1 00:00:00,410 --> 00:00:08,669 [Music] 2 00:00:09,410 --> 00:00:14,070 well good morning again this is Pastor 3 00:00:11,968 --> 00:00:16,500 David Packer from International Baptist 4 00:00:14,070 --> 00:00:18,629 Church in Stuttgart Germany we hope 5 00:00:16,500 --> 00:00:20,759 you're staying safe but the coronavirus 6 00:00:18,629 --> 00:00:23,339 and we hope that your family is being 7 00:00:20,759 --> 00:00:25,559 blessed these are challenging days you 8 00:00:23,339 --> 00:00:27,660 do pray for leaders of nations as well 9 00:00:25,559 --> 00:00:29,250 as doctors and nurses and all those 10 00:00:27,660 --> 00:00:32,058 involved in the treatment we pray for 11 00:00:29,250 --> 00:00:34,738 new treatments we pray also for healing 12 00:00:32,058 --> 00:00:37,439 of those who are sick and we pray for 13 00:00:34,738 --> 00:00:39,750 protection those who are not we pray for 14 00:00:37,439 --> 00:00:42,378 those doing research into vaccines that 15 00:00:39,750 --> 00:00:45,869 of Aksum vaccine would be discovered 16 00:00:42,378 --> 00:00:47,759 very soon and I'll be invented or put 17 00:00:45,869 --> 00:00:50,459 together very soon so we can enjoy more 18 00:00:47,759 --> 00:00:53,099 protection but it's important these days 19 00:00:50,460 --> 00:00:54,929 to realize that God is still God he's 20 00:00:53,100 --> 00:00:56,850 still in control and you're still at 21 00:00:54,929 --> 00:00:58,649 work in our lives in fact one of the 22 00:00:56,850 --> 00:01:00,989 things that I'm praying for during this 23 00:00:58,649 --> 00:01:03,569 time for myself personally and for our 24 00:01:00,988 --> 00:01:05,939 church and for you as well is that we 25 00:01:03,569 --> 00:01:09,750 can simplify our faith during these days 26 00:01:05,939 --> 00:01:12,209 it is so easy for us to be overwhelmed 27 00:01:09,750 --> 00:01:15,030 with the details and the programs of the 28 00:01:12,209 --> 00:01:17,688 church that we lose sight of God in fact 29 00:01:15,030 --> 00:01:21,000 our text this morning is exactly about a 30 00:01:17,688 --> 00:01:23,519 situation that is like that when I first 31 00:01:21,000 --> 00:01:26,759 started seminary a book that chemists a 32 00:01:23,519 --> 00:01:28,530 few years before that was making the the 33 00:01:26,759 --> 00:01:30,000 rounds and was making difference 34 00:01:28,530 --> 00:01:35,700 people's lives so it's written by a 35 00:01:30,000 --> 00:01:37,890 former oil executive oil business Keith 36 00:01:35,700 --> 00:01:41,100 Miller and the title of it was the taste 37 00:01:37,890 --> 00:01:42,930 of new wine and and it was a great story 38 00:01:41,099 --> 00:01:45,809 of just what happened in his life and 39 00:01:42,930 --> 00:01:47,880 how God was renewing his faith and it 40 00:01:45,810 --> 00:01:50,189 touched my life the lives of many people 41 00:01:47,879 --> 00:01:52,319 but this is the type of book that every 42 00:01:50,188 --> 00:01:54,449 generation needs to write every 43 00:01:52,319 --> 00:01:57,298 generation needs someone to step up and 44 00:01:54,450 --> 00:02:00,109 say God is changing my heart in my life 45 00:01:57,299 --> 00:02:03,270 here's the opening lines of that book 46 00:02:00,108 --> 00:02:06,030 about five years ago as he writes about 47 00:02:03,269 --> 00:02:08,519 five years ago I stumbled onto a new 48 00:02:06,030 --> 00:02:11,400 style of life which is flooding into the 49 00:02:08,520 --> 00:02:13,650 mainstream of the church today this new 50 00:02:11,400 --> 00:02:15,539 life can be seen in the experience that 51 00:02:13,650 --> 00:02:17,489 witness of thousands of business and 52 00:02:15,539 --> 00:02:18,659 professional men and women and Christian 53 00:02:17,489 --> 00:02:21,210 ministers and there 54 00:02:18,659 --> 00:02:23,129 families today these people clergy and 55 00:02:21,210 --> 00:02:26,370 laymen have in many different ways 56 00:02:23,129 --> 00:02:28,439 realized some striking facts for years 57 00:02:26,370 --> 00:02:30,629 the New Testaments call for total 58 00:02:28,439 --> 00:02:33,780 commitment of the hold man with this 59 00:02:30,629 --> 00:02:36,780 location family and applications had 60 00:02:33,780 --> 00:02:39,949 been seemingly lost drowned the midst of 61 00:02:36,780 --> 00:02:42,629 the noises of building a better Church 62 00:02:39,949 --> 00:02:44,909 thousands of yards of concrete report 63 00:02:42,629 --> 00:02:47,460 into hundreds of new sanctuaries parish 64 00:02:44,909 --> 00:02:49,919 halt and parking lots millions and new 65 00:02:47,460 --> 00:02:52,230 people were recruited to membership and 66 00:02:49,919 --> 00:02:54,479 church activity yet somehow and the 67 00:02:52,229 --> 00:02:57,599 process something of the wholeness of 68 00:02:54,479 --> 00:02:59,369 Christ slipped through our fingers well 69 00:02:57,599 --> 00:03:01,469 he goes on to talk about the renewal the 70 00:02:59,370 --> 00:03:03,000 Christ brought in his life but this is 71 00:03:01,469 --> 00:03:05,430 what's going on in many of our churches 72 00:03:03,000 --> 00:03:07,139 today we are so caught up with the 73 00:03:05,430 --> 00:03:09,510 programs that something about the 74 00:03:07,139 --> 00:03:11,489 wholeness of Christ is often slipped 75 00:03:09,509 --> 00:03:13,799 through our fingers where our text is 76 00:03:11,490 --> 00:03:16,500 about the time when Jesus visited these 77 00:03:13,800 --> 00:03:20,490 two sisters Mary and Martha and it said 78 00:03:16,500 --> 00:03:22,409 in Luke chapter 10 verses 38 through 42 79 00:03:20,490 --> 00:03:25,439 so I'll start reading the first part of 80 00:03:22,409 --> 00:03:27,959 it as Jesus and His disciples were on 81 00:03:25,439 --> 00:03:30,780 their way he came to a village where a 82 00:03:27,959 --> 00:03:33,300 woman named Martha opened her home to 83 00:03:30,780 --> 00:03:35,759 him she had a sister called Mary who 84 00:03:33,300 --> 00:03:37,920 sent at the Lord's feet listening to 85 00:03:35,759 --> 00:03:40,949 what he said but Martha was distracted 86 00:03:37,919 --> 00:03:44,069 by all the preparations that had to be 87 00:03:40,949 --> 00:03:46,319 made she came to him and asked Lord 88 00:03:44,069 --> 00:03:49,979 don't you care that my sister has left 89 00:03:46,319 --> 00:03:52,259 me to do the work by myself tell her to 90 00:03:49,979 --> 00:03:53,879 help me well this is the opening part of 91 00:03:52,259 --> 00:03:56,609 the story and it tells us a lot about 92 00:03:53,879 --> 00:03:58,530 the family dynamics we know later on 93 00:03:56,610 --> 00:04:00,930 that they had a brother named Lazarus 94 00:03:58,530 --> 00:04:03,840 and these three siblings Lazarus and 95 00:04:00,930 --> 00:04:05,610 then Martha and Mary lived together at 96 00:04:03,840 --> 00:04:08,430 least within close proximity of one 97 00:04:05,610 --> 00:04:11,489 another and Bethany Bethany literally 98 00:04:08,430 --> 00:04:13,349 the town or the house of the poor was 99 00:04:11,489 --> 00:04:15,989 just on the other side of the Mount of 100 00:04:13,349 --> 00:04:18,870 Olives from Jerusalem and Jesus stayed 101 00:04:15,989 --> 00:04:20,910 with them quite often well we know that 102 00:04:18,870 --> 00:04:23,879 from the from the story from this 103 00:04:20,910 --> 00:04:26,310 passage in others that Martha was the 104 00:04:23,879 --> 00:04:28,529 one who first introduced her family to 105 00:04:26,310 --> 00:04:31,110 Jesus and she's the one who opened her 106 00:04:28,529 --> 00:04:32,138 home to Jesus and she was the one they 107 00:04:31,110 --> 00:04:34,598 brought her brother 108 00:04:32,139 --> 00:04:36,759 sister to faith in Christ she called him 109 00:04:34,598 --> 00:04:39,728 Lord in this story so she was a believer 110 00:04:36,759 --> 00:04:42,129 already before this occasion we see 111 00:04:39,728 --> 00:04:44,288 Martha as the responsible one we don't 112 00:04:42,129 --> 00:04:46,180 know their age or don't know who was the 113 00:04:44,288 --> 00:04:48,908 first but she comes across as the 114 00:04:46,180 --> 00:04:51,310 firstborn of the family the one who is 115 00:04:48,908 --> 00:04:54,639 always getting organized and leading 116 00:04:51,310 --> 00:04:56,918 from the front and she also was someone 117 00:04:54,639 --> 00:04:59,528 who was very involved in helping any way 118 00:04:56,918 --> 00:05:02,918 she could she had a practical level 119 00:04:59,528 --> 00:05:05,319 headed faith but yet she represents so 120 00:05:02,918 --> 00:05:08,438 many people that have this other problem 121 00:05:05,319 --> 00:05:11,199 of being so busy in the work of the Lord 122 00:05:08,439 --> 00:05:14,528 that they neglect the Lord of the work 123 00:05:11,199 --> 00:05:17,020 and she in this way represents so many 124 00:05:14,528 --> 00:05:20,800 of us I assure you I've been in ministry 125 00:05:17,019 --> 00:05:23,799 my whole adult life and churches are 126 00:05:20,800 --> 00:05:26,288 filled with Martha's we celebrate them 127 00:05:23,800 --> 00:05:29,889 we appreciate them they do so many 128 00:05:26,288 --> 00:05:32,408 things but yet they just like sheep they 129 00:05:29,889 --> 00:05:34,960 can be so caught up in the busyness of 130 00:05:32,408 --> 00:05:37,180 being involved in doing things being 131 00:05:34,959 --> 00:05:39,818 responsible that they lose perspective 132 00:05:37,180 --> 00:05:42,009 and that really is description of pride 133 00:05:39,819 --> 00:05:44,528 we think well we don't need what we're 134 00:05:42,009 --> 00:05:47,879 offering other people and we just need 135 00:05:44,528 --> 00:05:50,769 to keep on offering him well Mary is the 136 00:05:47,879 --> 00:05:52,569 younger sister Mary was more emotional 137 00:05:50,769 --> 00:05:55,299 we know that from the 11th chapter of 138 00:05:52,569 --> 00:05:58,330 John when her brother Lazarus died we 139 00:05:55,300 --> 00:06:01,060 know she was more touchy-feely but here 140 00:05:58,329 --> 00:06:03,818 she was sitting at the feet of Jesus and 141 00:06:01,060 --> 00:06:06,189 listening to what he was talking to 142 00:06:03,819 --> 00:06:09,310 relative but from the story we get an 143 00:06:06,189 --> 00:06:11,800 idea of what we need in our lives we 144 00:06:09,310 --> 00:06:14,288 also get an idea how easy it is to be 145 00:06:11,800 --> 00:06:17,740 distracted so the first thing we need to 146 00:06:14,288 --> 00:06:19,838 do to crow draw near to Christ is to 147 00:06:17,740 --> 00:06:22,740 recognize those things that pull us away 148 00:06:19,838 --> 00:06:25,538 it says that that Martha was distracted 149 00:06:22,740 --> 00:06:27,338 by all the preparations new he's smooth 150 00:06:25,538 --> 00:06:29,288 that meant food and trying to get all 151 00:06:27,338 --> 00:06:31,689 the food ready in the kitchen working 152 00:06:29,288 --> 00:06:35,050 and and marriages set they're listening 153 00:06:31,689 --> 00:06:37,659 to Jesus but this is a picture of what 154 00:06:35,050 --> 00:06:40,288 happens in our life that we can be so 155 00:06:37,658 --> 00:06:42,819 distracted by doing so many good things 156 00:06:40,288 --> 00:06:45,098 now but it comes down to our real 157 00:06:42,819 --> 00:06:46,030 enemies the Bible tells us in Ephesians 158 00:06:45,098 --> 00:06:49,029 chapter 159 00:06:46,029 --> 00:06:52,319 to its crisis very plainly that the real 160 00:06:49,029 --> 00:06:54,939 enemies we face are the sin the flesh 161 00:06:52,319 --> 00:06:57,189 and the devil the world the flesh and 162 00:06:54,939 --> 00:06:59,680 the devil excuse me it says this in 163 00:06:57,189 --> 00:07:02,709 chapter 2 of Ephesians that verses 1 164 00:06:59,680 --> 00:07:05,410 through 3 it says as for you you were 165 00:07:02,709 --> 00:07:08,109 dead in your transgressions and sins in 166 00:07:05,410 --> 00:07:10,180 which you used to live that describes 167 00:07:08,110 --> 00:07:12,610 the sin nature we all have and that's 168 00:07:10,180 --> 00:07:15,310 the real problem in our lives we each 169 00:07:12,610 --> 00:07:17,500 have this sinful nature that follows the 170 00:07:15,310 --> 00:07:19,629 wrong way that that thinks the wrong 171 00:07:17,500 --> 00:07:22,720 things and has the wrong set of values 172 00:07:19,629 --> 00:07:25,120 thank God for him to be come to Christ 173 00:07:22,720 --> 00:07:27,120 he gives us a new nature created like 174 00:07:25,120 --> 00:07:30,459 God in true righteousness and holiness 175 00:07:27,120 --> 00:07:34,120 but when we're born into this world we 176 00:07:30,459 --> 00:07:35,649 have this old sinful nature that follows 177 00:07:34,120 --> 00:07:38,470 the wrong things and goes the wrong way 178 00:07:35,649 --> 00:07:41,439 but we also have the world to consider 179 00:07:38,470 --> 00:07:43,900 as well he says this says when you 180 00:07:41,439 --> 00:07:46,149 follow the ways of this world and the 181 00:07:43,899 --> 00:07:48,399 ruler of the kingdom of the air well the 182 00:07:46,149 --> 00:07:50,739 world is a fallen world it was made by 183 00:07:48,399 --> 00:07:52,659 God but because sin has injured the 184 00:07:50,740 --> 00:07:55,629 world the world and his values are 185 00:07:52,660 --> 00:07:57,550 fallen and it says and first John says 186 00:07:55,629 --> 00:07:59,560 that the world and his values are 187 00:07:57,550 --> 00:08:02,699 passing away and that we cannot be 188 00:07:59,560 --> 00:08:05,199 friends with the world and follow Christ 189 00:08:02,699 --> 00:08:07,300 so we may love the world and want to 190 00:08:05,199 --> 00:08:09,909 redeem it but we cannot follow its ways 191 00:08:07,300 --> 00:08:12,730 that also minces in this passage this 192 00:08:09,910 --> 00:08:14,470 person I just read about the ruler of 193 00:08:12,730 --> 00:08:16,390 the kingdom of the air the spirit who 194 00:08:14,470 --> 00:08:17,860 has not work and those who are 195 00:08:16,389 --> 00:08:21,370 disobedient of course that's speaking 196 00:08:17,860 --> 00:08:23,620 about the devil that he is a very 197 00:08:21,370 --> 00:08:26,139 powerful spirit being and he has a 198 00:08:23,620 --> 00:08:29,620 worldwide system to influence us to 199 00:08:26,139 --> 00:08:34,029 tempt us to distract us to deceive us so 200 00:08:29,620 --> 00:08:35,980 sin that is within us in the world and 201 00:08:34,029 --> 00:08:38,230 the devil these are our three enemies 202 00:08:35,980 --> 00:08:41,039 that we face every day but yet these 203 00:08:38,230 --> 00:08:44,379 enemies are also very very subtle and 204 00:08:41,039 --> 00:08:47,349 even our own sinful nature can be very 205 00:08:44,379 --> 00:08:52,149 very subtle so sometimes we make the 206 00:08:47,350 --> 00:08:55,029 enemy of the best not evil but the good 207 00:08:52,149 --> 00:08:57,789 we can get involved with good activities 208 00:08:55,029 --> 00:08:59,689 even to the point where we neglect the 209 00:08:57,789 --> 00:09:04,279 best activities are the best 210 00:08:59,690 --> 00:09:06,800 values OC Martha was exactly caught in 211 00:09:04,279 --> 00:09:09,139 that type of dilemma she was busy doing 212 00:09:06,799 --> 00:09:11,779 all these things and thought of she 213 00:09:09,139 --> 00:09:14,569 would just do these things that Christ 214 00:09:11,779 --> 00:09:17,209 would accept her and that she would look 215 00:09:14,570 --> 00:09:19,700 better but Christ doesn't need us to do 216 00:09:17,210 --> 00:09:22,160 anything for him before he loves us 217 00:09:19,700 --> 00:09:24,680 before he would save us he needs to us 218 00:09:22,159 --> 00:09:27,169 to simply recognize who he is and 219 00:09:24,679 --> 00:09:30,169 recognize our need of him 220 00:09:27,169 --> 00:09:32,419 it's like Martha was saying Jesus look 221 00:09:30,169 --> 00:09:36,019 at all I'm doing for you but what she 222 00:09:32,419 --> 00:09:38,509 needed to do is my soul look at Jesus at 223 00:09:36,019 --> 00:09:40,279 all he has done for you and that's what 224 00:09:38,509 --> 00:09:43,069 we all need we need to stop and let 225 00:09:40,279 --> 00:09:45,500 Jesus speak to us not assume that we can 226 00:09:43,070 --> 00:09:48,020 get all these things done by ourselves 227 00:09:45,500 --> 00:09:50,149 or without him in fact we see there's 228 00:09:48,019 --> 00:09:53,029 also a temptation that sometimes people 229 00:09:50,149 --> 00:09:55,490 just enjoy being in charge they like 230 00:09:53,029 --> 00:09:57,679 telling others what to do and that's 231 00:09:55,490 --> 00:09:59,080 another trap we think we're important 232 00:09:57,679 --> 00:10:02,299 because we have all these 233 00:09:59,080 --> 00:10:04,580 responsibilities and you notice how easy 234 00:10:02,299 --> 00:10:07,549 it was for Martha to lapse into a bit of 235 00:10:04,580 --> 00:10:09,680 a passive aggressive stance also Jesus 236 00:10:07,549 --> 00:10:11,870 don't you care don't you care 237 00:10:09,679 --> 00:10:14,329 all these things that I've been left 238 00:10:11,870 --> 00:10:17,840 with and often we see that in our prayer 239 00:10:14,330 --> 00:10:20,090 we call out to God oh god I'm so weighed 240 00:10:17,840 --> 00:10:22,370 down by these things I'm so busy or you 241 00:10:20,090 --> 00:10:24,830 talk to people and they say oh I'm so 242 00:10:22,370 --> 00:10:26,779 busy I have this and I have that and 243 00:10:24,830 --> 00:10:28,759 there are times we can feel overwhelmed 244 00:10:26,779 --> 00:10:30,500 there are times we just need people to 245 00:10:28,759 --> 00:10:33,080 listen to all the things we have going 246 00:10:30,500 --> 00:10:35,600 on but this is always going on in our 247 00:10:33,080 --> 00:10:37,670 life we need to recognize that something 248 00:10:35,600 --> 00:10:39,139 is not the right perspective we need to 249 00:10:37,669 --> 00:10:42,799 stop and say wait a minute 250 00:10:39,139 --> 00:10:45,679 what am i doing am i serving God to make 251 00:10:42,799 --> 00:10:47,209 everybody else as miserable as I am if 252 00:10:45,679 --> 00:10:50,569 that's what our thought is we have it 253 00:10:47,210 --> 00:10:54,740 all figured wrong ly well the second 254 00:10:50,570 --> 00:10:57,530 thing is to recognize what we need to do 255 00:10:54,740 --> 00:10:59,779 to fix it to stop and recognize what we 256 00:10:57,529 --> 00:11:02,389 need to do what we need to change put 257 00:10:59,779 --> 00:11:05,539 ourselves in a position where we can 258 00:11:02,389 --> 00:11:09,889 change what's wrong with our lives in 259 00:11:05,539 --> 00:11:11,299 verse 41 this is what Jesus said Martha 260 00:11:09,889 --> 00:11:13,578 Martha 261 00:11:11,299 --> 00:11:17,628 the Lord answer you are worried and 262 00:11:13,578 --> 00:11:19,938 upset by many things that's just a 263 00:11:17,629 --> 00:11:22,249 description to her about all this going 264 00:11:19,938 --> 00:11:25,759 on in her life notice the first thing he 265 00:11:22,249 --> 00:11:28,129 does is calls her by name he lets her 266 00:11:25,759 --> 00:11:29,959 know she's not a beast of burden in 267 00:11:28,129 --> 00:11:32,749 today's language we'd say she's not a 268 00:11:29,958 --> 00:11:35,989 machine she's a person so he calls her 269 00:11:32,749 --> 00:11:38,089 Martha Martha and we call people by 270 00:11:35,990 --> 00:11:41,089 their name they feel important they feel 271 00:11:38,089 --> 00:11:43,819 that oh he knows who I am and Jesus most 272 00:11:41,089 --> 00:11:46,459 exactly doing this I know who you are I 273 00:11:43,818 --> 00:11:48,259 know all the needs of your life and by 274 00:11:46,458 --> 00:11:49,729 repeating her name twice it had a 275 00:11:48,259 --> 00:11:51,769 tenderness to it in the original 276 00:11:49,730 --> 00:11:53,959 language where Sheila said where you 277 00:11:51,769 --> 00:11:56,509 were saying Martha I care about you I 278 00:11:53,958 --> 00:11:58,549 know who you are I know what's going on 279 00:11:56,509 --> 00:12:01,220 in your heart and then he mentions three 280 00:11:58,549 --> 00:12:05,349 things about her life he says you are 281 00:12:01,220 --> 00:12:07,389 worried you're upset about many things 282 00:12:05,350 --> 00:12:10,879 first of all that word that's translated 283 00:12:07,389 --> 00:12:11,870 worried it means to be caught up in so 284 00:12:10,879 --> 00:12:13,909 many details 285 00:12:11,870 --> 00:12:16,009 murim Niles that word in the Greek 286 00:12:13,909 --> 00:12:18,620 language is a common word translated 287 00:12:16,009 --> 00:12:20,389 worry means all these things going on in 288 00:12:18,620 --> 00:12:23,899 my mind I think about them all the time 289 00:12:20,389 --> 00:12:26,120 and then the other one that says you are 290 00:12:23,899 --> 00:12:28,458 upset that were disturb us so where we 291 00:12:26,120 --> 00:12:30,769 get our word turbulent from it's the 292 00:12:28,458 --> 00:12:32,539 idea that all these details are popping 293 00:12:30,769 --> 00:12:35,568 up that they're all issues that demand 294 00:12:32,539 --> 00:12:36,318 attention and they all say look at me 295 00:12:35,568 --> 00:12:39,019 look at me 296 00:12:36,318 --> 00:12:41,419 take care of me fix me and and this is 297 00:12:39,019 --> 00:12:44,299 going not just all these details but so 298 00:12:41,419 --> 00:12:47,240 demanding the turbulent state of mind 299 00:12:44,299 --> 00:12:49,490 and of thought then the final word just 300 00:12:47,240 --> 00:12:52,009 poulos it means many things it means 301 00:12:49,490 --> 00:12:54,678 there's no rhyme or reason they all seem 302 00:12:52,009 --> 00:12:56,870 to be equally important and try to put 303 00:12:54,678 --> 00:12:59,328 your mind around these things how can I 304 00:12:56,870 --> 00:13:01,399 handle these responsibilities all of 305 00:12:59,328 --> 00:13:03,138 them are demanding there's so many of 306 00:13:01,399 --> 00:13:05,899 them what can I do 307 00:13:03,139 --> 00:13:08,110 you may feel exactly like that in your 308 00:13:05,899 --> 00:13:10,249 life today maybe you have so many 309 00:13:08,110 --> 00:13:12,139 responsibilities they all seem to be 310 00:13:10,249 --> 00:13:14,600 demanding and you're trying to draw 311 00:13:12,139 --> 00:13:16,129 surfing around them but you can't do it 312 00:13:14,600 --> 00:13:18,439 you're the reason you can't do this this 313 00:13:16,129 --> 00:13:20,569 you cannot draw a circle without a 314 00:13:18,438 --> 00:13:22,938 center once you determine what the 315 00:13:20,568 --> 00:13:24,439 center is then you can draw the circle 316 00:13:22,938 --> 00:13:27,079 but until you know what the center 317 00:13:24,440 --> 00:13:29,080 is you can't huh draw a circle and the 318 00:13:27,080 --> 00:13:32,450 center of our lives need to be Christ 319 00:13:29,080 --> 00:13:34,280 until then there will all be a thousand 320 00:13:32,450 --> 00:13:36,770 different voices a thousand different 321 00:13:34,279 --> 00:13:39,399 bosses a thousand different people try 322 00:13:36,769 --> 00:13:41,840 or things trying to get our attention 323 00:13:39,399 --> 00:13:45,199 but if you want to have the peace of God 324 00:13:41,840 --> 00:13:47,930 we need to put Christ first let him be 325 00:13:45,200 --> 00:13:50,660 the center and then we get it all in 326 00:13:47,929 --> 00:13:54,679 perspective and we'll stop blaming other 327 00:13:50,659 --> 00:13:57,110 people Martha was blaming Mary for the 328 00:13:54,679 --> 00:13:59,949 problems she had and you want to say to 329 00:13:57,110 --> 00:14:02,450 Martha Martha Mary's not your problem 330 00:13:59,950 --> 00:14:04,250 Mary's not the reason you're overwhelmed 331 00:14:02,450 --> 00:14:06,650 you're overwhelmed because that's how 332 00:14:04,250 --> 00:14:10,309 you're choosing to live and she need to 333 00:14:06,649 --> 00:14:13,129 take responsibility to say yes I need to 334 00:14:10,309 --> 00:14:15,139 change my perspective I need to change 335 00:14:13,129 --> 00:14:17,659 the way I'm thinking I need to change 336 00:14:15,139 --> 00:14:19,309 the way I am living and you need to 337 00:14:17,659 --> 00:14:22,399 change the way you're living if you feel 338 00:14:19,309 --> 00:14:24,739 overwhelmed stop just a minute and think 339 00:14:22,399 --> 00:14:28,009 through everything that's going on and 340 00:14:24,740 --> 00:14:30,620 put Christ in the center put yourself in 341 00:14:28,009 --> 00:14:32,539 position to listen to him and then 342 00:14:30,620 --> 00:14:35,269 you'll be amazed at how life will make 343 00:14:32,539 --> 00:14:37,339 sense one of the people I've been 344 00:14:35,269 --> 00:14:40,069 interested in in history as a man by the 345 00:14:37,340 --> 00:14:43,190 name of Frank Buckman Frank Buckman I 346 00:14:40,070 --> 00:14:45,379 had a lot of work after the Second World 347 00:14:43,190 --> 00:14:47,720 War here in Europe he's an American 348 00:14:45,379 --> 00:14:51,439 originally from Pennsylvania Dutch as we 349 00:14:47,720 --> 00:14:53,690 say and he grew up speaking German as 350 00:14:51,440 --> 00:14:55,730 well as English but when he got out of 351 00:14:53,690 --> 00:15:00,800 seminary as a young man he began a 352 00:14:55,730 --> 00:15:03,200 ministry among the poor and had a board 353 00:15:00,799 --> 00:15:06,349 of six men overseeing that ministry and 354 00:15:03,200 --> 00:15:10,100 they disappointed him and he got cross 355 00:15:06,350 --> 00:15:13,310 with them and was upset and resigned and 356 00:15:10,100 --> 00:15:15,500 he talked to a friend and he would see 357 00:15:13,309 --> 00:15:17,239 his doctor and his doctor said you're 358 00:15:15,500 --> 00:15:19,820 about to have a nervous breakdown young 359 00:15:17,240 --> 00:15:22,970 man you need to get away for a while and 360 00:15:19,820 --> 00:15:24,650 relax so he went to a Christian 361 00:15:22,970 --> 00:15:26,960 conference and then that Christian 362 00:15:24,649 --> 00:15:30,889 conference he listened to a lady by the 363 00:15:26,960 --> 00:15:33,320 name of Jesse Penn Lewis speak and as 364 00:15:30,889 --> 00:15:35,990 she spoke God spoke to his heart about 365 00:15:33,320 --> 00:15:38,089 the priorities of his life about it 366 00:15:35,990 --> 00:15:40,310 sins about the things were wrong in his 367 00:15:38,089 --> 00:15:43,130 heart and he had been very much like 368 00:15:40,309 --> 00:15:46,369 Martha blaming others for what he had 369 00:15:43,129 --> 00:15:48,528 done himself and here is how you 370 00:15:46,370 --> 00:15:51,409 described how that meeting changed in 371 00:15:48,528 --> 00:15:53,629 his own words he said at that meeting he 372 00:15:51,409 --> 00:15:56,208 said I thought of those six men back in 373 00:15:53,629 --> 00:15:59,330 Philadelphia who had who I felt had 374 00:15:56,208 --> 00:16:01,609 wronged me they probably had but I'd 375 00:15:59,330 --> 00:16:04,459 gotten so mixed up in the wrong that I 376 00:16:01,610 --> 00:16:06,950 was the seventh wrong man I began to see 377 00:16:04,458 --> 00:16:08,809 myself as God saw me which was a very 378 00:16:06,950 --> 00:16:11,089 different picture than the one I had of 379 00:16:08,809 --> 00:16:13,189 myself I don't know how you explained it 380 00:16:11,089 --> 00:16:16,010 I can only tell you I set there and 381 00:16:13,190 --> 00:16:19,370 realized how my sin my pride my 382 00:16:16,009 --> 00:16:22,189 selfishness my ill-will had eclipsed me 383 00:16:19,370 --> 00:16:25,730 from God in Christ I was the center of 384 00:16:22,190 --> 00:16:28,640 my own life the big I had to be crossed 385 00:16:25,730 --> 00:16:31,278 out we can I put across that's what you 386 00:16:28,639 --> 00:16:32,838 have it across I saw my resentments 387 00:16:31,278 --> 00:16:35,689 against those men standing out like 388 00:16:32,839 --> 00:16:37,700 tombstones in my heart I asked God to 389 00:16:35,690 --> 00:16:39,920 change me and he told me to put things 390 00:16:37,700 --> 00:16:42,110 right with them he produced to me a 391 00:16:39,919 --> 00:16:44,479 vibrant feeling as though a strong 392 00:16:42,110 --> 00:16:47,539 current of life had suddenly been poured 393 00:16:44,480 --> 00:16:50,720 into me and afterwards add a sense of a 394 00:16:47,539 --> 00:16:53,000 great spiritual shaking up this is uh 395 00:16:50,720 --> 00:16:55,480 this is what happens to many people many 396 00:16:53,000 --> 00:16:58,549 have a similar testimony that when they 397 00:16:55,480 --> 00:17:01,579 saw themselves as they really were when 398 00:16:58,549 --> 00:17:04,759 God pulled back the deceptions the self 399 00:17:01,578 --> 00:17:06,349 - such the satanic perceptions that they 400 00:17:04,759 --> 00:17:09,558 had themselves and they saw themselves 401 00:17:06,349 --> 00:17:12,259 as they really were then they saw their 402 00:17:09,558 --> 00:17:14,269 need of Christ and they turned him so 403 00:17:12,259 --> 00:17:16,670 first of all recognize the things that 404 00:17:14,269 --> 00:17:18,019 pull you away let me ask you what are 405 00:17:16,670 --> 00:17:20,779 helpless things have pulled you away 406 00:17:18,019 --> 00:17:23,328 from Christ secondly determined to make 407 00:17:20,779 --> 00:17:24,920 it right listen to Christ stop what 408 00:17:23,328 --> 00:17:26,299 you're doing and say I want to make it 409 00:17:24,920 --> 00:17:28,640 right I want to turn away from that 410 00:17:26,299 --> 00:17:31,700 which is false and turn to Christ who is 411 00:17:28,640 --> 00:17:34,940 true and the third step is simply to go 412 00:17:31,700 --> 00:17:37,400 forward with Christ that the story ends 413 00:17:34,940 --> 00:17:39,549 this way as Jesus was speaking to her he 414 00:17:37,400 --> 00:17:44,000 says you're upset about many things 415 00:17:39,549 --> 00:17:46,549 verse 42 but only one thing is needed 416 00:17:44,000 --> 00:17:48,950 mary has chosen 417 00:17:46,549 --> 00:17:52,549 good portion and it will not be taken 418 00:17:48,950 --> 00:17:54,380 from her only one thing is needed he's 419 00:17:52,549 --> 00:17:56,119 speaking about putting God first as 420 00:17:54,380 --> 00:17:57,800 Jesus said the Sermon on Mount seek 421 00:17:56,119 --> 00:18:00,079 first the kingdom of God and His 422 00:17:57,799 --> 00:18:02,299 righteousness and all these things will 423 00:18:00,079 --> 00:18:04,579 be added to you as well let him be the 424 00:18:02,299 --> 00:18:07,430 center and everything else but fall into 425 00:18:04,579 --> 00:18:11,210 place no he has this very interesting 426 00:18:07,430 --> 00:18:13,009 phrase he said the good portion mary has 427 00:18:11,210 --> 00:18:16,309 chosen the good portion that word 428 00:18:13,009 --> 00:18:18,289 portion has a cultural context to it it 429 00:18:16,309 --> 00:18:20,149 has the idea of there being a great 430 00:18:18,289 --> 00:18:22,490 feast and there are different portions 431 00:18:20,150 --> 00:18:24,440 of food all these foods that you would 432 00:18:22,490 --> 00:18:26,870 not ordinarily eat were laid out of the 433 00:18:24,440 --> 00:18:28,640 feast and it's like a child coming to 434 00:18:26,869 --> 00:18:30,739 look at this piece and say oh look at 435 00:18:28,640 --> 00:18:32,660 all these things that are there to eat 436 00:18:30,740 --> 00:18:35,269 and they begin choosing this food and 437 00:18:32,660 --> 00:18:37,880 that food and that food but they're not 438 00:18:35,269 --> 00:18:41,569 the right foods to choose and there they 439 00:18:37,880 --> 00:18:44,090 go away hungry unfed not remaking the 440 00:18:41,569 --> 00:18:45,710 wisest choices of life and that's the 441 00:18:44,089 --> 00:18:48,289 way Martha was doing 442 00:18:45,710 --> 00:18:51,200 Martha was living and we can live that 443 00:18:48,289 --> 00:18:54,019 same way being busy choosing all these 444 00:18:51,200 --> 00:18:56,299 things but not choosing the best thing 445 00:18:54,019 --> 00:18:59,509 not choosing the good portion but Mary 446 00:18:56,299 --> 00:19:01,399 said and listened to Jesus you know the 447 00:18:59,509 --> 00:19:03,950 biggest question the greatest question 448 00:19:01,400 --> 00:19:07,009 we can ever ask ourselves is do we love 449 00:19:03,950 --> 00:19:09,380 Jesus are we growing closer to him did 450 00:19:07,009 --> 00:19:12,349 we sit and listen to him do we listen to 451 00:19:09,380 --> 00:19:14,570 him call our names and relieve our 452 00:19:12,349 --> 00:19:17,869 burdens do we depend on him do we spend 453 00:19:14,569 --> 00:19:22,099 time reading his word in getting close 454 00:19:17,869 --> 00:19:25,309 to him it says and it that is the good 455 00:19:22,099 --> 00:19:28,219 portion will not be taken away from her 456 00:19:25,309 --> 00:19:29,509 and that that we have in Christ is ours 457 00:19:28,220 --> 00:19:32,420 for all eternity 458 00:19:29,509 --> 00:19:35,059 it will never be taken away it's always 459 00:19:32,420 --> 00:19:38,930 ours Matthew Henry is one of my favorite 460 00:19:35,059 --> 00:19:41,119 scholars and I like what what he said he 461 00:19:38,930 --> 00:19:44,660 wrote this about that about occasion he 462 00:19:41,119 --> 00:19:47,809 said these things of this life will be 463 00:19:44,660 --> 00:19:50,900 taken away from us at the very latest 464 00:19:47,809 --> 00:19:53,899 when we shall be taken away from them if 465 00:19:50,900 --> 00:19:57,350 not before of course but nothing shall 466 00:19:53,900 --> 00:19:59,110 separate from the love of Christ and a 467 00:19:57,349 --> 00:20:01,639 part is that 468 00:19:59,109 --> 00:20:05,240 men and doubles cannot take it away from 469 00:20:01,640 --> 00:20:07,970 us and God in Christ will not let us 470 00:20:05,240 --> 00:20:10,430 mind the one thing needful more 471 00:20:07,970 --> 00:20:12,769 diligently that's the one thing needful 472 00:20:10,430 --> 00:20:16,549 we need the life that is in Christ to go 473 00:20:12,769 --> 00:20:18,920 to him experiences love experiences his 474 00:20:16,549 --> 00:20:22,220 acceptance of us and let that be the 475 00:20:18,920 --> 00:20:24,710 center of our life server years ago when 476 00:20:22,220 --> 00:20:27,079 I was serving in a church in a large 477 00:20:24,710 --> 00:20:29,269 city it was overwhelmed I was 478 00:20:27,079 --> 00:20:31,099 overwhelmed with details and seemed like 479 00:20:29,269 --> 00:20:33,619 the whole week we've had one crisis 480 00:20:31,099 --> 00:20:36,109 after another and one day I went to 481 00:20:33,619 --> 00:20:38,559 visit someone in the hospital and after 482 00:20:36,109 --> 00:20:40,729 I was visiting that personal hospital I 483 00:20:38,559 --> 00:20:44,539 didn't go back to the office right away 484 00:20:40,730 --> 00:20:47,930 I decided to go to a park and spend a 485 00:20:44,539 --> 00:20:51,970 few hours there and I went by myself 486 00:20:47,930 --> 00:20:56,210 and I just took the scripture my mind 487 00:20:51,970 --> 00:21:00,110 psalm 23 verse 1 the Lord is my shepherd 488 00:20:56,210 --> 00:21:03,559 I shall be in one and for two hours I 489 00:21:00,109 --> 00:21:05,659 just meditated on that verse I thought 490 00:21:03,559 --> 00:21:07,730 about the meaning of it I grasp each 491 00:21:05,660 --> 00:21:09,590 word and took it into my heart and 492 00:21:07,730 --> 00:21:14,630 thought about what it meant that the 493 00:21:09,589 --> 00:21:15,319 Lord is my shepherd and those hours flew 494 00:21:14,630 --> 00:21:18,710 by 495 00:21:15,319 --> 00:21:21,109 I was refreshed I felt like I'd had the 496 00:21:18,710 --> 00:21:24,470 center reaffirmed my life in ministry 497 00:21:21,109 --> 00:21:26,809 and that was a vent that changed my 498 00:21:24,470 --> 00:21:28,910 heart changed my week changed my year 499 00:21:26,809 --> 00:21:32,149 and really it's still changing my life 500 00:21:28,910 --> 00:21:34,940 that I just stopped long enough to focus 501 00:21:32,150 --> 00:21:37,550 on Christ I can say that was years and 502 00:21:34,940 --> 00:21:41,019 years ago and to be totally honest I 503 00:21:37,549 --> 00:21:43,009 cannot remember a single one of those 504 00:21:41,019 --> 00:21:46,039 important issues that we were dealing 505 00:21:43,009 --> 00:21:49,359 with in the church that week forgotten 506 00:21:46,039 --> 00:21:51,829 them all but I do remember those hours I 507 00:21:49,359 --> 00:21:53,899 stayed there and listened to God's Word 508 00:21:51,829 --> 00:21:57,409 listen to his spirit speak to me and 509 00:21:53,900 --> 00:21:59,720 encouraged me and that's the experience 510 00:21:57,410 --> 00:22:02,320 we need and that will never be taken 511 00:21:59,720 --> 00:22:05,600 from us no matter what happens those 512 00:22:02,319 --> 00:22:08,029 experiences we have with Christ we take 513 00:22:05,599 --> 00:22:09,879 with us into eternity because he's still 514 00:22:08,029 --> 00:22:12,649 going to be Christ there as well 515 00:22:09,880 --> 00:22:15,320 so let this encourage you in your life 516 00:22:12,650 --> 00:22:18,610 we review recognize those things that 517 00:22:15,319 --> 00:22:21,279 pull you away recognize those things or 518 00:22:18,609 --> 00:22:24,289 demand this of you demand that you 519 00:22:21,279 --> 00:22:26,990 secondly determine to set it right focus 520 00:22:24,289 --> 00:22:29,629 on the center don't let all these things 521 00:22:26,990 --> 00:22:32,808 determine what your to do or who you are 522 00:22:29,630 --> 00:22:35,600 to be focused first of all in the center 523 00:22:32,808 --> 00:22:37,609 and then 30 go forward with cry spend 524 00:22:35,599 --> 00:22:40,369 time at this word spend time talking to 525 00:22:37,609 --> 00:22:45,439 him and let him be the center of your 526 00:22:40,369 --> 00:22:47,659 life now when Jesus was pointing a Peter 527 00:22:45,440 --> 00:22:49,910 the direction of his future ministry he 528 00:22:47,660 --> 00:22:52,759 asking this question Peter do you love 529 00:22:49,910 --> 00:22:54,140 me more than these that is his love 530 00:22:52,759 --> 00:22:57,079 greater than the love of the other 531 00:22:54,140 --> 00:22:58,790 disciples and Peter responded Lord you 532 00:22:57,079 --> 00:23:02,720 know I love you you know I'm your friend 533 00:22:58,789 --> 00:23:05,928 and then jesus said feed my sheep in 534 00:23:02,720 --> 00:23:08,480 saying that he was showing us the same 535 00:23:05,929 --> 00:23:12,200 message the importance of establishing 536 00:23:08,480 --> 00:23:14,599 him as first in our life we really can't 537 00:23:12,200 --> 00:23:17,960 do anything very well for Christ until 538 00:23:14,599 --> 00:23:20,740 we celebrate his love for us until we 539 00:23:17,960 --> 00:23:23,660 rest and accept that he cares for us and 540 00:23:20,740 --> 00:23:26,089 speak to him let him speak to our hearts 541 00:23:23,660 --> 00:23:27,860 let him strengthen our hearts and then 542 00:23:26,089 --> 00:23:30,379 we'll have strength to go forward and do 543 00:23:27,859 --> 00:23:32,479 what he calls us to do and we will not 544 00:23:30,380 --> 00:23:34,280 be burned-out will not exhaust others 545 00:23:32,480 --> 00:23:36,410 either we'll be serving the Lord as he 546 00:23:34,279 --> 00:23:37,819 intended so I pray this be an 547 00:23:36,410 --> 00:23:39,740 encouragement to you whatever you have 548 00:23:37,819 --> 00:23:42,279 going on right now into your life I pray 549 00:23:39,740 --> 00:23:44,630 during this time of lock down from the 550 00:23:42,279 --> 00:23:47,928 coronavirus that you could simplify your 551 00:23:44,630 --> 00:23:50,450 faith and not to be so busy with so many 552 00:23:47,929 --> 00:23:52,730 details that you forget what the center 553 00:23:50,450 --> 00:23:56,120 of your faith is and that is a growing 554 00:23:52,730 --> 00:23:58,279 relationship with Christ if you like to 555 00:23:56,119 --> 00:23:59,629 ask me questions or share with me some 556 00:23:58,279 --> 00:24:01,250 decisions you've made you're in this 557 00:23:59,630 --> 00:24:03,320 time or whether you've trusted Christ as 558 00:24:01,250 --> 00:24:06,259 your Savior rededicated your life to 559 00:24:03,319 --> 00:24:09,919 Christ you're welcome to email me at 560 00:24:06,259 --> 00:24:11,900 pastor at IBC Stuttgart da-te I'll be 561 00:24:09,920 --> 00:24:14,210 glad to respond and correspond with you 562 00:24:11,900 --> 00:24:16,160 I pray that God would bless you let me 563 00:24:14,210 --> 00:24:18,049 close this out in prayer father we thank 564 00:24:16,160 --> 00:24:20,509 you for your grace in your love Lord 565 00:24:18,049 --> 00:24:22,399 we're nothing without you we can do 566 00:24:20,509 --> 00:24:24,799 nothing ready at lasting 567 00:24:22,400 --> 00:24:26,870 Arnel value without you but we thank you 568 00:24:24,799 --> 00:24:30,740 Laura that you invite us to come to you 569 00:24:26,869 --> 00:24:32,869 to depend on you to receive your life to 570 00:24:30,740 --> 00:24:35,150 follow you as our Savior and our Lord 571 00:24:32,869 --> 00:24:37,639 and to experience a new type of life 572 00:24:35,150 --> 00:24:40,040 well let us learn not just to surrender 573 00:24:37,640 --> 00:24:43,100 our circumstances to you but Lord also 574 00:24:40,039 --> 00:24:44,809 to surrender our hearts to you that we 575 00:24:43,099 --> 00:24:47,750 may experience you and are in our 576 00:24:44,809 --> 00:24:49,460 deepest deepest part of our being I'll 577 00:24:47,750 --> 00:24:51,380 already prayed she blessed us I pray for 578 00:24:49,460 --> 00:24:53,299 the person was listening to this tape 579 00:24:51,380 --> 00:24:55,760 that is never trusted in you I pray that 580 00:24:53,299 --> 00:24:57,349 today they would simply say lord I admit 581 00:24:55,759 --> 00:24:58,940 that I'm a sinner and ER needs your 582 00:24:57,349 --> 00:25:01,099 forgiveness and put their faith and 583 00:24:58,940 --> 00:25:03,200 trust in you I pray for the Christian 584 00:25:01,099 --> 00:25:05,869 that is overwhelmed with so many details 585 00:25:03,200 --> 00:25:07,759 that they've lost the joy of the Lord I 586 00:25:05,869 --> 00:25:09,739 pray that you'd renew their joy and 587 00:25:07,759 --> 00:25:11,750 renew their assurance of your love for 588 00:25:09,740 --> 00:25:13,370 them I pray that you'd give us strength 589 00:25:11,750 --> 00:25:17,890 and protection and blessings of these 590 00:25:13,369 --> 00:25:17,889 days in your name we pray amen