1 00:00:00,410 --> 00:00:08,669 [Music] 2 00:00:10,019 --> 00:00:17,890 Hey IBC family obviously stuttgart 3 00:00:13,960 --> 00:00:20,528 family this is pastor david and i'm 4 00:00:17,890 --> 00:00:24,160 sharing with you this evening from maya 5 00:00:20,528 --> 00:00:25,899 my home jeremy Fairbrass and i usually 6 00:00:24,160 --> 00:00:28,089 go up on Saturday morning and record the 7 00:00:25,899 --> 00:00:31,390 messages and this was just a very 8 00:00:28,089 --> 00:00:33,070 chaotic Saturday for me personally in 9 00:00:31,390 --> 00:00:37,689 ministry and several other things going 10 00:00:33,070 --> 00:00:41,170 on so I'm I'm just now getting around to 11 00:00:37,689 --> 00:00:43,479 it it's Saturday night and tomorrow is 12 00:00:41,170 --> 00:00:47,950 Mother's Day so happy Mother's Day to 13 00:00:43,479 --> 00:00:49,899 all the mothers and we all maybe we're 14 00:00:47,950 --> 00:00:52,210 not all mothers but we all have Mother's 15 00:00:49,899 --> 00:00:55,390 it's good time to thank God for your 16 00:00:52,210 --> 00:00:57,460 mother and to stop and consider her 17 00:00:55,390 --> 00:00:59,890 positive influences in your life 18 00:00:57,460 --> 00:01:02,170 but if you are with your mother let me 19 00:00:59,890 --> 00:01:03,730 encourage you right now to get up you're 20 00:01:02,170 --> 00:01:06,129 a child or if you're a husband also 21 00:01:03,729 --> 00:01:08,978 you're with your wife I get up and give 22 00:01:06,129 --> 00:01:11,170 her a hug and let her know that you 23 00:01:08,978 --> 00:01:13,060 appreciate her this is so frustrating 24 00:01:11,170 --> 00:01:15,070 this year because the normal things we 25 00:01:13,060 --> 00:01:16,600 do we take them out to eat or something 26 00:01:15,069 --> 00:01:19,329 like that well you can't do it this year 27 00:01:16,599 --> 00:01:21,519 because restaurants are not open but you 28 00:01:19,329 --> 00:01:24,039 still show some appreciation and let 29 00:01:21,519 --> 00:01:26,920 them know you respect her respect her 30 00:01:24,040 --> 00:01:29,979 and know that you care for her now this 31 00:01:26,920 --> 00:01:33,400 morning I want to do a study on the life 32 00:01:29,978 --> 00:01:35,379 of Tabitha if you look at your Bible in 33 00:01:33,400 --> 00:01:37,299 the night chapter of Acts there's a 34 00:01:35,379 --> 00:01:39,849 story of Tabitha we're in the book of 35 00:01:37,299 --> 00:01:41,320 Acts for the last several months we took 36 00:01:39,849 --> 00:01:43,719 a little break during the first part of 37 00:01:41,319 --> 00:01:46,889 this coronavirus crisis but now we're 38 00:01:43,719 --> 00:01:49,390 back into into the book of Acts and 39 00:01:46,890 --> 00:01:51,310 we've been up to chapter 20 but now 40 00:01:49,390 --> 00:01:52,739 we're jumping back to chapter 9 to look 41 00:01:51,310 --> 00:01:57,250 at this person named 42 00:01:52,739 --> 00:01:59,019 Dorcas or Tabitha she's given two names 43 00:01:57,250 --> 00:02:01,810 in Scripture and just because of two 44 00:01:59,019 --> 00:02:03,280 different languages both names though 45 00:02:01,810 --> 00:02:05,920 mean the same thing that means the 46 00:02:03,280 --> 00:02:08,360 gazelle that was her name so if you have 47 00:02:05,920 --> 00:02:13,009 your Bibles were in the ninth chapter of 48 00:02:08,360 --> 00:02:14,480 verse 36 the background is this this is 49 00:02:13,009 --> 00:02:17,090 in the early days of the church and 50 00:02:14,479 --> 00:02:18,829 Peter has been spreading the gospel he 51 00:02:17,090 --> 00:02:21,710 has been sharing the faith he's been up 52 00:02:18,830 --> 00:02:25,610 in Samaria and he's been other places as 53 00:02:21,710 --> 00:02:28,849 well and the the church has extended 54 00:02:25,610 --> 00:02:30,170 among the Jews and the Samaritans and we 55 00:02:28,849 --> 00:02:32,389 haven't even really gotten to 56 00:02:30,169 --> 00:02:35,479 Cornelius's house this is the step 57 00:02:32,389 --> 00:02:36,619 before Cornelius house but he is in this 58 00:02:35,479 --> 00:02:41,269 town 59 00:02:36,620 --> 00:02:41,840 near near Joppa and and they know he's 60 00:02:41,270 --> 00:02:44,360 there 61 00:02:41,840 --> 00:02:46,729 so they is the town name is lit up and 62 00:02:44,360 --> 00:02:48,920 they contact him wanting to come because 63 00:02:46,729 --> 00:02:51,530 of a special event that happened in 64 00:02:48,919 --> 00:02:53,689 Joppa it starts out a sad event but then 65 00:02:51,530 --> 00:02:54,169 it becomes a very choice event so here 66 00:02:53,689 --> 00:02:58,400 it isn't 67 00:02:54,169 --> 00:03:01,099 verse 36 in Joppa there was a disciple 68 00:02:58,400 --> 00:03:03,530 named Tabitha which when translated his 69 00:03:01,099 --> 00:03:06,859 Dorcas Tabitha was the Aramaic and 70 00:03:03,530 --> 00:03:09,199 Dorcas was the Greek who was always 71 00:03:06,860 --> 00:03:11,360 doing good and helping the poor about 72 00:03:09,199 --> 00:03:13,310 that time she became sick and died and 73 00:03:11,360 --> 00:03:16,190 her body was washed in placed in an 74 00:03:13,310 --> 00:03:18,140 upstairs room litter was near Joppa so 75 00:03:16,189 --> 00:03:20,599 when the disciples heard that Peter was 76 00:03:18,139 --> 00:03:23,569 in little have they sent two men to him 77 00:03:20,599 --> 00:03:25,519 and urged him please come at once Peter 78 00:03:23,569 --> 00:03:28,099 went with them and when he arrived he 79 00:03:25,520 --> 00:03:30,950 was taken upstairs to the room all the 80 00:03:28,099 --> 00:03:32,659 widows stood around him crying and 81 00:03:30,949 --> 00:03:34,909 showing him the robes and other clothing 82 00:03:32,659 --> 00:03:37,609 that dorcas had made while she was still 83 00:03:34,909 --> 00:03:39,859 with them Peter sent them all out of the 84 00:03:37,610 --> 00:03:42,350 room then he got down on his knees and 85 00:03:39,860 --> 00:03:45,200 prayed turning toward the dead woman he 86 00:03:42,349 --> 00:03:48,049 said Tabitha get up she opened her eyes 87 00:03:45,199 --> 00:03:50,030 and seeing Peter she set up he took her 88 00:03:48,050 --> 00:03:52,130 by the hand and helped her to her feet 89 00:03:50,030 --> 00:03:54,800 then he called the believers and the 90 00:03:52,129 --> 00:03:57,379 widows and presented her to them alive 91 00:03:54,800 --> 00:03:59,959 this became known all over Joppa and 92 00:03:57,379 --> 00:04:03,349 many people believed in the Lord 93 00:03:59,959 --> 00:04:05,000 no Joppa is just south of modern-day Tel 94 00:04:03,349 --> 00:04:08,299 Aviv is long the coast 95 00:04:05,000 --> 00:04:10,580 in fact Joppa is where Jonah left to run 96 00:04:08,300 --> 00:04:11,510 from the call of God before he went up 97 00:04:10,580 --> 00:04:13,280 going to going to 98 00:04:11,509 --> 00:04:16,430 - none of us God had originally planned 99 00:04:13,280 --> 00:04:19,699 but this is a tremendous example for us 100 00:04:16,430 --> 00:04:22,879 of how we should carry ourselves we 101 00:04:19,699 --> 00:04:24,410 don't know much about Tabitha but the 102 00:04:22,879 --> 00:04:25,790 three things we do know about her is 103 00:04:24,410 --> 00:04:27,770 that she showed us 104 00:04:25,790 --> 00:04:30,560 she showed others and showed us also how 105 00:04:27,769 --> 00:04:32,299 to live she showed others how to die is 106 00:04:30,560 --> 00:04:34,610 she was sick and then she died and she 107 00:04:32,300 --> 00:04:38,860 also gives us a picture of life after 108 00:04:34,610 --> 00:04:43,189 death or how to live again in Christ 109 00:04:38,860 --> 00:04:46,220 there can be no greater aspiration or 110 00:04:43,189 --> 00:04:48,949 ambition that a Christian can have then 111 00:04:46,220 --> 00:04:51,400 that others may see Jesus in us that's 112 00:04:48,949 --> 00:04:54,800 every that should be every Christians 113 00:04:51,399 --> 00:04:57,709 ideal a goal in life is that others 114 00:04:54,800 --> 00:04:59,930 could simply see in Jesus and there's 115 00:04:57,709 --> 00:05:02,418 two ways that we can go about trying to 116 00:04:59,930 --> 00:05:04,910 achieve that one is for us to just try 117 00:05:02,418 --> 00:05:07,519 and act like we think Jesus would act 118 00:05:04,910 --> 00:05:09,080 that's not all bad because sometimes we 119 00:05:07,519 --> 00:05:10,969 do need to ask ourselves what would 120 00:05:09,079 --> 00:05:13,339 Jesus do we're here in this situation 121 00:05:10,970 --> 00:05:15,169 but if all we're doing is trying to 122 00:05:13,339 --> 00:05:17,899 imitate him that we're not going to 123 00:05:15,168 --> 00:05:20,779 achieve the goal I'm not ready to having 124 00:05:17,899 --> 00:05:23,299 to how God wants us to do this the 125 00:05:20,779 --> 00:05:26,000 second way is that we simply surrender 126 00:05:23,300 --> 00:05:30,020 to God we open up our hearts and our 127 00:05:26,000 --> 00:05:32,000 lives we die to sin itself and we live 128 00:05:30,019 --> 00:05:34,159 to Christ a surrendered life and we 129 00:05:32,000 --> 00:05:36,800 allow him by his Spirit to simply come 130 00:05:34,160 --> 00:05:38,810 in and changes change our thoughts 131 00:05:36,800 --> 00:05:41,090 change our attitudes change our 132 00:05:38,810 --> 00:05:44,839 perspectives and where we start thinking 133 00:05:41,089 --> 00:05:46,969 and acting like Jesus because he's alive 134 00:05:44,839 --> 00:05:49,638 in us he is the vine were the branches 135 00:05:46,970 --> 00:05:52,039 and as his life flows through us we will 136 00:05:49,639 --> 00:05:54,288 act not by trying to imitate him but 137 00:05:52,038 --> 00:05:58,129 we'll act like him simply because he's 138 00:05:54,288 --> 00:06:00,139 in us and he's acting as is as our Lord 139 00:05:58,129 --> 00:06:03,610 and our Savior and as our life 140 00:06:00,139 --> 00:06:06,228 well that's God's plan for us and now 141 00:06:03,610 --> 00:06:08,389 when we're going to be acting like Jesus 142 00:06:06,228 --> 00:06:10,038 this issue of love is going to come in 143 00:06:08,389 --> 00:06:13,960 our lives and we're going to be loving 144 00:06:10,038 --> 00:06:16,610 other people jesus said in John 15 that 145 00:06:13,959 --> 00:06:19,339 you can have no greater love 146 00:06:16,610 --> 00:06:22,460 then a man will lay down his life or her 147 00:06:19,339 --> 00:06:23,869 sprints and running now that's what 148 00:06:22,459 --> 00:06:25,908 mothers do all the time 149 00:06:23,870 --> 00:06:29,030 mothers lay down their life not just 150 00:06:25,908 --> 00:06:30,949 they sacrifice their literal life and 151 00:06:29,029 --> 00:06:34,098 giveth their physical life a child that 152 00:06:30,949 --> 00:06:34,759 also happens but yet the day and day day 153 00:06:34,098 --> 00:06:36,978 and day out 154 00:06:34,759 --> 00:06:40,129 one day after another they sacrifice 155 00:06:36,978 --> 00:06:42,560 their their selfish goals and ambitions 156 00:06:40,129 --> 00:06:46,250 they put them aside and they simply 157 00:06:42,560 --> 00:06:48,769 focus on helping their children and now 158 00:06:46,250 --> 00:06:51,589 fathers do that too but it seems to me 159 00:06:48,769 --> 00:06:55,968 that mothers are have a special role in 160 00:06:51,589 --> 00:06:58,429 showing us unselfishness and sacrificing 161 00:06:55,968 --> 00:07:01,278 their plans for the benefit of their 162 00:06:58,430 --> 00:07:04,848 children a mother's heart is toward 163 00:07:01,278 --> 00:07:08,269 their children so we're looking at 164 00:07:04,848 --> 00:07:10,009 Tabitha today but we could probably look 165 00:07:08,269 --> 00:07:11,889 at our mothers many of us can look at 166 00:07:10,009 --> 00:07:16,430 our mothers I Christian Mother's and say 167 00:07:11,889 --> 00:07:20,090 she has a similar example putting aside 168 00:07:16,430 --> 00:07:22,819 her plans and simply following in Christ 169 00:07:20,089 --> 00:07:24,528 and obeying him not jesus said were to 170 00:07:22,819 --> 00:07:26,629 do this he said if anyone would come 171 00:07:24,528 --> 00:07:29,300 after me let him deny himself and take 172 00:07:26,629 --> 00:07:32,330 up his cross daily and follow after me 173 00:07:29,300 --> 00:07:35,750 and we see this example in the lives of 174 00:07:32,329 --> 00:07:40,550 the Apostles we see it taught and by 175 00:07:35,750 --> 00:07:43,360 them as well Paul said for to me to live 176 00:07:40,550 --> 00:07:47,629 is Christ and to die is gain 177 00:07:43,360 --> 00:07:50,930 and he said I'm crucified with Christ 178 00:07:47,629 --> 00:07:54,588 nevertheless I live yet not i but Christ 179 00:07:50,930 --> 00:07:57,588 lives in me so he was living the Christ 180 00:07:54,588 --> 00:08:00,949 life by putting aside his own ambitions 181 00:07:57,588 --> 00:08:03,918 he wasn't seeking for glory or praise he 182 00:08:00,949 --> 00:08:06,228 wasn't seeking for power or attention he 183 00:08:03,918 --> 00:08:09,649 put aside those ambitions for the sake 184 00:08:06,228 --> 00:08:12,468 of Christ and Christ in his life he came 185 00:08:09,649 --> 00:08:16,179 in and filled that about emptiness in 186 00:08:12,468 --> 00:08:18,588 his heart as chrony Christ can now 187 00:08:16,180 --> 00:08:22,329 excuse me so late at night and I'm 188 00:08:18,588 --> 00:08:22,329 choked a little bit on this 189 00:08:22,899 --> 00:08:27,799 one of the things that we need to 190 00:08:25,158 --> 00:08:29,060 substitute we need to sacrifice also put 191 00:08:27,800 --> 00:08:31,400 a psyche die too 192 00:08:29,060 --> 00:08:35,839 we usually say we need to die to sin and 193 00:08:31,399 --> 00:08:40,278 sell but not just his pride our enemy or 194 00:08:35,839 --> 00:08:43,099 getting attention or getting power one 195 00:08:40,278 --> 00:08:46,338 of the things that people seek is simply 196 00:08:43,099 --> 00:08:48,890 pity and that's another way of not dying 197 00:08:46,339 --> 00:08:50,990 but wanting people to say oh you poor 198 00:08:48,889 --> 00:08:53,720 thing no one has carried a burden like 199 00:08:50,990 --> 00:08:54,500 you and as long as we're looking for 200 00:08:53,720 --> 00:08:57,800 pity 201 00:08:54,500 --> 00:08:59,690 we're also have not yet died at the sin 202 00:08:57,799 --> 00:09:02,179 or the self we're still wanting people 203 00:08:59,690 --> 00:09:05,029 to say something about us so put that 204 00:09:02,179 --> 00:09:07,519 aside also and say lord I give you my 205 00:09:05,028 --> 00:09:10,519 life I laid out my lot before you and I 206 00:09:07,519 --> 00:09:12,200 just put it before you and I'm not I 207 00:09:10,519 --> 00:09:13,970 would be praised not that I would get 208 00:09:12,200 --> 00:09:17,209 any credit not that I would even be 209 00:09:13,970 --> 00:09:21,259 pitied but yet I could put aside my life 210 00:09:17,208 --> 00:09:24,528 and receive you as the real source of my 211 00:09:21,259 --> 00:09:26,240 life and you as my savior and my lord 212 00:09:24,528 --> 00:09:29,480 that you would fill me with your spirit 213 00:09:26,240 --> 00:09:31,399 and God will do that Christ will do that 214 00:09:29,480 --> 00:09:33,409 he'll bless us and he'll fill us with 215 00:09:31,399 --> 00:09:35,539 his spirit so let's look at three things 216 00:09:33,409 --> 00:09:37,338 in Tabitha's life first of all he showed 217 00:09:35,539 --> 00:09:39,980 us how to live second he showed us how 218 00:09:37,339 --> 00:09:42,680 to died 30 she's a picture living again 219 00:09:39,980 --> 00:09:44,300 first of all how to live she's called a 220 00:09:42,679 --> 00:09:46,338 disciple and that word is used 221 00:09:44,299 --> 00:09:48,889 exclusively for followers of Jesus 222 00:09:46,339 --> 00:09:51,079 Christ this is early in the Christian 223 00:09:48,889 --> 00:09:52,879 movement the New Testament as we know 224 00:09:51,078 --> 00:09:54,828 today had not yet been written the 225 00:09:52,879 --> 00:09:57,198 Apostles were preaching from the Old 226 00:09:54,828 --> 00:09:59,479 Testament but the believers the 227 00:09:57,198 --> 00:10:03,679 disciples as the book of Acts calls him 228 00:09:59,480 --> 00:10:06,589 the believers they understood that Jesus 229 00:10:03,679 --> 00:10:08,778 was special and they believed in him as 230 00:10:06,589 --> 00:10:11,300 their Messiah they believed he died for 231 00:10:08,778 --> 00:10:13,039 the sins that he rose from the grave now 232 00:10:11,299 --> 00:10:16,578 when the Bible uses that word disciple 233 00:10:13,039 --> 00:10:19,429 it has they has a cultural context to it 234 00:10:16,578 --> 00:10:21,169 today when we study for a career or we 235 00:10:19,429 --> 00:10:24,458 go to school we have many different 236 00:10:21,169 --> 00:10:27,169 teachers but in the biblical days a 237 00:10:24,458 --> 00:10:29,328 disciple meant they had only one teacher 238 00:10:27,169 --> 00:10:30,769 and they would learn from that teacher 239 00:10:29,328 --> 00:10:33,139 and they would learn from that teacher 240 00:10:30,769 --> 00:10:34,960 all their life in fact only would they 241 00:10:33,139 --> 00:10:37,600 learn from the teacher they'd also 242 00:10:34,960 --> 00:10:40,300 lived with the teacher they would plan 243 00:10:37,600 --> 00:10:42,759 to have the same character as the 244 00:10:40,299 --> 00:10:45,339 teacher and also they would even adopt 245 00:10:42,759 --> 00:10:47,409 the mission of the teacher all those 246 00:10:45,340 --> 00:10:49,690 things apply to Christian someone says 247 00:10:47,409 --> 00:10:53,049 the disciple it meant a follower of 248 00:10:49,690 --> 00:10:55,750 Jesus Christ Christ may use other people 249 00:10:53,049 --> 00:10:58,059 in our life to teach us but ultimately 250 00:10:55,750 --> 00:11:01,269 they as we mentioned the first of the 251 00:10:58,059 --> 00:11:03,699 message they should be demonstrating the 252 00:11:01,269 --> 00:11:06,519 character of Christ by his filling them 253 00:11:03,700 --> 00:11:08,050 of this spirit and we learn about Christ 254 00:11:06,519 --> 00:11:11,139 through them that's God's plan that 255 00:11:08,049 --> 00:11:12,909 always be focused on Christ well she was 256 00:11:11,139 --> 00:11:16,240 the disciple of Christ she was a father 257 00:11:12,909 --> 00:11:19,360 of Christ but she was also a inner 258 00:11:16,240 --> 00:11:22,330 calling she had the gift of mercy the 259 00:11:19,360 --> 00:11:25,779 gift of helps and she was helping the 260 00:11:22,330 --> 00:11:28,960 poor widows now it's mentioned the 261 00:11:25,779 --> 00:11:31,240 widow's because they were usually the 262 00:11:28,960 --> 00:11:33,490 most vulnerable of society quite often 263 00:11:31,240 --> 00:11:35,289 of that day men would marry women much 264 00:11:33,490 --> 00:11:37,299 younger than them of course that happens 265 00:11:35,289 --> 00:11:39,819 in every generation but it was very 266 00:11:37,299 --> 00:11:41,859 common in that day and the men would die 267 00:11:39,820 --> 00:11:44,560 first and unless the men had made 268 00:11:41,860 --> 00:11:47,440 preparation for their wives there was no 269 00:11:44,559 --> 00:11:49,869 social services no insurance companies 270 00:11:47,440 --> 00:11:53,140 so when the man died unless there are 271 00:11:49,870 --> 00:11:57,429 some some provision the wife could often 272 00:11:53,139 --> 00:12:01,980 be be impoverished very vulnerable but 273 00:11:57,429 --> 00:12:04,959 she exemplified this heart of a servant 274 00:12:01,980 --> 00:12:08,320 Jesus's half-brother James wrote this in 275 00:12:04,960 --> 00:12:10,600 James chapter 1 verse 27 and said that 276 00:12:08,320 --> 00:12:12,580 pure religion and undefiled before God 277 00:12:10,600 --> 00:12:14,379 the father's this to visit the 278 00:12:12,580 --> 00:12:16,990 fatherless and the widows in their 279 00:12:14,379 --> 00:12:20,710 affliction and to keep himself or to 280 00:12:16,990 --> 00:12:24,190 keep oneself untainted unspotted by the 281 00:12:20,710 --> 00:12:25,960 world well she was an example of that 282 00:12:24,190 --> 00:12:26,780 the she knew what they needed because 283 00:12:25,960 --> 00:12:30,830 she pissed 284 00:12:26,779 --> 00:12:33,439 then that word and James 1:27 visit it 285 00:12:30,830 --> 00:12:36,500 actually it's the same route as where we 286 00:12:33,440 --> 00:12:41,420 get the word overseers FB scope post 287 00:12:36,500 --> 00:12:43,580 sista is that word in India in also 288 00:12:41,419 --> 00:12:45,949 first Timothy 3 speaks about the 289 00:12:43,580 --> 00:12:48,410 overseer or the bishop the old King 290 00:12:45,950 --> 00:12:50,629 James uses the word Bishop but the 291 00:12:48,409 --> 00:12:53,299 overseer SFP Scopus and literally 292 00:12:50,629 --> 00:12:57,439 overseer that's what it means but here's 293 00:12:53,299 --> 00:12:59,919 the in James 1:27 is the verb form that 294 00:12:57,440 --> 00:13:02,600 is to visit in the sense of not just 295 00:12:59,919 --> 00:13:05,209 looking in like a tourist seeing how 296 00:13:02,600 --> 00:13:07,970 miserable they are but visiting with an 297 00:13:05,210 --> 00:13:10,580 intent to help and that's what she was 298 00:13:07,970 --> 00:13:15,350 demonstrating now it's interesting as we 299 00:13:10,580 --> 00:13:17,120 see the the Bible and if you study the 300 00:13:15,350 --> 00:13:20,320 history of the church you'll always see 301 00:13:17,120 --> 00:13:23,840 that where the gospel has grown the 302 00:13:20,320 --> 00:13:27,110 position of women always has always 303 00:13:23,840 --> 00:13:30,440 risen in history wherever the gospel has 304 00:13:27,110 --> 00:13:33,730 spread the role of women and the esteem 305 00:13:30,440 --> 00:13:36,650 and respect of women has always risen 306 00:13:33,730 --> 00:13:38,840 but in the New Testament in the in the 307 00:13:36,649 --> 00:13:40,819 culture of the Jews women were not 308 00:13:38,840 --> 00:13:43,790 necessarily highly thought of it was 309 00:13:40,820 --> 00:13:45,740 really a very much of man's world but we 310 00:13:43,789 --> 00:13:49,039 see in the Bible especially in the book 311 00:13:45,740 --> 00:13:52,039 of Acts how God used different women and 312 00:13:49,039 --> 00:13:54,829 in history in the story and also in the 313 00:13:52,039 --> 00:13:58,879 early church for example we see in men 314 00:13:54,830 --> 00:14:01,280 the first chapter of Acts how in 315 00:13:58,879 --> 00:14:04,100 describing the Apostles and the presence 316 00:14:01,279 --> 00:14:06,620 of all together how the inspired author 317 00:14:04,100 --> 00:14:09,379 mentioned that Mary the mother of Jesus 318 00:14:06,620 --> 00:14:12,620 was there with them and that adds a 319 00:14:09,379 --> 00:14:15,019 certain nobility to the group because 320 00:14:12,620 --> 00:14:17,360 they were all men around and then the 321 00:14:15,019 --> 00:14:19,610 mother of the Lord was there with them 322 00:14:17,360 --> 00:14:22,820 in the early church waiting for the Holy 323 00:14:19,610 --> 00:14:24,220 Spirit to come and we see as the story 324 00:14:22,820 --> 00:14:27,070 goes on through the 325 00:14:24,220 --> 00:14:30,820 I actually see women pop up from time to 326 00:14:27,070 --> 00:14:34,120 time and it was a the Holy Spirit's way 327 00:14:30,820 --> 00:14:37,270 of inspiring Luke and inspired the 328 00:14:34,120 --> 00:14:40,000 people also to be attentive to the role 329 00:14:37,269 --> 00:14:42,610 of women if we later we read in the New 330 00:14:40,000 --> 00:14:43,720 Testament that in Christ is neither male 331 00:14:42,610 --> 00:14:45,820 nor female 332 00:14:43,720 --> 00:14:48,399 in fact we start at the very beginning 333 00:14:45,820 --> 00:14:50,830 of the Bible Genesis first chapter of 334 00:14:48,399 --> 00:14:53,289 Genesis it says that God created male 335 00:14:50,830 --> 00:14:55,930 and female they're both made in his 336 00:14:53,289 --> 00:14:57,969 likeness so women are made not in the 337 00:14:55,929 --> 00:14:59,919 likeness of men women just like men are 338 00:14:57,970 --> 00:15:03,340 made in the likeness of God they carry 339 00:14:59,919 --> 00:15:05,679 the image of God both men and women the 340 00:15:03,340 --> 00:15:08,500 image ibly carrying God has been scarred 341 00:15:05,679 --> 00:15:11,859 by sin but nevertheless women carry that 342 00:15:08,500 --> 00:15:14,590 image just as men do so the Bible always 343 00:15:11,860 --> 00:15:20,470 elevates women for example we read and 344 00:15:14,590 --> 00:15:24,100 in the seventh chapter of Acts the 345 00:15:20,470 --> 00:15:26,440 Deacons to come Stephen is giving a 346 00:15:24,100 --> 00:15:28,600 testimony and and ready witnessing 347 00:15:26,440 --> 00:15:30,340 before the Sanhedrin which was the 348 00:15:28,600 --> 00:15:33,430 Supreme Court of the Jews 349 00:15:30,340 --> 00:15:35,860 and he's he's giving them a panoramic 350 00:15:33,429 --> 00:15:40,089 view of their history everybody comes to 351 00:15:35,860 --> 00:15:42,129 Moses he talks about Moses and he he 352 00:15:40,090 --> 00:15:44,620 reminds them something that they 353 00:15:42,129 --> 00:15:47,409 couldn't argue with but that Moses is 354 00:15:44,620 --> 00:15:52,539 like would have been taken were not for 355 00:15:47,409 --> 00:15:55,000 the courage of a Gentile woman the 356 00:15:52,539 --> 00:16:00,789 princess that the daughter of Pharaoh 357 00:15:55,000 --> 00:16:04,210 and she had the courage to disagree with 358 00:16:00,789 --> 00:16:08,349 their fathers orders and in compassion 359 00:16:04,210 --> 00:16:10,570 reach out and rescue the baby Moses so 360 00:16:08,350 --> 00:16:12,639 the Jewish people would have to say 361 00:16:10,570 --> 00:16:14,650 those dollars and those priests high 362 00:16:12,639 --> 00:16:17,588 priests that were listening to him tell 363 00:16:14,649 --> 00:16:21,068 the story had to agree that there did 364 00:16:17,589 --> 00:16:23,499 Moses their lawgiver Moses he himself 365 00:16:21,068 --> 00:16:24,998 was delivered by a Gentile woman of 366 00:16:23,499 --> 00:16:28,180 course what you read on in the book of 367 00:16:24,999 --> 00:16:32,319 Acts we see that the very first convert 368 00:16:28,179 --> 00:16:36,578 of European ancestry at least as far as 369 00:16:32,318 --> 00:16:38,378 we know was a woman also Lydia in acts 370 00:16:36,578 --> 00:16:41,198 16 tells a story 371 00:16:38,379 --> 00:16:43,749 Lydia's conversion and Philip I and all 372 00:16:41,198 --> 00:16:47,620 of us like myself of European heritage 373 00:16:43,749 --> 00:16:50,199 it gives us a certain fondness for her 374 00:16:47,620 --> 00:16:54,068 that she was the first European to trust 375 00:16:50,198 --> 00:16:56,378 in Christ and it's just a reminder of 376 00:16:54,068 --> 00:16:58,539 the role of women well that we see this 377 00:16:56,379 --> 00:17:02,379 wonderful example of sacrificial 378 00:16:58,539 --> 00:17:04,029 compassion helping others it's an old 379 00:17:02,379 --> 00:17:05,679 illustration that's a great is still a 380 00:17:04,029 --> 00:17:10,538 good one so it really is a very helpful 381 00:17:05,679 --> 00:17:12,100 one that you spell joy je oh why and you 382 00:17:10,538 --> 00:17:14,470 can use those three letters to talk 383 00:17:12,099 --> 00:17:15,308 about our priorities in life J stands 384 00:17:14,470 --> 00:17:18,929 for Jesus 385 00:17:15,308 --> 00:17:21,908 o stands for others and Y stands for you 386 00:17:18,929 --> 00:17:23,470 when you put Jesus first and then love 387 00:17:21,909 --> 00:17:25,780 others like you love yourself 388 00:17:23,470 --> 00:17:28,839 you'll have to I that's what we're to do 389 00:17:25,779 --> 00:17:30,849 if we reverse those and just put 390 00:17:28,839 --> 00:17:34,089 ourselves first let me tell you Fred 391 00:17:30,849 --> 00:17:35,889 that is a recipe for misery if you would 392 00:17:34,089 --> 00:17:38,168 be miserable you just think about 393 00:17:35,890 --> 00:17:40,179 yourself all the time you want more 394 00:17:38,169 --> 00:17:42,549 power you want more pity you want more 395 00:17:40,179 --> 00:17:45,009 attention you'll never get enough and 396 00:17:42,548 --> 00:17:47,079 you'll be absolutely miserable but if 397 00:17:45,009 --> 00:17:49,148 you can put aside those things and just 398 00:17:47,079 --> 00:17:52,480 let Jesus out of your heart and you'll 399 00:17:49,148 --> 00:17:55,479 give you the joy you need so Tabitha 400 00:17:52,480 --> 00:17:56,319 showed us how to live so how are you 401 00:17:55,480 --> 00:17:58,929 living today 402 00:17:56,319 --> 00:18:00,339 does anybody thank God for you are you 403 00:17:58,929 --> 00:18:02,440 making a difference for God in your 404 00:18:00,339 --> 00:18:03,908 library does anyone stop and say wow 405 00:18:02,440 --> 00:18:06,640 that person has really meant something 406 00:18:03,909 --> 00:18:09,580 to me well the second thing she also 407 00:18:06,640 --> 00:18:15,130 showed us how to die it's a very short 408 00:18:09,579 --> 00:18:17,980 phrase and in the text from acts 9 verse 409 00:18:15,130 --> 00:18:21,850 37 but it says this about that time she 410 00:18:17,980 --> 00:18:25,269 became sick and died that's a very short 411 00:18:21,849 --> 00:18:27,159 step praise but it describes a sickness 412 00:18:25,269 --> 00:18:29,049 and we don't know how long 413 00:18:27,160 --> 00:18:30,640 city could have lasted two weeks it 414 00:18:29,049 --> 00:18:32,319 could have lasted two months it could 415 00:18:30,640 --> 00:18:35,650 have lasted two years we really don't 416 00:18:32,319 --> 00:18:37,269 know but she became sick and most of us 417 00:18:35,650 --> 00:18:39,940 will have something like that happen in 418 00:18:37,269 --> 00:18:42,190 our lives when we pass away will become 419 00:18:39,940 --> 00:18:45,000 sick some of us will die suddenly but 420 00:18:42,190 --> 00:18:48,400 most of us will go through a a long 421 00:18:45,000 --> 00:18:51,160 fatal sickness it'll be a terminal 422 00:18:48,400 --> 00:18:52,750 illness and we will be sick and we'll 423 00:18:51,160 --> 00:18:56,170 have to accept the fact that we're not 424 00:18:52,750 --> 00:18:58,210 going to get better and so she she then 425 00:18:56,170 --> 00:19:00,759 the story tells it anyway it tells us 426 00:18:58,210 --> 00:19:03,250 she served right up to end it doesn't 427 00:19:00,759 --> 00:19:05,650 say this specifically but it surely 428 00:19:03,250 --> 00:19:07,809 gives every impression does and that's 429 00:19:05,650 --> 00:19:10,780 what she was doing she served right up 430 00:19:07,809 --> 00:19:12,879 to the end now what does it mean for a 431 00:19:10,779 --> 00:19:15,759 Christian to die 432 00:19:12,880 --> 00:19:18,970 the women gave the earthly perspective 433 00:19:15,759 --> 00:19:21,549 of believers as they said while she was 434 00:19:18,970 --> 00:19:24,100 still with them she helped them but that 435 00:19:21,549 --> 00:19:26,859 means that they did not be oh she was 436 00:19:24,099 --> 00:19:29,649 with them anymore but where is a 437 00:19:26,859 --> 00:19:32,709 Christian we say he's not with us or 438 00:19:29,650 --> 00:19:34,990 she's not with us but where is the 439 00:19:32,710 --> 00:19:36,880 believer oh the Bible tells us that to 440 00:19:34,990 --> 00:19:39,690 be absent from the body is to be present 441 00:19:36,880 --> 00:19:42,580 with the Lord that's in second 442 00:19:39,690 --> 00:19:47,890 Corinthians verse chapter five verses 6 443 00:19:42,579 --> 00:19:51,250 to 8 in Philippians 1:23 the Apostle 444 00:19:47,890 --> 00:19:53,620 Paul said it's described after as to 445 00:19:51,250 --> 00:19:56,319 depart and be with Christ 446 00:19:53,619 --> 00:20:01,109 that's his understanding to depart and 447 00:19:56,319 --> 00:20:04,839 be with Christ and we see later on in 448 00:20:01,109 --> 00:20:08,169 second Timothy 4:6 he also used that 449 00:20:04,839 --> 00:20:10,119 word departure it's the it's the verb 450 00:20:08,170 --> 00:20:12,100 and the noun but to still the same route 451 00:20:10,119 --> 00:20:14,559 now in the original language that word 452 00:20:12,099 --> 00:20:17,529 is ina new and the new and it really 453 00:20:14,559 --> 00:20:19,869 mean to release to free from bondage to 454 00:20:17,529 --> 00:20:22,599 free from the limitations it would be 455 00:20:19,869 --> 00:20:24,879 used for example of an of an ox an ox 456 00:20:22,599 --> 00:20:28,149 with the yoke the wooden yoke around his 457 00:20:24,880 --> 00:20:30,520 neck you'd be working plowing the field 458 00:20:28,150 --> 00:20:33,450 and at the end of the day they go back 459 00:20:30,519 --> 00:20:37,420 to the barn and the farmer would 460 00:20:33,450 --> 00:20:40,090 unloose release even he would take the 461 00:20:37,420 --> 00:20:42,340 yoke off and the arcs would be free well 462 00:20:40,089 --> 00:20:44,529 that's a picture death for us it the 463 00:20:42,339 --> 00:20:47,619 limitations we have in this life are 464 00:20:44,529 --> 00:20:50,500 removed and we now have eternity with 465 00:20:47,619 --> 00:20:53,319 Christ well that's the idea also of a 466 00:20:50,500 --> 00:20:53,950 departure you said my departure is at 467 00:20:53,319 --> 00:20:57,399 hand 468 00:20:53,950 --> 00:20:59,890 second Timothy 4:6 and when we die we 469 00:20:57,400 --> 00:21:02,410 depart this world and go someplace else 470 00:20:59,890 --> 00:21:06,250 but that work could also be used for a 471 00:21:02,410 --> 00:21:08,740 ship that weighs anchor or pulls the 472 00:21:06,250 --> 00:21:10,779 anchor up and then it departs from that 473 00:21:08,740 --> 00:21:14,200 port to another and that's a description 474 00:21:10,779 --> 00:21:16,509 of death for a Christian we have simply 475 00:21:14,200 --> 00:21:19,660 departed from one place and gone to 476 00:21:16,509 --> 00:21:22,150 another place now be read revelation 6:9 477 00:21:19,660 --> 00:21:26,050 it describes the souls of the martyrs 478 00:21:22,150 --> 00:21:27,790 being in heaven and kept under the altar 479 00:21:26,049 --> 00:21:29,829 now since something very important in 480 00:21:27,789 --> 00:21:32,139 that first of all it describes the souls 481 00:21:29,829 --> 00:21:34,839 of the martyrs not the glorified bodies 482 00:21:32,140 --> 00:21:36,400 of the martyrs and it says they are 483 00:21:34,839 --> 00:21:39,189 under the altar which means they are 484 00:21:36,400 --> 00:21:41,440 safe spiritually safe they are covered 485 00:21:39,190 --> 00:21:44,500 with the blood of Christ so they are 486 00:21:41,440 --> 00:21:46,269 considered holy and it's a picture not 487 00:21:44,500 --> 00:21:47,950 just of martyrs but I believe of all 488 00:21:46,269 --> 00:21:50,289 believers what happens to us will be 489 00:21:47,950 --> 00:21:52,330 dying we go to be with the Lord we 490 00:21:50,289 --> 00:21:55,299 depart this life and we are with the 491 00:21:52,329 --> 00:21:55,720 Lord we retain our identity we know who 492 00:21:55,299 --> 00:21:58,210 we are 493 00:21:55,720 --> 00:22:00,279 we're with the Lord we're not we're not 494 00:21:58,210 --> 00:22:02,620 going to lose our identity of death our 495 00:22:00,279 --> 00:22:05,559 soul is not going to be given up and 496 00:22:02,619 --> 00:22:08,919 emptied into a big sea of other souls no 497 00:22:05,559 --> 00:22:09,099 we retain who we are and we know who we 498 00:22:08,920 --> 00:22:11,590 are 499 00:22:09,099 --> 00:22:14,230 and we go to be with the Lord we're at 500 00:22:11,589 --> 00:22:15,159 peace we'll see other believers there as 501 00:22:14,230 --> 00:22:18,039 well 502 00:22:15,160 --> 00:22:21,130 but we're also going to be in a state of 503 00:22:18,039 --> 00:22:24,309 anticipation because the whole story is 504 00:22:21,130 --> 00:22:26,290 not yet told we look forward to the 505 00:22:24,309 --> 00:22:28,558 return of Christ in fact I do not 506 00:22:26,289 --> 00:22:33,450 believe we receive our glorified 507 00:22:28,558 --> 00:22:36,480 until after Christ returns or when 508 00:22:33,450 --> 00:22:39,419 Christ returns I should say so we still 509 00:22:36,480 --> 00:22:41,849 know that something is not finished in 510 00:22:39,419 --> 00:22:45,419 our lives now could we see these words 511 00:22:41,849 --> 00:22:47,248 from Jesus in John 6:44 he said no man 512 00:22:45,419 --> 00:22:50,038 can come to me unless the father who 513 00:22:47,249 --> 00:22:52,350 sent me draws him and I will raise him 514 00:22:50,038 --> 00:22:55,019 up in the last day and whenever the 515 00:22:52,349 --> 00:22:58,408 Bible speaks about the glorified body 516 00:22:55,019 --> 00:23:00,419 it looks forward to the last day well we 517 00:22:58,409 --> 00:23:02,700 will one day receive our glorified body 518 00:23:00,419 --> 00:23:04,559 but up until that point we will be if 519 00:23:02,700 --> 00:23:08,548 the Lord will be at peace 520 00:23:04,558 --> 00:23:12,599 will be at rest and we will be aware of 521 00:23:08,548 --> 00:23:15,210 the story as the salvation story unfolds 522 00:23:12,599 --> 00:23:16,980 so how should a Christian die 523 00:23:15,210 --> 00:23:18,240 that's a good question ass we don't ask 524 00:23:16,980 --> 00:23:20,128 him very often in our church our church 525 00:23:18,240 --> 00:23:22,740 is a very young church but we still have 526 00:23:20,128 --> 00:23:25,740 to ask the question how does a Christian 527 00:23:22,740 --> 00:23:28,528 die doctors sometimes they talk about a 528 00:23:25,740 --> 00:23:31,138 good death and that by that they mean 529 00:23:28,528 --> 00:23:34,440 that the they've had the medicine to 530 00:23:31,138 --> 00:23:36,269 take as much of the suffering away as 531 00:23:34,440 --> 00:23:38,788 they can the pain and the suffering of 532 00:23:36,269 --> 00:23:42,058 death by treatments and my medication to 533 00:23:38,788 --> 00:23:44,638 take that away and that's part of a good 534 00:23:42,058 --> 00:23:47,099 death but on a spiritual side there's 535 00:23:44,638 --> 00:23:49,099 many other parts of a good death now 536 00:23:47,099 --> 00:23:51,480 that's first of all that we have 537 00:23:49,099 --> 00:23:53,178 resolved what's going to go on after we 538 00:23:51,480 --> 00:23:55,319 die we've taken care of our 539 00:23:53,179 --> 00:23:57,929 responsibilities we've provided for our 540 00:23:55,319 --> 00:24:00,118 family or whether you're going to to 541 00:23:57,929 --> 00:24:01,740 make sure they're financially stable or 542 00:24:00,118 --> 00:24:04,349 whether you want to make sure that they 543 00:24:01,740 --> 00:24:07,470 are emotionally stable but you've done 544 00:24:04,349 --> 00:24:09,480 what you should do to bless them also 545 00:24:07,470 --> 00:24:12,960 means that we have completed our goals 546 00:24:09,480 --> 00:24:15,480 at least the best we can not our burgos 547 00:24:12,960 --> 00:24:17,159 can we complete all of our goals will we 548 00:24:15,480 --> 00:24:19,319 be able to say we've done that to 549 00:24:17,159 --> 00:24:22,440 completion some of them will have to 550 00:24:19,319 --> 00:24:24,569 leave here is Robert Browning who said 551 00:24:22,440 --> 00:24:28,409 the poet Robert Brown who said a man's 552 00:24:24,569 --> 00:24:30,658 reach must exceed his grasp or what's a 553 00:24:28,409 --> 00:24:33,269 heaven for and there'll be things we're 554 00:24:30,659 --> 00:24:35,700 still reaching for in this life up to 555 00:24:33,269 --> 00:24:37,740 the end that we can't fully grasp but 556 00:24:35,700 --> 00:24:38,140 it's okay we need to leave those things 557 00:24:37,740 --> 00:24:41,200 in 558 00:24:38,140 --> 00:24:43,000 sans seek to bring to resolution all we 559 00:24:41,200 --> 00:24:44,860 can and leave those other things in 560 00:24:43,000 --> 00:24:46,839 God's hands that were not able to finish 561 00:24:44,859 --> 00:24:48,699 and I believe we're always going to have 562 00:24:46,839 --> 00:24:51,599 something if we're living every day with 563 00:24:48,700 --> 00:24:53,679 hope and expectation but also we should 564 00:24:51,599 --> 00:24:55,899 experience forgiveness and 565 00:24:53,679 --> 00:24:57,910 reconciliation with people we should 566 00:24:55,900 --> 00:24:59,769 forgive those that we need to forgive we 567 00:24:57,910 --> 00:25:02,230 should ask for forgiveness those that 568 00:24:59,769 --> 00:25:05,889 we've offended and make sure we die with 569 00:25:02,230 --> 00:25:08,200 peace blessing the next generation and 570 00:25:05,890 --> 00:25:10,390 the most important thing is that we have 571 00:25:08,200 --> 00:25:13,750 really trusted in Christ and we look 572 00:25:10,390 --> 00:25:16,000 forward and being with him an eternity 573 00:25:13,750 --> 00:25:18,759 for a Christian death is simply a door 574 00:25:16,000 --> 00:25:21,759 we walk through a deal moody the great 575 00:25:18,759 --> 00:25:25,150 evangelist he wrote these words and they 576 00:25:21,759 --> 00:25:27,220 speak for all of us he says someday he 577 00:25:25,150 --> 00:25:30,490 will read in the papers that Dwight L 578 00:25:27,220 --> 00:25:33,069 moody of East North field is dead don't 579 00:25:30,490 --> 00:25:36,640 you believe a word of it at that moment 580 00:25:33,069 --> 00:25:39,009 I shall be more alive than I am now I 581 00:25:36,640 --> 00:25:42,520 should have gone up higher that is all 582 00:25:39,009 --> 00:25:45,220 going out of this old clay tenement into 583 00:25:42,519 --> 00:25:48,400 a house that is immortal a body that 584 00:25:45,220 --> 00:25:51,308 death cannot touch that sin cannot taint 585 00:25:48,400 --> 00:25:55,090 a body like into his own glorious body 586 00:25:51,308 --> 00:25:57,039 well when we die we're ready more alive 587 00:25:55,089 --> 00:25:59,589 if you're a believer in Christ when you 588 00:25:57,039 --> 00:26:01,808 die you're more alive than ever before 589 00:25:59,589 --> 00:26:05,048 you're with the Lord doesn't mean we 590 00:26:01,808 --> 00:26:07,599 should long to go to go to be with God 591 00:26:05,048 --> 00:26:10,509 because he wants us to finish his plan 592 00:26:07,599 --> 00:26:13,548 he wants us to do what he wants us to do 593 00:26:10,509 --> 00:26:13,548 [Music] 594 00:26:13,769 --> 00:26:19,720 was my brother just called me Oh Connie 595 00:26:18,819 --> 00:26:22,629 back in a minute 596 00:26:19,720 --> 00:26:25,058 it was to do what what he wants us to do 597 00:26:22,630 --> 00:26:29,950 as long as he has long this life we need 598 00:26:25,058 --> 00:26:32,678 to be faithful to him but that's how 599 00:26:29,950 --> 00:26:35,080 we're all to die now so let me ask you 600 00:26:32,679 --> 00:26:37,240 are you ready are you ready to face 601 00:26:35,079 --> 00:26:38,949 death we should live every day as though 602 00:26:37,240 --> 00:26:41,319 it's our last make sure we take care of 603 00:26:38,950 --> 00:26:42,819 all of our responsibilities and done the 604 00:26:41,319 --> 00:26:45,460 right thing that we have peace with 605 00:26:42,819 --> 00:26:47,308 people that we bless others that we 606 00:26:45,460 --> 00:26:49,019 bless them it's so important to blow 607 00:26:47,308 --> 00:26:50,849 those around us let them know that we 608 00:26:49,019 --> 00:26:52,888 love them that we think highly of them 609 00:26:50,849 --> 00:26:54,990 we're confident that if they give their 610 00:26:52,888 --> 00:26:58,558 hearts to God God will bless them and 611 00:26:54,990 --> 00:27:00,870 take care of them now a third thing is 612 00:26:58,558 --> 00:27:04,829 this though the Tabatha also shows us 613 00:27:00,869 --> 00:27:07,829 how to live again it's a picture Peter 614 00:27:04,829 --> 00:27:09,148 came into that room said rise and she 615 00:27:07,829 --> 00:27:12,538 woke up 616 00:27:09,148 --> 00:27:15,028 now it's an example of the power of God 617 00:27:12,538 --> 00:27:17,398 every time someone was healed 618 00:27:15,028 --> 00:27:19,618 it's Scripture every time someone's 619 00:27:17,398 --> 00:27:21,839 healed they were completely healed they 620 00:27:19,618 --> 00:27:24,808 were not just made better they were made 621 00:27:21,839 --> 00:27:27,480 well and Tabitha when you read the story 622 00:27:24,808 --> 00:27:29,579 you see how she shall she woke up and 623 00:27:27,480 --> 00:27:32,339 saw him immediately your eyes were 624 00:27:29,579 --> 00:27:34,798 bright she saw him and he took her and 625 00:27:32,339 --> 00:27:37,470 what and she presented her to everyone 626 00:27:34,798 --> 00:27:39,720 else what had happened is her soul her 627 00:27:37,470 --> 00:27:41,730 spirit that was in eternity was brought 628 00:27:39,720 --> 00:27:45,569 back by God and that body was brought 629 00:27:41,730 --> 00:27:48,419 back to life and there she was a person 630 00:27:45,569 --> 00:27:49,950 to get on this earth and able to talk 631 00:27:48,419 --> 00:27:51,809 with her friends he presented her 632 00:27:49,950 --> 00:27:53,429 wouldn't have been a great moment he 633 00:27:51,808 --> 00:27:55,769 came out of that room and said let me 634 00:27:53,429 --> 00:27:58,619 present to you Tabitha and they were 635 00:27:55,769 --> 00:28:00,359 overjoyed at the miracle of God and 636 00:27:58,618 --> 00:28:03,658 could be no other answer than that was a 637 00:28:00,359 --> 00:28:05,699 miracle but there is also a picture in 638 00:28:03,659 --> 00:28:08,490 this power to live come back what I said 639 00:28:05,700 --> 00:28:11,788 at the beginning every day we are to die 640 00:28:08,490 --> 00:28:14,009 to sin die to self die to our own credit 641 00:28:11,788 --> 00:28:18,690 our own glory our own praise on power 642 00:28:14,009 --> 00:28:21,118 even our own pity died of those things 643 00:28:18,690 --> 00:28:25,769 that we may let Christ have our life 644 00:28:21,118 --> 00:28:28,980 surrender it all to him not I not for me 645 00:28:25,769 --> 00:28:31,440 not for my credit not for anything I 646 00:28:28,980 --> 00:28:34,079 would get but for Christ that's all 647 00:28:31,440 --> 00:28:35,730 we're to live now if you're a believer 648 00:28:34,079 --> 00:28:37,378 in Christ you know this you've been 649 00:28:35,730 --> 00:28:39,450 taught this and let me encourage you now 650 00:28:37,378 --> 00:28:42,898 to say Lord I want to come to an end to 651 00:28:39,450 --> 00:28:45,808 myself surrender myself to you and let 652 00:28:42,898 --> 00:28:48,388 you live in me and through me let him 653 00:28:45,808 --> 00:28:50,930 have your heart and he'll he'll lead you 654 00:28:48,388 --> 00:28:53,359 so that others can see Jesus in you 655 00:28:50,930 --> 00:28:55,759 and if you're not a Christian let me 656 00:28:53,359 --> 00:28:57,859 encourage you now to turn from your sin 657 00:28:55,759 --> 00:28:59,390 yourself turn from who you are and 658 00:28:57,859 --> 00:29:01,879 simply turn to put your faith and trust 659 00:28:59,390 --> 00:29:03,410 in Christ say lord I believe that that 660 00:29:01,880 --> 00:29:05,420 you love me that you died on the cross 661 00:29:03,410 --> 00:29:08,029 for my sins and you rose from the grave 662 00:29:05,420 --> 00:29:08,960 I ask you to come into my heart and live 663 00:29:08,029 --> 00:29:11,029 there forever 664 00:29:08,960 --> 00:29:13,250 well I pray that God will bless you and 665 00:29:11,029 --> 00:29:16,639 I pray that this Mother's Day again 666 00:29:13,250 --> 00:29:19,279 mom's thank you thank you thank you and 667 00:29:16,640 --> 00:29:21,440 may God bless you and may you continue 668 00:29:19,279 --> 00:29:23,750 to be a blessing to your family and your 669 00:29:21,440 --> 00:29:25,759 children let me pray for us thank you 670 00:29:23,750 --> 00:29:28,029 Lord for your grace in your love I thank 671 00:29:25,759 --> 00:29:31,579 you Lord for this example of Tabitha 672 00:29:28,029 --> 00:29:34,670 Dorcas we thank you Lord for her example 673 00:29:31,579 --> 00:29:37,669 of how to live how to die and how she 674 00:29:34,670 --> 00:29:42,019 pictures and what life can be in this in 675 00:29:37,670 --> 00:29:45,289 this age for us life that is is filled 676 00:29:42,019 --> 00:29:46,910 with the holy and a heavenly power Lord 677 00:29:45,289 --> 00:29:48,980 we pray that you have blessed us to stay 678 00:29:46,910 --> 00:29:51,350 again we thank you for our mothers and 679 00:29:48,980 --> 00:29:53,480 we praise you bless them during the 680 00:29:51,349 --> 00:29:54,740 special day we pray this in Jesus name 681 00:29:53,480 --> 00:29:58,150 Amen 682 00:29:54,740 --> 00:29:58,150 god bless you friends