:36,970 --> 00:27:41,740 most remarkable moments since the 629 00:27:39,069 --> 00:27:44,470 Reformation travelers relate that in 630 00:27:41,740 --> 00:27:46,779 train cars and steamboats and banks and 631 00:27:44,470 --> 00:27:49,150 markets everywhere throughout the 632 00:27:46,779 --> 00:27:52,000 interior this matter is an absorbing 633 00:27:49,150 --> 00:27:55,000 topics churches are crowded bank 634 00:27:52,000 --> 00:27:57,640 directors rooms become oratories school 635 00:27:55,000 --> 00:27:59,710 houses are turned into chapels converts 636 00:27:57,640 --> 00:28:02,770 are numbered by the scores of thousands 637 00:27:59,710 --> 00:28:05,340 in this city of New York we have beheld 638 00:28:02,769 --> 00:28:07,990 a sight which not the most enthusiastic 639 00:28:05,339 --> 00:28:10,839 fanatic for church of services could 640 00:28:07,990 --> 00:28:12,970 ever have hope to look upon we have seen 641 00:28:10,839 --> 00:28:15,519 in the business quarter of the city in 642 00:28:12,970 --> 00:28:18,610 the busiest hours assemblies of 643 00:28:15,519 --> 00:28:20,500 merchants clerks and working men to the 644 00:28:18,609 --> 00:28:22,929 number of 5,000 645 00:28:20,500 --> 00:28:25,480 there day after day for a simple and 646 00:28:22,930 --> 00:28:27,400 solemn worship similar assemblies we 647 00:28:25,480 --> 00:28:30,190 find in other portions of the city a 648 00:28:27,400 --> 00:28:33,009 theater is turned into a chapel churches 649 00:28:30,190 --> 00:28:36,190 of all of all denominations are open and 650 00:28:33,009 --> 00:28:38,410 crowded by day and night it is most 651 00:28:36,190 --> 00:28:41,740 impressive to think that over this great 652 00:28:38,410 --> 00:28:44,170 land tens and fifties of thousands of 653 00:28:41,740 --> 00:28:47,079 men and women are putting themselves at 654 00:28:44,170 --> 00:28:48,789 this time in a simple serious way the 655 00:28:47,079 --> 00:28:51,789 great question they can every come 656 00:28:48,789 --> 00:28:54,819 before the human mind what shall we do 657 00:28:51,789 --> 00:28:57,190 to be saved from sin well that spread 658 00:28:54,819 --> 00:28:59,379 all over America all over the continent 659 00:28:57,190 --> 00:29:01,860 and we're not sure what went beyond that 660 00:28:59,380 --> 00:29:05,230 but it's estimated that there were 661 00:29:01,859 --> 00:29:06,609 50,000 converts through that alone 662 00:29:05,230 --> 00:29:09,220 prior to that churches have been 663 00:29:06,609 --> 00:29:12,759 declining about God to use that in 664 00:29:09,220 --> 00:29:16,240 people pray so when we pray we open up 665 00:29:12,759 --> 00:29:18,609 God's power in this world so let me 666 00:29:16,240 --> 00:29:21,819 encourage you whatever concerns you have 667 00:29:18,609 --> 00:29:23,740 for your nation join me in prayer join 668 00:29:21,819 --> 00:29:26,019 other people in prayer and praying for 669 00:29:23,740 --> 00:29:28,809 the leaders pray for revival in that 670 00:29:26,019 --> 00:29:32,349 nation God listens to the prayers of his 671 00:29:28,809 --> 00:29:36,429 people home by yourself no whose you are 672 00:29:32,349 --> 00:29:39,609 and then pray to Him seek his face get 673 00:29:36,430 --> 00:29:42,519 to know him and and ask for his will to 674 00:29:39,609 --> 00:29:43,869 be done and expect to answer and God 675 00:29:42,519 --> 00:29:46,180 will do great things 676 00:29:43,869 --> 00:29:47,859 join me in prayer Bobby thank you for 677 00:29:46,180 --> 00:29:50,890 your grace in your love we acknowledge 678 00:29:47,859 --> 00:29:53,289 our weakness we thank you Lord for your 679 00:29:50,890 --> 00:29:55,210 strength we do pray for the nations of 680 00:29:53,289 --> 00:29:58,480 the world we pray for the leaders of 681 00:29:55,210 --> 00:30:01,090 these nations I pray for Angela miracle 682 00:29:58,480 --> 00:30:04,539 here and in Germany and for all her 683 00:30:01,089 --> 00:30:06,759 advisers we do pray for safety for 684 00:30:04,539 --> 00:30:08,649 wisdom for your leadership 685 00:30:06,759 --> 00:30:11,500 Lord I pray for a Donald Trump in 686 00:30:08,650 --> 00:30:13,810 America pray for for our safety and for 687 00:30:11,500 --> 00:30:16,660 wisdom lord I pray that you would bring 688 00:30:13,809 --> 00:30:21,609 unity in our nation and you would lead 689 00:30:16,660 --> 00:30:23,320 our leaders with wise counsel and Lord I 690 00:30:21,609 --> 00:30:26,799 pray for the upcoming election that sure 691 00:30:23,319 --> 00:30:29,079 will be done and that we would have that 692 00:30:26,799 --> 00:30:32,230 we would have a nation that is seeking 693 00:30:29,079 --> 00:30:33,619 to to go the right way the Lord we put 694 00:30:32,230 --> 00:30:35,839 all these things in your hands 695 00:30:33,619 --> 00:30:37,969 and I pray that you'd bless us but if 696 00:30:35,839 --> 00:30:39,859 this whole world up especially those of 697 00:30:37,970 --> 00:30:41,690 coronavirus but if this old warm up and 698 00:30:39,859 --> 00:30:44,119 put it in your hands thank you for your 699 00:30:41,690 --> 00:30:49,180 love in your grace it is in your name we 700 00:30:44,119 --> 00:30:49,179 pray amen thank you may God bless you