1 00:00:00,410 --> 00:00:08,669 [Music] 2 00:00:09,138 --> 00:00:14,338 good morning Francis this Pastor David 3 00:00:11,999 --> 00:00:17,160 from the International Baptist Church in 4 00:00:14,339 --> 00:00:18,800 Stuttgart Germany and I'm glad to share 5 00:00:17,160 --> 00:00:21,689 with you the Word of God this morning 6 00:00:18,800 --> 00:00:24,838 we're looking at a wonderful text it's 7 00:00:21,689 --> 00:00:26,640 about the way God leads us and we're 8 00:00:24,838 --> 00:00:28,439 actually going to be in the 21st chapter 9 00:00:26,640 --> 00:00:30,390 of Acts we've been going through the 10 00:00:28,439 --> 00:00:33,090 book of Acts and we've made it all the 11 00:00:30,390 --> 00:00:36,539 way to chapter 21 and we're looking at 12 00:00:33,090 --> 00:00:39,240 the issue of how does the church and how 13 00:00:36,539 --> 00:00:41,539 does an individual believer understand 14 00:00:39,240 --> 00:00:44,100 the leadership of the Lord in our life 15 00:00:41,539 --> 00:00:46,500 the fact that God leads us is a 16 00:00:44,100 --> 00:00:49,230 wonderful truth is proclaimed throughout 17 00:00:46,500 --> 00:00:52,500 Scripture and we just look at the Psalms 18 00:00:49,229 --> 00:00:56,189 alone we see many Psalms that teach us 19 00:00:52,500 --> 00:00:59,369 this for example David in Psalm 23 3 he 20 00:00:56,189 --> 00:01:01,229 says this he restores my soul he leads 21 00:00:59,369 --> 00:01:04,259 me in paths of righteousness for his 22 00:01:01,229 --> 00:01:06,390 name's sake and notice that he mentions 23 00:01:04,260 --> 00:01:08,939 that God restores his soul before he 24 00:01:06,390 --> 00:01:11,310 says he leads me and God is always 25 00:01:08,939 --> 00:01:14,370 interested in supporting us and building 26 00:01:11,310 --> 00:01:16,620 us up and then he leads us to follow him 27 00:01:14,370 --> 00:01:20,040 so the leadership of God is gracious 28 00:01:16,620 --> 00:01:21,780 it's righteous it's purposeful isaiah 29 00:01:20,040 --> 00:01:23,730 spoke about the leadership of God and 30 00:01:21,780 --> 00:01:26,609 the fortieth chapter speaking about the 31 00:01:23,730 --> 00:01:28,978 Messiah he said this he said he tends 32 00:01:26,609 --> 00:01:31,319 his flock like a shepherd he gathers the 33 00:01:28,978 --> 00:01:34,560 Lambs in his arms and carries them close 34 00:01:31,319 --> 00:01:37,289 to his heart he gently leaves those with 35 00:01:34,560 --> 00:01:39,719 young now that be the idea of a shepherd 36 00:01:37,290 --> 00:01:42,600 and leading the flock that he would have 37 00:01:39,719 --> 00:01:44,728 to lead them in a way that they use or 38 00:01:42,599 --> 00:01:47,280 the mother sheep with the young lambs 39 00:01:44,728 --> 00:01:49,890 could keep up and God does the same with 40 00:01:47,280 --> 00:01:52,590 us that's a very comforting passage 41 00:01:49,890 --> 00:01:55,200 those of us like myself and my wife who 42 00:01:52,590 --> 00:01:58,350 have raised their children overseas and 43 00:01:55,200 --> 00:02:00,359 pursuing the call of God that God does 44 00:01:58,349 --> 00:02:02,239 not lead us in such a way they would do 45 00:02:00,359 --> 00:02:04,010 harm to our young 46 00:02:02,239 --> 00:02:06,919 but we can trust them with the hands of 47 00:02:04,010 --> 00:02:08,810 God our children now raised but we trust 48 00:02:06,920 --> 00:02:11,390 our grandchildren also the hands of God 49 00:02:08,810 --> 00:02:14,390 and know that God gently leads those 50 00:02:11,389 --> 00:02:17,000 with young that's a character of his 51 00:02:14,389 --> 00:02:20,119 leadership in our life David perhaps 52 00:02:17,000 --> 00:02:23,120 said it best at the 139th Psalm it 53 00:02:20,120 --> 00:02:25,099 described the very succinctly but very 54 00:02:23,120 --> 00:02:27,770 beautifully phrase the leadership of God 55 00:02:25,099 --> 00:02:31,459 he said this crying out to God he said 56 00:02:27,770 --> 00:02:34,310 lead me in the way everlasting and 57 00:02:31,459 --> 00:02:37,400 that's a very beautiful way to describe 58 00:02:34,310 --> 00:02:39,530 how God leads us God leads us not me to 59 00:02:37,400 --> 00:02:42,349 make decisions or to do this what's 60 00:02:39,530 --> 00:02:45,080 right or what's wrong but the path that 61 00:02:42,349 --> 00:02:48,139 God leads us in the values and the 62 00:02:45,080 --> 00:02:50,570 choices and the decisions we make as we 63 00:02:48,139 --> 00:02:53,389 follow his lordship is the eternal way 64 00:02:50,569 --> 00:02:55,609 is the way everlasting have been we 65 00:02:53,389 --> 00:02:59,449 trust in Christ we are from that point 66 00:02:55,610 --> 00:03:02,510 on on the path for eternity so he leads 67 00:02:59,449 --> 00:03:05,539 us in this everlasting eternal way in 68 00:03:02,509 --> 00:03:08,239 Psalm 25 another great text to 69 00:03:05,539 --> 00:03:11,810 understand the leadership of the Lord he 70 00:03:08,239 --> 00:03:15,140 says this show me your ways o Lord teach 71 00:03:11,810 --> 00:03:19,430 me your paths guide me in your truth and 72 00:03:15,139 --> 00:03:21,768 teach me that Psalm 25 5 and there we 73 00:03:19,430 --> 00:03:24,080 see that God leads us not merely by 74 00:03:21,769 --> 00:03:26,989 telling us do this or do that but it 75 00:03:24,080 --> 00:03:29,450 leads us by teaching us by teaching us 76 00:03:26,989 --> 00:03:32,090 what's right and what's wrong and how 77 00:03:29,449 --> 00:03:33,768 what is he what is his values what does 78 00:03:32,090 --> 00:03:37,129 he want us to do and how should a 79 00:03:33,769 --> 00:03:39,709 follower of Jesus Christ act God doesn't 80 00:03:37,129 --> 00:03:42,319 always tell us exactly what to do but he 81 00:03:39,709 --> 00:03:45,650 teaches us what is the right thing to do 82 00:03:42,319 --> 00:03:47,840 and then trust us to do it now become 83 00:03:45,650 --> 00:03:49,610 the new testament we see also Jesus 84 00:03:47,840 --> 00:03:51,890 talked about the leadership of God in 85 00:03:49,610 --> 00:03:55,010 the model prayer the Lord's Prayer he 86 00:03:51,889 --> 00:03:58,429 taught us to pray this lead us not into 87 00:03:55,009 --> 00:04:00,259 temptation but deliver us from evil well 88 00:03:58,430 --> 00:04:02,569 that's stated in the negative but 89 00:04:00,259 --> 00:04:05,750 there's also a positive side there is 90 00:04:02,569 --> 00:04:08,250 this a prank to God lead us Oh father 91 00:04:05,750 --> 00:04:12,539 away from evil into deliver 92 00:04:08,250 --> 00:04:15,780 and into eternity so God leads us in the 93 00:04:12,539 --> 00:04:20,339 right way away from evil and in to the 94 00:04:15,780 --> 00:04:22,259 right way to act and behave God leads us 95 00:04:20,339 --> 00:04:25,109 to make good choices to make wise 96 00:04:22,259 --> 00:04:27,959 choices it helps us to understand what 97 00:04:25,110 --> 00:04:32,280 his plan is both for our life and for 98 00:04:27,959 --> 00:04:34,439 the world now if we take this and apply 99 00:04:32,279 --> 00:04:37,559 it to our lives we can understand that 100 00:04:34,439 --> 00:04:41,160 sometimes God leads us away from evil 101 00:04:37,560 --> 00:04:43,589 sometimes God leads us to face evil and 102 00:04:41,160 --> 00:04:47,580 sometimes God leads us even to confront 103 00:04:43,589 --> 00:04:50,219 evil I'm reminded of the story I heard 104 00:04:47,579 --> 00:04:52,289 from many people on 9/11 in the World 105 00:04:50,220 --> 00:04:54,900 Trade Center when it was hit by those 106 00:04:52,290 --> 00:04:57,300 two planes the people that were working 107 00:04:54,899 --> 00:04:59,699 in the building they were evacuating 108 00:04:57,300 --> 00:05:01,350 they were coming down the stairs trying 109 00:04:59,699 --> 00:05:05,009 to escape the building but as they were 110 00:05:01,350 --> 00:05:08,040 coming down the New York City firemen 111 00:05:05,009 --> 00:05:09,930 were going up entering into the building 112 00:05:08,040 --> 00:05:12,780 and sometimes the Christians that way 113 00:05:09,930 --> 00:05:15,000 people run away from danger a Christian 114 00:05:12,779 --> 00:05:17,849 runs thwarted in order to serve the Lord 115 00:05:15,000 --> 00:05:21,509 well in our text this morning we're just 116 00:05:17,850 --> 00:05:24,120 continuing with the leadership of the 117 00:05:21,509 --> 00:05:26,819 Lord in the early church and we're now 118 00:05:24,120 --> 00:05:30,360 we're in the at the end of Paul's third 119 00:05:26,819 --> 00:05:33,839 missionary journey at his return to 120 00:05:30,360 --> 00:05:35,580 Israel and is returned to Jerusalem and 121 00:05:33,839 --> 00:05:37,889 we're going to be dealing with a very 122 00:05:35,579 --> 00:05:39,659 difficult subject but it's a subject 123 00:05:37,889 --> 00:05:41,849 that's so important which is why I 124 00:05:39,660 --> 00:05:45,419 believe God inspired this 21st chapter 125 00:05:41,850 --> 00:05:48,629 of Acts it's so important to understand 126 00:05:45,418 --> 00:05:51,539 how to balance these two issues what 127 00:05:48,629 --> 00:05:54,600 happens when an individual Christian 128 00:05:51,540 --> 00:05:57,360 says God's called me to do this but yet 129 00:05:54,600 --> 00:05:59,280 the community of faith says no that's 130 00:05:57,360 --> 00:06:01,530 not how God has called you or we don't 131 00:05:59,279 --> 00:06:03,839 agree with you that that's what you 132 00:06:01,529 --> 00:06:06,629 ought to do how do you work that out 133 00:06:03,839 --> 00:06:08,489 because that's exactly the situation we 134 00:06:06,629 --> 00:06:10,079 have here but we're going to look at 135 00:06:08,490 --> 00:06:12,540 three truths first of all if we want to 136 00:06:10,079 --> 00:06:14,370 see then how God does lead the 137 00:06:12,540 --> 00:06:16,200 individual Christian secondly we're 138 00:06:14,370 --> 00:06:18,050 going to look and see how God does lead 139 00:06:16,199 --> 00:06:20,000 the church also leaves the 140 00:06:18,050 --> 00:06:22,129 community of faith understand his will 141 00:06:20,000 --> 00:06:24,560 and thirdly we want to look at this 142 00:06:22,129 --> 00:06:27,050 issue of balancing these things that are 143 00:06:24,560 --> 00:06:29,120 alive to let God lead us in both of 144 00:06:27,050 --> 00:06:32,060 these areas both in the individual life 145 00:06:29,120 --> 00:06:34,250 and understanding how we are to respond 146 00:06:32,060 --> 00:06:36,620 to the community of faith and how the 147 00:06:34,250 --> 00:06:39,529 community of faith is to respond to the 148 00:06:36,620 --> 00:06:43,220 individual it's important to realize the 149 00:06:39,529 --> 00:06:47,089 goal of all of these matters is to 150 00:06:43,220 --> 00:06:49,009 understand the will of God not so that 151 00:06:47,089 --> 00:06:51,168 we could get our way or they could get 152 00:06:49,009 --> 00:06:54,110 their way but that we may understand 153 00:06:51,168 --> 00:06:56,538 what God is telling us to do so let's 154 00:06:54,110 --> 00:07:00,830 start just examining this truth of God's 155 00:06:56,538 --> 00:07:04,068 leadership in our life now if we come to 156 00:07:00,829 --> 00:07:06,918 acts 21 we need to back up a little bit 157 00:07:04,069 --> 00:07:09,289 to see what was going on in Paul's life 158 00:07:06,918 --> 00:07:12,318 it was towards the end of his third 159 00:07:09,288 --> 00:07:16,490 missionary journey that he began to have 160 00:07:12,319 --> 00:07:19,098 it on his heart to go to Jerusalem no we 161 00:07:16,490 --> 00:07:21,500 see that God leads us in at least two 162 00:07:19,098 --> 00:07:24,379 general ways there is first of all the 163 00:07:21,500 --> 00:07:27,348 issue of him ordering our steps or 164 00:07:24,379 --> 00:07:29,629 guiding our steps saying go here go 165 00:07:27,348 --> 00:07:32,180 there but there's the other issue which 166 00:07:29,629 --> 00:07:35,538 is really a more profound issue of him 167 00:07:32,180 --> 00:07:37,459 changing our hearts where we understand 168 00:07:35,538 --> 00:07:39,769 what he is saying and what he is doing 169 00:07:37,459 --> 00:07:42,500 that he we understand his plan we 170 00:07:39,769 --> 00:07:46,189 understand his nature we understand it 171 00:07:42,500 --> 00:07:48,228 is his ways and we follow his ways now 172 00:07:46,189 --> 00:07:50,418 that's the really of the more profound 173 00:07:48,228 --> 00:07:53,120 understanding of God's will 174 00:07:50,418 --> 00:07:56,359 but all of us are to be led by God in 175 00:07:53,120 --> 00:08:00,079 Romans 8:14 it says this those who are 176 00:07:56,360 --> 00:08:05,810 led by the Spirit are the sons of God if 177 00:08:00,079 --> 00:08:07,878 we go to Romans 12:2 it is a wonderful 178 00:08:05,810 --> 00:08:10,939 passage about understanding the will of 179 00:08:07,879 --> 00:08:13,129 God it says this do not be conformed any 180 00:08:10,939 --> 00:08:16,370 longer to the pattern of this world but 181 00:08:13,129 --> 00:08:17,090 be transformed by the renewing of your 182 00:08:16,370 --> 00:08:19,340 mind 183 00:08:17,089 --> 00:08:23,089 so that you will be able to test and 184 00:08:19,339 --> 00:08:26,838 approve what God's will is his good 185 00:08:23,089 --> 00:08:29,209 pleasing and perfect will we can trust 186 00:08:26,838 --> 00:08:31,160 that God always desires the 187 00:08:29,209 --> 00:08:34,098 right always desires that which is 188 00:08:31,160 --> 00:08:35,899 pleasing which is good which is perfect 189 00:08:34,099 --> 00:08:38,300 not which is mixed between good and evil 190 00:08:35,899 --> 00:08:40,370 with that which is a complete 191 00:08:38,299 --> 00:08:43,278 fulfillment of his plans and of his 192 00:08:40,370 --> 00:08:45,830 desires so God leads us in all these 193 00:08:43,278 --> 00:08:48,470 areas he leads us to understand his ways 194 00:08:45,830 --> 00:08:50,600 to understand be closer to him 195 00:08:48,470 --> 00:08:53,269 understand his nature and also to make 196 00:08:50,600 --> 00:08:56,000 wise decisions now if you've ever had 197 00:08:53,269 --> 00:08:57,799 the study experiencing God by Henry 198 00:08:56,000 --> 00:09:01,879 Blackaby if you haven't let me encourage 199 00:08:57,799 --> 00:09:04,699 you to to take that study it mentioned 200 00:09:01,879 --> 00:09:07,759 seven realities of experiencing God and 201 00:09:04,700 --> 00:09:10,850 these are all biblical truths one of 202 00:09:07,759 --> 00:09:13,700 these says this God speaks by the Holy 203 00:09:10,850 --> 00:09:17,180 Spirit through the Bible prayer and 204 00:09:13,700 --> 00:09:21,259 circumstances and the church to reveal 205 00:09:17,179 --> 00:09:23,539 himself his purposes and his ways so how 206 00:09:21,259 --> 00:09:25,939 does God speak what he speaks through 207 00:09:23,539 --> 00:09:28,219 the Bible the Bible is the most secure 208 00:09:25,940 --> 00:09:29,720 way of understanding the will of God and 209 00:09:28,220 --> 00:09:33,080 could the Bible is inspired of the 210 00:09:29,720 --> 00:09:36,110 Spirit and it is it is the truth of God 211 00:09:33,080 --> 00:09:38,480 to reveal to us the character nature of 212 00:09:36,110 --> 00:09:40,700 God and God's planned purposes in the 213 00:09:38,480 --> 00:09:42,350 world but also through a prayer the Holy 214 00:09:40,700 --> 00:09:45,140 Spirit may speak to us through prayer 215 00:09:42,350 --> 00:09:46,720 now the Holy Spirit is the author of the 216 00:09:45,139 --> 00:09:49,250 Bible and the Holy Spirit will not 217 00:09:46,720 --> 00:09:51,800 contradict himself that is he will not 218 00:09:49,250 --> 00:09:54,980 call us to do something that is in 219 00:09:51,799 --> 00:09:57,139 conflict with this word but he will take 220 00:09:54,980 --> 00:09:59,209 the word and take the truths of his word 221 00:09:57,139 --> 00:10:01,069 and put them on our heart to help us 222 00:09:59,208 --> 00:10:03,500 understand what he is calling us to do 223 00:10:01,070 --> 00:10:05,750 in this time in this place I would not 224 00:10:03,500 --> 00:10:07,879 be serving in ministry had I not felt 225 00:10:05,750 --> 00:10:09,950 the Lord called me in the ministry I 226 00:10:07,879 --> 00:10:11,720 would not be here in Stuttgart had I not 227 00:10:09,950 --> 00:10:14,629 had the impression of God that he was 228 00:10:11,720 --> 00:10:19,190 leading me here to Stuttgart so he shows 229 00:10:14,629 --> 00:10:23,179 us his will by his Spirit as we pray but 230 00:10:19,190 --> 00:10:25,610 also circumstances can can show us the 231 00:10:23,179 --> 00:10:27,708 will of God now this is a rather tricky 232 00:10:25,610 --> 00:10:30,528 issue because sometimes circumstances 233 00:10:27,708 --> 00:10:32,449 can be very difficult to understand but 234 00:10:30,528 --> 00:10:33,500 just for the sake of clarity often 235 00:10:32,450 --> 00:10:35,210 circumstances 236 00:10:33,500 --> 00:10:36,950 abundantly clear say you're in your 237 00:10:35,210 --> 00:10:39,110 house and the house catches on fire 238 00:10:36,950 --> 00:10:41,420 leave the house and get out of the house 239 00:10:39,110 --> 00:10:43,250 that's the will of God it'd be foolish 240 00:10:41,419 --> 00:10:45,589 but that flames are creeping up the wall 241 00:10:43,250 --> 00:10:47,929 to say oh let's stop minute and read the 242 00:10:45,590 --> 00:10:49,700 Bible and pray about what we think we 243 00:10:47,929 --> 00:10:51,919 should do what is God leading us to do 244 00:10:49,700 --> 00:10:54,259 know the circumstances speak very 245 00:10:51,919 --> 00:10:56,449 plainly get out of the house but 246 00:10:54,259 --> 00:10:59,480 sometimes circumstances are much vaguer 247 00:10:56,450 --> 00:11:02,240 and and not so clear we need the wisdom 248 00:10:59,480 --> 00:11:04,810 of God's Word we need prayer to 249 00:11:02,240 --> 00:11:08,029 understand what is God leading us to do 250 00:11:04,809 --> 00:11:10,099 often I know some Christians but Italy 251 00:11:08,029 --> 00:11:12,199 and mature Christians that they will 252 00:11:10,100 --> 00:11:14,899 take something and that's convenient as 253 00:11:12,200 --> 00:11:16,990 a sign of God's will well not everything 254 00:11:14,899 --> 00:11:20,000 that's convenient is God's will 255 00:11:16,990 --> 00:11:22,399 sometimes the devil puts very convenient 256 00:11:20,000 --> 00:11:24,649 things in our path in order to go away 257 00:11:22,399 --> 00:11:26,840 from the will of God remember when Jonah 258 00:11:24,649 --> 00:11:28,909 ran from the call of God God called him 259 00:11:26,840 --> 00:11:31,340 to go to Nineveh and Syria instead he 260 00:11:28,909 --> 00:11:34,339 went down to Joppa and found a boat to 261 00:11:31,340 --> 00:11:36,649 go to Tarsus the opposite direction but 262 00:11:34,340 --> 00:11:39,170 we spied it was very convenient for him 263 00:11:36,649 --> 00:11:41,419 to find a boat and to disobey God is 264 00:11:39,169 --> 00:11:44,000 often more convenient than to obey Him 265 00:11:41,419 --> 00:11:46,399 but their Blas circumstances and what 266 00:11:44,000 --> 00:11:48,470 the tools God uses to help us understand 267 00:11:46,399 --> 00:11:50,659 what we are to do the fourth one he 268 00:11:48,470 --> 00:11:54,050 mentions is the church and that's what 269 00:11:50,659 --> 00:11:57,139 we want to talk about today that the God 270 00:11:54,049 --> 00:12:00,919 uses the church that is spirit-filled 271 00:11:57,139 --> 00:12:04,759 wise experienced Christians to help give 272 00:12:00,919 --> 00:12:07,939 us wisdom and what are we to do well God 273 00:12:04,759 --> 00:12:09,350 reveals this truth to us through the 274 00:12:07,940 --> 00:12:11,570 Bible through prayer through 275 00:12:09,350 --> 00:12:13,129 circumstances and through the church and 276 00:12:11,570 --> 00:12:15,560 black could be mentioned three things 277 00:12:13,129 --> 00:12:19,490 God does reveal to us he says he reveals 278 00:12:15,559 --> 00:12:21,319 himself his purposes and his ways well 279 00:12:19,490 --> 00:12:24,080 we can break that down and different 280 00:12:21,320 --> 00:12:28,430 scriptures for example we go to John 14 281 00:12:24,080 --> 00:12:31,670 and 15 and 16 and this is the the the 282 00:12:28,429 --> 00:12:34,489 message that Jesus gave to his disciples 283 00:12:31,669 --> 00:12:37,009 on the night of his betrayal just before 284 00:12:34,490 --> 00:12:40,789 he was arrested and we see all three of 285 00:12:37,009 --> 00:12:44,870 these things are revealed in in this 286 00:12:40,789 --> 00:12:49,459 teaching for example in John 14:21 287 00:12:44,870 --> 00:12:52,909 he teaches us how God by his Spirit by 288 00:12:49,460 --> 00:12:56,660 His Word revealed to us himself his own 289 00:12:52,909 --> 00:12:58,819 heart here's what it says jesus said he 290 00:12:56,659 --> 00:13:02,719 who loves me will be loved by my father 291 00:12:58,820 --> 00:13:07,460 and I too will love him and show myself 292 00:13:02,720 --> 00:13:09,320 to him Jesus shows us himself he reveals 293 00:13:07,460 --> 00:13:12,080 himself to us that we may know him 294 00:13:09,320 --> 00:13:16,129 better and then his purposes he also 295 00:13:12,080 --> 00:13:18,920 reveals his purposes John 15:15 Jesus 296 00:13:16,129 --> 00:13:21,080 said this I no longer call you servants 297 00:13:18,919 --> 00:13:24,229 because the servant does not know his 298 00:13:21,080 --> 00:13:26,420 master's business instead I have called 299 00:13:24,230 --> 00:13:28,970 you friends for everything that I 300 00:13:26,419 --> 00:13:32,838 learned from My Father I have made known 301 00:13:28,970 --> 00:13:34,460 to you so we understand the purposes of 302 00:13:32,839 --> 00:13:36,680 God we understand the Great Commission 303 00:13:34,460 --> 00:13:38,960 we understand the teachings in the Bible 304 00:13:36,679 --> 00:13:42,199 about the end times about the eternal 305 00:13:38,960 --> 00:13:44,990 plan of God and he doesn't merely tell 306 00:13:42,200 --> 00:13:46,940 us go here go there do this do that but 307 00:13:44,990 --> 00:13:49,519 he shows us a purpose that we may 308 00:13:46,940 --> 00:13:52,160 understand his will to understand where 309 00:13:49,519 --> 00:13:54,409 we fit in to his plan for the ages and 310 00:13:52,159 --> 00:13:58,669 then the third thing is that God shows 311 00:13:54,409 --> 00:14:01,490 us his way John 16:15 again Jesus says 312 00:13:58,669 --> 00:14:04,250 all that belongs to the Father is mine 313 00:14:01,490 --> 00:14:06,649 that is why I said the Spirit will take 314 00:14:04,250 --> 00:14:10,339 from what is mine and make it known to 315 00:14:06,649 --> 00:14:13,549 you he teaches us his ways that is how 316 00:14:10,339 --> 00:14:16,160 we are to do is will how we are to do 317 00:14:13,549 --> 00:14:18,949 fulfill his purposes how we are to 318 00:14:16,159 --> 00:14:21,709 behave all these things God reveals to 319 00:14:18,950 --> 00:14:24,140 us to change our nature to change our 320 00:14:21,710 --> 00:14:27,350 character of the Spirit of God produces 321 00:14:24,139 --> 00:14:30,230 the fruit of the Spirit love joy peace 322 00:14:27,350 --> 00:14:32,839 patience kindness gentleness meekness 323 00:14:30,230 --> 00:14:35,779 self-control all these things God works 324 00:14:32,839 --> 00:14:39,500 within us by his Spirit and we began 325 00:14:35,779 --> 00:14:41,899 acting like Jesus not pretending to be 326 00:14:39,500 --> 00:14:43,080 like him but as his life is in us he 327 00:14:41,899 --> 00:14:46,409 changes 328 00:14:43,080 --> 00:14:48,810 and we began to have burdens on our 329 00:14:46,409 --> 00:14:52,500 heart we began to care about things we 330 00:14:48,809 --> 00:14:55,559 didn't care about before now in that way 331 00:14:52,500 --> 00:14:58,649 we can say in a general way God leads us 332 00:14:55,559 --> 00:15:01,708 to look around us and say what can we do 333 00:14:58,649 --> 00:15:05,129 here for God what is God calling us to 334 00:15:01,708 --> 00:15:07,679 do now as we look at this text we see 335 00:15:05,129 --> 00:15:10,379 the Apostle Paul apparently was going 336 00:15:07,679 --> 00:15:12,299 through something like this our text is 337 00:15:10,379 --> 00:15:15,480 going to talk about the leadership of 338 00:15:12,299 --> 00:15:18,179 God and Paul's life to bring him to go 339 00:15:15,480 --> 00:15:21,570 to Jerusalem but it falls short of 340 00:15:18,179 --> 00:15:24,719 saying God said go let's look at these 341 00:15:21,570 --> 00:15:28,440 passages we go to chapter 19 of Acts 342 00:15:24,720 --> 00:15:30,660 verse 21 and Luke who is the author of 343 00:15:28,440 --> 00:15:33,750 this book the human author inspired of 344 00:15:30,659 --> 00:15:36,179 God of course but Luke is there in these 345 00:15:33,750 --> 00:15:38,220 moments he is one of Paul's companions 346 00:15:36,179 --> 00:15:40,889 so he knew what was happening he's 347 00:15:38,220 --> 00:15:44,278 telling us his own perspective and it 348 00:15:40,889 --> 00:15:48,149 says this in chapter 19 verse 21 at the 349 00:15:44,278 --> 00:15:51,659 end of his time there in Ephesus it says 350 00:15:48,149 --> 00:15:54,539 after all this had happened Paul decided 351 00:15:51,659 --> 00:15:57,750 to go to Jerusalem and there he says it 352 00:15:54,539 --> 00:16:00,179 was Paul's decision very plainly now we 353 00:15:57,750 --> 00:16:02,399 understand that he would do this out of 354 00:16:00,179 --> 00:16:05,189 the burden that God had placed on his 355 00:16:02,399 --> 00:16:07,110 sorry for his own people he wanted to be 356 00:16:05,190 --> 00:16:10,500 there in Jerusalem and share the gospel 357 00:16:07,110 --> 00:16:13,579 in Jerusalem preach Christ in Jerusalem 358 00:16:10,500 --> 00:16:17,399 out of the love for his own people and 359 00:16:13,578 --> 00:16:20,370 we read in chapter 20 verse 22 the 360 00:16:17,399 --> 00:16:23,669 Apostle Paul is speaking to the elders 361 00:16:20,370 --> 00:16:26,399 and Ephesus and he is explaining to them 362 00:16:23,669 --> 00:16:30,328 his decision verse 22 it says this and 363 00:16:26,399 --> 00:16:32,429 now compelled by the spirit in the 364 00:16:30,328 --> 00:16:35,549 original language that word is bound 365 00:16:32,429 --> 00:16:37,679 bound by the spirit it's the same word 366 00:16:35,549 --> 00:16:40,379 that was used for Jesus's teaching that 367 00:16:37,679 --> 00:16:42,120 to his apostles whatever you bind on 368 00:16:40,379 --> 00:16:44,850 earth will be bound in heaven and so 369 00:16:42,120 --> 00:16:46,709 he's speaking about being bound like 370 00:16:44,850 --> 00:16:48,810 someone had tied up the Holy Spirit has 371 00:16:46,708 --> 00:16:51,159 tied his own heart his own will to this 372 00:16:48,809 --> 00:16:53,708 issue compelled or bound 373 00:16:51,159 --> 00:16:57,490 by the spirit I'm going to Jerusalem 374 00:16:53,708 --> 00:16:59,138 knowing what will happen to me there not 375 00:16:57,490 --> 00:17:01,389 knowing excuse me not knowing what will 376 00:16:59,139 --> 00:17:03,970 happen to me there I only know that in 377 00:17:01,389 --> 00:17:06,640 every city the Holy Spirit warns me that 378 00:17:03,970 --> 00:17:09,788 prison and hardships are facing me 379 00:17:06,640 --> 00:17:10,179 however I consider my life worth nothing 380 00:17:09,788 --> 00:17:12,849 to me 381 00:17:10,179 --> 00:17:16,030 if only I may finish the race and 382 00:17:12,849 --> 00:17:18,250 complete the task the Lord Jesus has 383 00:17:16,029 --> 00:17:21,818 given me the task of testifying to the 384 00:17:18,250 --> 00:17:25,838 gospel of God's grace so he says the 385 00:17:21,818 --> 00:17:28,568 Lord has bound my heart and I must go 386 00:17:25,838 --> 00:17:31,450 that's a way of saying that I in my 387 00:17:28,568 --> 00:17:34,269 heart of hearts I need to do this I need 388 00:17:31,450 --> 00:17:38,019 to go so we see this was out of a deep 389 00:17:34,269 --> 00:17:40,690 spiritual experience of Paul that he 390 00:17:38,019 --> 00:17:45,519 wanted to go to Jerusalem he decided to 391 00:17:40,690 --> 00:17:49,390 go but yet it's interesting that Luke 392 00:17:45,519 --> 00:17:52,240 did not say the Holy Spirit said to Paul 393 00:17:49,390 --> 00:17:54,788 no it's important because other places 394 00:17:52,240 --> 00:17:57,069 he had said that other places in Luke's 395 00:17:54,788 --> 00:17:59,650 writings we see very plainly he said the 396 00:17:57,069 --> 00:18:01,538 Holy Spirit said for example Luke also 397 00:17:59,650 --> 00:18:03,190 wrote the Gospel of Luke and we go to 398 00:18:01,538 --> 00:18:06,250 the second chapter and there we read 399 00:18:03,190 --> 00:18:08,288 this man Simeon the Mary and Joseph baby 400 00:18:06,250 --> 00:18:09,880 Jesus was going into the temple they 401 00:18:08,288 --> 00:18:13,058 were going into the temple to dedicate 402 00:18:09,880 --> 00:18:15,940 the baby Jesus and a devout man by the 403 00:18:13,058 --> 00:18:19,629 name of Simeon saw them coming and if 404 00:18:15,940 --> 00:18:22,630 that's the Holy Spirit revealed to him 405 00:18:19,630 --> 00:18:25,450 very plainly spoken the Holy Spirit 406 00:18:22,630 --> 00:18:28,299 revealed to him that before he died he 407 00:18:25,450 --> 00:18:30,940 was to see the Messiah the Christ and he 408 00:18:28,298 --> 00:18:33,129 saw them and blessed the Christ so Luke 409 00:18:30,940 --> 00:18:36,429 was very clear that the Holy Spirit 410 00:18:33,130 --> 00:18:38,740 revealed that truth to Simeon and then 411 00:18:36,429 --> 00:18:42,150 we go to the thirteenth chapter of Acts 412 00:18:38,740 --> 00:18:47,859 and again we see a very plain statement 413 00:18:42,150 --> 00:18:49,690 but the elders and the prophets of the 414 00:18:47,859 --> 00:18:52,599 church in panic were praying together 415 00:18:49,690 --> 00:18:55,870 and again Luke's writing says the Holy 416 00:18:52,599 --> 00:18:57,058 Spirit said to them set apart Paul 417 00:18:55,869 --> 00:19:00,298 barbers for the work 418 00:18:57,058 --> 00:19:03,538 call them to do a very clear message the 419 00:19:00,298 --> 00:19:07,138 Holy Spirit said that to them but yet in 420 00:19:03,538 --> 00:19:11,249 this passage we don't see Luke saying 421 00:19:07,138 --> 00:19:13,740 the Holy Spirit commanded Paul to go to 422 00:19:11,249 --> 00:19:16,710 Jerusalem he did not prevent him though 423 00:19:13,740 --> 00:19:19,138 he had prevented him when they're in a 424 00:19:16,710 --> 00:19:21,090 in the province of Asia trying to go 425 00:19:19,138 --> 00:19:22,979 deeper into Asia he had prevented them 426 00:19:21,089 --> 00:19:24,869 the Spirit of Christ would not let them 427 00:19:22,980 --> 00:19:27,690 go further it said the spirit of Jesus 428 00:19:24,869 --> 00:19:31,949 but not let them go further and instead 429 00:19:27,690 --> 00:19:34,019 he led them to Philip I but still we see 430 00:19:31,950 --> 00:19:36,690 nothing that prevented them from going 431 00:19:34,019 --> 00:19:39,808 but nothing said this is what I command 432 00:19:36,690 --> 00:19:41,999 you to do often the Lord simply puts his 433 00:19:39,808 --> 00:19:44,069 burdens on our hearts and gives us the 434 00:19:41,999 --> 00:19:46,139 freedom to act them out as best we 435 00:19:44,069 --> 00:19:48,388 understand and that's what we apparently 436 00:19:46,138 --> 00:19:50,548 see here the Apostle Paul out of his 437 00:19:48,388 --> 00:19:54,058 love that God had placed on his heart 438 00:19:50,548 --> 00:19:58,769 that's love for his own people felt 439 00:19:54,058 --> 00:20:01,558 bound to go to Jerusalem no the second 440 00:19:58,769 --> 00:20:03,329 thing we see is this though we see also 441 00:20:01,558 --> 00:20:05,759 the church had a different understanding 442 00:20:03,329 --> 00:20:09,148 the community of faith had a very 443 00:20:05,759 --> 00:20:12,839 different understanding chapter 21 now 444 00:20:09,148 --> 00:20:16,079 he is landed and tire tyre is at Syria 445 00:20:12,839 --> 00:20:19,019 but it's it's on the land where you can 446 00:20:16,079 --> 00:20:20,970 now travel by land to Jerusalem so on 447 00:20:19,019 --> 00:20:23,519 the coast Mediterranean coast and we 448 00:20:20,970 --> 00:20:27,329 read these words in verse 4 it says a 449 00:20:23,519 --> 00:20:29,548 children acts 21 verse for finding the 450 00:20:27,329 --> 00:20:32,908 disciples there we stayed with them 451 00:20:29,548 --> 00:20:36,509 seven days through the spirit they urged 452 00:20:32,909 --> 00:20:40,320 Paul not to go to Jerusalem so through 453 00:20:36,509 --> 00:20:42,058 the spirit and that word through the 454 00:20:40,319 --> 00:20:44,939 spirit DM is that word in the original 455 00:20:42,058 --> 00:20:48,269 language it can mean all behalf of the 456 00:20:44,940 --> 00:20:50,879 Spirit they urged him not to go to 457 00:20:48,269 --> 00:20:52,829 Jerusalem so here we have Paul saying I 458 00:20:50,878 --> 00:20:56,638 am bound by the spirit and here we have 459 00:20:52,829 --> 00:20:59,398 disciples their entire that through the 460 00:20:56,638 --> 00:21:00,628 spirit they said Paul don't go now why 461 00:20:59,398 --> 00:21:02,609 would they say that 462 00:21:00,628 --> 00:21:04,558 why would they not want Paul to go to 463 00:21:02,609 --> 00:21:06,990 Jerusalem oh there are many reasons we 464 00:21:04,558 --> 00:21:08,548 don't have to think very hard to imagine 465 00:21:06,990 --> 00:21:10,529 some of the reasons they would have been 466 00:21:08,548 --> 00:21:12,660 concerned about it first of all they 467 00:21:10,529 --> 00:21:14,519 knew the hardness of the hearts in 468 00:21:12,660 --> 00:21:16,710 Jerusalem they knew that was the city 469 00:21:14,519 --> 00:21:18,509 where Christ was crucified where the 470 00:21:16,710 --> 00:21:22,079 church started but it was a difficult 471 00:21:18,509 --> 00:21:25,230 City the hearts were hard there second 472 00:21:22,079 --> 00:21:27,359 they may have known that Christ had had 473 00:21:25,230 --> 00:21:29,910 made a prophecy that Jerusalem would be 474 00:21:27,359 --> 00:21:32,699 destroyed in fact that event in history 475 00:21:29,910 --> 00:21:35,009 happened about eleven years after this 476 00:21:32,700 --> 00:21:37,380 moment it's a fair date for the 21st 477 00:21:35,009 --> 00:21:42,058 chapter of Acts to say it happened about 478 00:21:37,380 --> 00:21:44,340 59 AD and Jerusalem was destroyed 70 AD 479 00:21:42,058 --> 00:21:46,589 so there are only 11 years away from 480 00:21:44,339 --> 00:21:49,319 that and they may have felt that the 481 00:21:46,589 --> 00:21:52,349 time was getting close and the 482 00:21:49,319 --> 00:21:55,829 fulfillment of Jesus's prophecy was just 483 00:21:52,349 --> 00:21:57,990 around the corner don't go there Jesus 484 00:21:55,829 --> 00:22:00,418 already condemned it there's no reason 485 00:21:57,990 --> 00:22:02,730 to go there their heart so hard also 486 00:22:00,419 --> 00:22:04,830 they could have known of the growth of 487 00:22:02,730 --> 00:22:08,339 the church among the Gentiles that that 488 00:22:04,829 --> 00:22:10,798 seemed to be the future God was was 489 00:22:08,339 --> 00:22:12,629 being preached Christ was being preached 490 00:22:10,798 --> 00:22:15,269 among the Gentiles they were responding 491 00:22:12,630 --> 00:22:17,490 and they still believed that God wanted 492 00:22:15,269 --> 00:22:19,500 to do some things through Paul they said 493 00:22:17,490 --> 00:22:23,000 Paul don't care there you lose your life 494 00:22:19,500 --> 00:22:25,980 you be placed in prison don't go there 495 00:22:23,000 --> 00:22:29,880 go back to the Gentiles that's where the 496 00:22:25,980 --> 00:22:32,789 future is now we read all of this 21st 497 00:22:29,880 --> 00:22:35,669 chapter verse 11 speaks about a prophet 498 00:22:32,789 --> 00:22:38,308 coming down from Judea activist was his 499 00:22:35,669 --> 00:22:41,460 name and it says coming over to us he 500 00:22:38,308 --> 00:22:43,769 took Paul's belt tied his own hands and 501 00:22:41,460 --> 00:22:45,840 feet with it and said the Holy Spirit 502 00:22:43,769 --> 00:22:48,808 says this again very clear what the Holy 503 00:22:45,839 --> 00:22:51,509 Spirit says the Holy Spirit says in this 504 00:22:48,808 --> 00:22:53,579 way the Jews of Jerusalem will bind the 505 00:22:51,509 --> 00:22:56,730 owner of this belt and will hand him 506 00:22:53,579 --> 00:22:58,769 over to the Gentiles they probably had 507 00:22:56,730 --> 00:22:59,880 heard Paul saying I am bound by the 508 00:22:58,769 --> 00:23:02,879 Spirit lagopus 509 00:22:59,880 --> 00:23:04,919 took the belt of Paul and bound his own 510 00:23:02,880 --> 00:23:06,720 hands and speed he says this is what 511 00:23:04,919 --> 00:23:08,429 will be bound your hands 512 00:23:06,720 --> 00:23:11,279 your feet would be bound and they will 513 00:23:08,429 --> 00:23:13,140 turn you over to the Gentiles again 514 00:23:11,279 --> 00:23:16,048 that's what the Holy Spirit has said to 515 00:23:13,140 --> 00:23:21,150 Paul that's what the Spirit said through 516 00:23:16,048 --> 00:23:24,599 through agamous but that was a difficult 517 00:23:21,150 --> 00:23:27,000 moment for them here they were talking 518 00:23:24,599 --> 00:23:30,119 to Paul saying don't go Paul is saying 519 00:23:27,000 --> 00:23:33,240 I'm bound by the Spirit who's right 520 00:23:30,119 --> 00:23:35,579 who's right in the situation's well this 521 00:23:33,240 --> 00:23:38,099 is why this text is so helpful to us 522 00:23:35,579 --> 00:23:40,529 what happens when Christians are on 523 00:23:38,099 --> 00:23:42,209 different sides of the same argument one 524 00:23:40,529 --> 00:23:44,940 says through this Allah says do that 525 00:23:42,210 --> 00:23:47,519 well that means the church needs to pray 526 00:23:44,940 --> 00:23:50,370 needs to seek the face of Christ needs 527 00:23:47,519 --> 00:23:52,950 to speak to seek the wisdom of God and 528 00:23:50,369 --> 00:23:55,649 needs to come to some unified decision 529 00:23:52,950 --> 00:23:59,250 they need to do it in a dignified and 530 00:23:55,650 --> 00:24:04,019 unified in a spirit-filled way jesus 531 00:23:59,250 --> 00:24:07,380 said in Luke 11 Luke 11 17 a house 532 00:24:04,019 --> 00:24:09,839 divided against itself cannot stand and 533 00:24:07,380 --> 00:24:12,690 a church divided against itself cannot 534 00:24:09,839 --> 00:24:15,149 stand a church needs to be United and 535 00:24:12,690 --> 00:24:17,429 what they believe and also United in the 536 00:24:15,150 --> 00:24:19,950 character and the spirit in which they 537 00:24:17,429 --> 00:24:22,559 carry on their business United in their 538 00:24:19,950 --> 00:24:25,890 mission for Christ to bring people into 539 00:24:22,558 --> 00:24:29,548 the church family to grow under God's 540 00:24:25,890 --> 00:24:31,470 grace and through his power but the 541 00:24:29,548 --> 00:24:33,839 church also needs to be united in its 542 00:24:31,470 --> 00:24:36,659 decisions at least by a majority 543 00:24:33,839 --> 00:24:38,908 decision if you can't always agree 544 00:24:36,659 --> 00:24:43,230 you really should agree to disagree and 545 00:24:38,909 --> 00:24:45,900 do so graciously no God will use the 546 00:24:43,230 --> 00:24:49,110 pastor in this I believe strongly that 547 00:24:45,900 --> 00:24:51,590 the pastor should be a teacher this is 548 00:24:49,109 --> 00:24:55,469 what we see in the scripture in 549 00:24:51,589 --> 00:24:57,779 ephesians 4:11 the pastor position is 550 00:24:55,470 --> 00:25:00,630 called the pastor teacher those words 551 00:24:57,779 --> 00:25:02,970 are or - it is those hyphenated joined 552 00:25:00,630 --> 00:25:06,240 together way the the original language 553 00:25:02,970 --> 00:25:09,150 reads and a teacher does not control a 554 00:25:06,240 --> 00:25:12,210 teacher is to impart knowledge trained 555 00:25:09,150 --> 00:25:15,360 others and to empower them to make 556 00:25:12,210 --> 00:25:17,019 decisions themselves and pastors lead 557 00:25:15,359 --> 00:25:19,329 mostly by 558 00:25:17,019 --> 00:25:21,460 teaching the truth of God and setting 559 00:25:19,329 --> 00:25:24,099 the right example because what we see 560 00:25:21,460 --> 00:25:27,490 from the Bible Hebrews 13:7 it says 561 00:25:24,099 --> 00:25:29,980 remember your leaders who spoke the Word 562 00:25:27,490 --> 00:25:32,319 of God to you consider the outcome of 563 00:25:29,980 --> 00:25:34,960 their way of life and imitate their 564 00:25:32,319 --> 00:25:38,259 faith we're not to lord it over others 565 00:25:34,960 --> 00:25:40,269 but we are to teach the truth and as the 566 00:25:38,259 --> 00:25:42,009 truth is being taught in the character 567 00:25:40,269 --> 00:25:44,170 of Christ to be reproduced in their 568 00:25:42,009 --> 00:25:47,289 lives and Christians can make wise 569 00:25:44,170 --> 00:25:50,650 decisions I do believe that God planned 570 00:25:47,289 --> 00:25:53,920 for him to lead the church through the 571 00:25:50,650 --> 00:25:56,440 pastors teaching and the church ought to 572 00:25:53,920 --> 00:25:58,480 support the pastor and is teaching now I 573 00:25:56,440 --> 00:26:00,250 say this not because I'm a pastor it 574 00:25:58,480 --> 00:26:02,860 won't to be heard I say this because I'm 575 00:26:00,250 --> 00:26:04,929 a pastor's gonna retire soon God willing 576 00:26:02,859 --> 00:26:08,379 I'll retire soon it's getting whatever 577 00:26:04,929 --> 00:26:10,269 that date is is getting closer and I'll 578 00:26:08,380 --> 00:26:13,300 continue to serve a course in other ways 579 00:26:10,269 --> 00:26:15,490 as long as I can but someone else be 580 00:26:13,299 --> 00:26:17,200 pastoring this church one day and I want 581 00:26:15,490 --> 00:26:19,990 to never want to know that they really 582 00:26:17,200 --> 00:26:22,029 need to respect and support the pastor 583 00:26:19,990 --> 00:26:24,730 and listen to what God is saying through 584 00:26:22,029 --> 00:26:26,579 him it's just an essential thing that 585 00:26:24,730 --> 00:26:29,170 the church comes together and 586 00:26:26,579 --> 00:26:31,389 understands the will of God 587 00:26:29,170 --> 00:26:33,429 and the church is not going to do that 588 00:26:31,390 --> 00:26:36,490 unless they're all listening to the same 589 00:26:33,429 --> 00:26:38,380 pastor a church is not to be a group of 590 00:26:36,490 --> 00:26:40,000 people that all have different sermons 591 00:26:38,380 --> 00:26:41,650 they're listening to different ideas 592 00:26:40,000 --> 00:26:44,170 they're listening to and they come 593 00:26:41,650 --> 00:26:48,460 together just to sit and listen to one 594 00:26:44,170 --> 00:26:49,840 sermon or one one sing one song in a 595 00:26:48,460 --> 00:26:52,630 worship service and then go their own 596 00:26:49,839 --> 00:26:56,049 separate ways whether God is to lead the 597 00:26:52,630 --> 00:26:57,700 church to work together to fulfill the 598 00:26:56,049 --> 00:27:00,730 Great Commission that's what a church is 599 00:26:57,700 --> 00:27:02,950 to do and unless the church comes 600 00:27:00,730 --> 00:27:04,779 together to listen to what God is saying 601 00:27:02,950 --> 00:27:07,870 through the pastor it's never really 602 00:27:04,779 --> 00:27:12,670 going to be United in fulfilling the 603 00:27:07,869 --> 00:27:14,799 will of God no the pastor though does 604 00:27:12,670 --> 00:27:17,259 not need to think that he's the only one 605 00:27:14,799 --> 00:27:19,720 that God's going to speak through 606 00:27:17,259 --> 00:27:22,269 because the pastor also needs to hear 607 00:27:19,720 --> 00:27:25,120 what God is saying to the church and 608 00:27:22,269 --> 00:27:28,299 through the church assisting in this 609 00:27:25,119 --> 00:27:30,079 passage that Paul listened to all these 610 00:27:28,299 --> 00:27:32,960 people he set in 611 00:27:30,079 --> 00:27:35,509 sent to them he did say hey don't you 612 00:27:32,960 --> 00:27:37,460 know who I am I'm the Apostle Paul you 613 00:27:35,509 --> 00:27:38,990 have no business to tell me the will of 614 00:27:37,460 --> 00:27:40,880 God I know better than you do 615 00:27:38,990 --> 00:27:42,710 he didn't say anything like that rather 616 00:27:40,880 --> 00:27:45,740 he listened to them he listened to what 617 00:27:42,710 --> 00:27:49,788 they had to say and he will show the 618 00:27:45,740 --> 00:27:51,919 humility of a true spiritual man and he 619 00:27:49,788 --> 00:27:53,778 he wanted to know the will of God it 620 00:27:51,919 --> 00:27:56,000 didn't matter who was right he was right 621 00:27:53,778 --> 00:27:59,769 or they were right what mattered was 622 00:27:56,000 --> 00:28:02,419 that Christ got his way and his people 623 00:27:59,769 --> 00:28:04,579 so they prayed together they thought 624 00:28:02,419 --> 00:28:06,288 together and they listened to one 625 00:28:04,579 --> 00:28:09,259 another and this is what a church should 626 00:28:06,288 --> 00:28:11,569 do today a church should listen to the 627 00:28:09,259 --> 00:28:14,538 Lord listen to what he is saying listen 628 00:28:11,569 --> 00:28:16,700 to his word and support one another 629 00:28:14,538 --> 00:28:19,158 now we're an International Church we 630 00:28:16,700 --> 00:28:20,389 have people from all over the world in 631 00:28:19,159 --> 00:28:22,940 our church we have more than 50 632 00:28:20,388 --> 00:28:25,308 nationalities and even if we look at the 633 00:28:22,940 --> 00:28:27,110 Americans and the Germans the Americans 634 00:28:25,308 --> 00:28:29,599 and the Germans come from all over those 635 00:28:27,109 --> 00:28:31,939 nations and not just one place so we 636 00:28:29,599 --> 00:28:33,798 have a very different perspectives of 637 00:28:31,940 --> 00:28:35,929 different ideas in fact we're not even a 638 00:28:33,798 --> 00:28:37,250 neighborhood Church we have people 639 00:28:35,929 --> 00:28:39,590 coming from the regions who are a 640 00:28:37,250 --> 00:28:41,990 regional Church but nevertheless we need 641 00:28:39,589 --> 00:28:44,240 to come together and seek to find the 642 00:28:41,990 --> 00:28:48,380 mind of Christ to seek to understand the 643 00:28:44,240 --> 00:28:50,720 will of God so God does speak to us as 644 00:28:48,380 --> 00:28:52,610 individuals God also speaks to us as a 645 00:28:50,720 --> 00:28:55,669 church now the third thing is this 646 00:28:52,609 --> 00:28:57,439 though we need both of these experiences 647 00:28:55,669 --> 00:29:00,049 in our life we need both of these 648 00:28:57,440 --> 00:29:02,450 experiences what's interesting we read 649 00:29:00,048 --> 00:29:06,259 this twenty-first chapter of Acts to 650 00:29:02,450 --> 00:29:10,340 come to verse 14 and it said that they 651 00:29:06,259 --> 00:29:12,679 continue to to to speak to Paul continue 652 00:29:10,339 --> 00:29:16,428 to plead with them but at verse 14 it 653 00:29:12,679 --> 00:29:20,960 says when he would not be dissuaded we 654 00:29:16,429 --> 00:29:23,450 notice that word we we gave up and said 655 00:29:20,960 --> 00:29:25,669 the Lord's will be done it seemed like 656 00:29:23,450 --> 00:29:27,919 Luke himself was among those who said 657 00:29:25,669 --> 00:29:30,380 Paul this is not a good thing this is 658 00:29:27,919 --> 00:29:32,710 not this cannot be the will of God don't 659 00:29:30,380 --> 00:29:36,320 go don't do it 660 00:29:32,710 --> 00:29:39,269 but they finally said we have to leave 661 00:29:36,319 --> 00:29:41,129 this in Paul's hands we can't come 662 00:29:39,269 --> 00:29:43,500 this is what Christians do with one 663 00:29:41,130 --> 00:29:45,600 another we respect the will of the 664 00:29:43,500 --> 00:29:47,700 church body but we also respect the 665 00:29:45,599 --> 00:29:50,789 understanding of the individual believer 666 00:29:47,700 --> 00:29:53,580 and an individual believer says I see it 667 00:29:50,789 --> 00:29:56,849 differently we respect him we respect 668 00:29:53,579 --> 00:29:59,490 him and we let him determine what he 669 00:29:56,849 --> 00:30:01,349 believes is to be the will of God it 670 00:29:59,490 --> 00:30:03,240 can't control the whole church but we 671 00:30:01,349 --> 00:30:06,089 can at least let him understand that we 672 00:30:03,240 --> 00:30:08,460 support him as a believer now we live in 673 00:30:06,089 --> 00:30:11,189 an age of hyper individualism though 674 00:30:08,460 --> 00:30:13,860 where people want to say nobody can tell 675 00:30:11,190 --> 00:30:16,259 me what to do but I do believe every 676 00:30:13,859 --> 00:30:18,719 Christian should be accountable to a 677 00:30:16,259 --> 00:30:20,549 body of believers of sincere believers 678 00:30:18,720 --> 00:30:22,529 it doesn't mean they should micromanage 679 00:30:20,549 --> 00:30:24,779 his life but certainly in matters of 680 00:30:22,529 --> 00:30:27,089 faith that they should be willing he 681 00:30:24,779 --> 00:30:30,779 should be willing to let them have input 682 00:30:27,089 --> 00:30:33,539 into his life let me give an example 683 00:30:30,779 --> 00:30:35,460 from history about this George W Truitt 684 00:30:33,539 --> 00:30:37,678 pastored the largest church in America 685 00:30:35,460 --> 00:30:39,420 for 47 years he built it up First 686 00:30:37,679 --> 00:30:41,759 Baptist Church of Dallas is my home 687 00:30:39,420 --> 00:30:43,890 Church by the way I grew up under dr. 688 00:30:41,759 --> 00:30:46,710 crystal the doctor truth was my mother's 689 00:30:43,890 --> 00:30:47,160 pastor and my hand who happens to still 690 00:30:46,710 --> 00:30:51,269 be alive 691 00:30:47,160 --> 00:30:53,910 was dr. truest last secretary dr. truth 692 00:30:51,269 --> 00:30:55,950 Oh a George W it was originally a 693 00:30:53,910 --> 00:31:00,000 schoolteacher and a farmer up in 694 00:30:55,950 --> 00:31:02,970 northern part of Texas and in white 695 00:31:00,000 --> 00:31:06,720 right a small town and in North Texas 696 00:31:02,970 --> 00:31:08,370 around Sherman Texas and he was a member 697 00:31:06,720 --> 00:31:11,100 of the church he would teach Sunday 698 00:31:08,369 --> 00:31:14,069 School teach the children and and the 699 00:31:11,099 --> 00:31:17,159 people became impressed that he was 700 00:31:14,069 --> 00:31:19,529 called to the ministry but Truitt 701 00:31:17,160 --> 00:31:22,019 himself didn't say that but they felt 702 00:31:19,529 --> 00:31:23,339 compelled to ordain him for the ministry 703 00:31:22,019 --> 00:31:25,379 in fact they called a special church 704 00:31:23,339 --> 00:31:27,178 business meeting and didn't tell him 705 00:31:25,380 --> 00:31:28,770 about it and they all gathered together 706 00:31:27,179 --> 00:31:30,150 at meeting and he came to halfway 707 00:31:28,769 --> 00:31:33,299 through the meeting wonder what they 708 00:31:30,150 --> 00:31:36,730 were doing and the item of business was 709 00:31:33,299 --> 00:31:38,798 to ordain George W true to the 710 00:31:36,730 --> 00:31:41,289 the street and sure it was first of all 711 00:31:38,798 --> 00:31:43,690 upset he said well how can you do this 712 00:31:41,289 --> 00:31:45,639 they said we must do it the Holy Spirit 713 00:31:43,690 --> 00:31:48,640 has led us to understand this and 714 00:31:45,640 --> 00:31:50,860 finally he came around and accepted that 715 00:31:48,640 --> 00:31:53,309 and again he became pastor of the 716 00:31:50,859 --> 00:31:56,139 largest church in America in those years 717 00:31:53,308 --> 00:31:58,089 called have gone through the 718 00:31:56,140 --> 00:31:59,919 understanding of the will of God of a 719 00:31:58,089 --> 00:32:03,579 church and that's not the only time go 720 00:31:59,919 --> 00:32:06,160 understand that we we will be poor off 721 00:32:03,579 --> 00:32:08,949 we don't listen to one another well we 722 00:32:06,160 --> 00:32:10,390 all should respect that individual a few 723 00:32:08,950 --> 00:32:13,569 years ago we have someone come to our 724 00:32:10,390 --> 00:32:16,179 church and there was a lady who talked 725 00:32:13,569 --> 00:32:18,970 to me and she really wanted the church 726 00:32:16,179 --> 00:32:21,130 to make decisions for her she one of the 727 00:32:18,970 --> 00:32:24,669 elders of the church to tell her what 728 00:32:21,130 --> 00:32:28,179 job to take what house to live in and 729 00:32:24,669 --> 00:32:30,970 what car to buy and she felt that if the 730 00:32:28,179 --> 00:32:32,890 if the elders of the church could tell 731 00:32:30,970 --> 00:32:34,690 her these things and then she would have 732 00:32:32,890 --> 00:32:37,540 the perfect house the perfect car the 733 00:32:34,690 --> 00:32:40,120 perfect job and I told that was not 734 00:32:37,539 --> 00:32:42,220 understanding we understood that 735 00:32:40,119 --> 00:32:44,048 business of the church was to win people 736 00:32:42,220 --> 00:32:47,200 to Christ and not micromanage their 737 00:32:44,048 --> 00:32:48,730 lives maybe a cult would do that but not 738 00:32:47,200 --> 00:32:51,009 a church not a New Testament church 739 00:32:48,730 --> 00:32:53,319 rather we are to teach them to live 740 00:32:51,009 --> 00:32:55,298 responsibly and set them free to follow 741 00:32:53,319 --> 00:32:57,579 the lordship of Christ and their life as 742 00:32:55,298 --> 00:33:00,039 they understand it bringing honor and 743 00:32:57,579 --> 00:33:01,629 glory to him not to lord it over to 744 00:33:00,039 --> 00:33:04,720 control well she didn't stay in the 745 00:33:01,630 --> 00:33:06,280 church very long but that's what I think 746 00:33:04,720 --> 00:33:08,798 we are to do we're to respect the 747 00:33:06,279 --> 00:33:10,359 individual respect the church and listen 748 00:33:08,798 --> 00:33:12,940 to what people say 749 00:33:10,359 --> 00:33:15,939 listen everyone should surround 750 00:33:12,940 --> 00:33:18,940 themselves with some good spiritual 751 00:33:15,940 --> 00:33:21,400 advisers some people who can give them a 752 00:33:18,940 --> 00:33:24,220 good spiritual perspective on things 753 00:33:21,400 --> 00:33:27,370 you're wise to do that in your life and 754 00:33:24,220 --> 00:33:30,269 to be submissive to God through their 755 00:33:27,369 --> 00:33:33,519 wisdom but at the same time retaining 756 00:33:30,269 --> 00:33:35,259 the autonomy of your life under the 757 00:33:33,519 --> 00:33:37,960 lordship of Christ to make your own 758 00:33:35,259 --> 00:33:40,779 responsible seasons so how's the story 759 00:33:37,960 --> 00:33:43,120 end well receive Paul does go to 760 00:33:40,779 --> 00:33:45,619 Jerusalem and what that what they was 761 00:33:43,119 --> 00:33:48,109 prophesized did happen he was arrested 762 00:33:45,619 --> 00:33:50,569 he was in prison for many years in fact 763 00:33:48,109 --> 00:33:53,028 many of the New Testament books he wrote 764 00:33:50,569 --> 00:33:55,908 were written from prison but yet he 765 00:33:53,028 --> 00:33:58,400 never said they were wrong I was right 766 00:33:55,909 --> 00:34:01,100 he never misses those things we see 767 00:33:58,400 --> 00:34:03,500 later on that in the midst of some of 768 00:34:01,099 --> 00:34:05,658 the chaotic moments of his time in 769 00:34:03,500 --> 00:34:08,539 Jerusalem it says the Lord Jesus stood 770 00:34:05,659 --> 00:34:12,500 by him and said these words take courage 771 00:34:08,539 --> 00:34:15,529 as you have testified about me in 772 00:34:12,500 --> 00:34:20,898 Jerusalem so you must also testify in 773 00:34:15,530 --> 00:34:23,570 Rome now God is redemptive and it falls 774 00:34:20,898 --> 00:34:26,418 short of saying Paul I told you to go 775 00:34:23,570 --> 00:34:30,019 it'll all work out Jesus did not say 776 00:34:26,418 --> 00:34:33,799 that but he said as you have testified 777 00:34:30,019 --> 00:34:37,929 about me here you'll testify about me in 778 00:34:33,800 --> 00:34:41,149 Rome when Paul wrote about his is going 779 00:34:37,929 --> 00:34:43,398 to trust him and his imprisonment he 780 00:34:41,148 --> 00:34:45,949 never played that game of I was right 781 00:34:43,398 --> 00:34:47,989 they were wrong he simply said this I 782 00:34:45,949 --> 00:34:51,588 put here for the defense of the gospel 783 00:34:47,989 --> 00:34:54,439 and then in Philippians 1 12 through 14 784 00:34:51,588 --> 00:34:56,239 this is what he said now I want you to 785 00:34:54,440 --> 00:34:58,309 know brothers that what has happened to 786 00:34:56,239 --> 00:35:01,129 me has really served to advance the 787 00:34:58,309 --> 00:35:03,320 gospel as a result it has become clear 788 00:35:01,130 --> 00:35:05,660 throughout the whole palace guard and to 789 00:35:03,320 --> 00:35:08,630 everyone else that I am in Chains for 790 00:35:05,659 --> 00:35:10,699 Christ because of my chains most of the 791 00:35:08,630 --> 00:35:12,410 brothers in the Lord had been encouraged 792 00:35:10,699 --> 00:35:16,159 to speak the Word of God more 793 00:35:12,409 --> 00:35:18,858 courageously and fearlessly he could 794 00:35:16,159 --> 00:35:21,529 look back and say God has used this God 795 00:35:18,858 --> 00:35:23,809 has used this God has used this to to 796 00:35:21,530 --> 00:35:25,280 communicate the gospel share the gospel 797 00:35:23,809 --> 00:35:29,838 is even able to share it with some of 798 00:35:25,280 --> 00:35:32,780 the Caesars on palace guard but he also 799 00:35:29,838 --> 00:35:37,969 knew that other brothers were encouraged 800 00:35:32,780 --> 00:35:40,220 to speak because of his chains and God 801 00:35:37,969 --> 00:35:42,889 used it now what would have happened had 802 00:35:40,219 --> 00:35:44,838 he not gone to Jerusalem that's a great 803 00:35:42,889 --> 00:35:47,449 question to answer we really don't know 804 00:35:44,838 --> 00:35:49,880 what we do know is this that every path 805 00:35:47,449 --> 00:35:51,980 they walked down in life there's danger 806 00:35:49,880 --> 00:35:53,240 on both sides you could have gotten on a 807 00:35:51,980 --> 00:35:56,150 ship and gone 808 00:35:53,239 --> 00:35:58,669 to Greece and it could have suck any 809 00:35:56,150 --> 00:36:01,700 kind of drought they don't know but what 810 00:35:58,670 --> 00:36:04,460 Paul says is he realized that he was 811 00:36:01,699 --> 00:36:07,069 responding to burden that God had put on 812 00:36:04,460 --> 00:36:09,320 his heart and he was trusting the Lord 813 00:36:07,070 --> 00:36:11,780 and the Lord did stand by him and 814 00:36:09,320 --> 00:36:13,850 encourage him and sometimes it's just 815 00:36:11,780 --> 00:36:17,480 that way God puts something on a heart 816 00:36:13,849 --> 00:36:20,509 we must do and God is looking to see our 817 00:36:17,480 --> 00:36:24,500 obedience is how we understand he 818 00:36:20,510 --> 00:36:26,900 desires us to do this now how about your 819 00:36:24,500 --> 00:36:28,519 life let me give you some things to fly 820 00:36:26,900 --> 00:36:29,750 first of all trust the horse leadership 821 00:36:28,519 --> 00:36:32,030 in your life he's going to give you a 822 00:36:29,750 --> 00:36:34,159 new heart he's going to give you things 823 00:36:32,030 --> 00:36:36,050 that he puts on your heart and sometimes 824 00:36:34,159 --> 00:36:38,480 that's the way God leads us by showing 825 00:36:36,050 --> 00:36:40,430 us what he is doing and putting the 826 00:36:38,480 --> 00:36:42,289 burden on our heart to where we say I've 827 00:36:40,429 --> 00:36:44,659 got to do this I've got to help these 828 00:36:42,289 --> 00:36:46,070 people I've got to go do I've got to 829 00:36:44,659 --> 00:36:47,868 meet this need I've got to go share at 830 00:36:46,070 --> 00:36:49,340 the faith I've got to serve here they're 831 00:36:47,869 --> 00:36:52,670 something because God has put this 832 00:36:49,340 --> 00:36:55,070 burden on our hearts we can tell us oh 833 00:36:52,670 --> 00:37:00,590 God if we stay with it if we look at it 834 00:36:55,070 --> 00:37:02,330 like it's just a some short thought or 835 00:37:00,590 --> 00:37:04,910 some feeling oh I'll try this I'll try 836 00:37:02,329 --> 00:37:06,710 that well God's not in those moments but 837 00:37:04,909 --> 00:37:08,750 we can tell us of God if we stay 838 00:37:06,710 --> 00:37:11,990 faithful and we continue to do it out 839 00:37:08,750 --> 00:37:13,699 out of a heart for God but also we need 840 00:37:11,989 --> 00:37:16,399 to listen to one another listen to what 841 00:37:13,699 --> 00:37:18,279 God is saying to us through others we 842 00:37:16,400 --> 00:37:20,480 need to be sensitive we need to seek 843 00:37:18,280 --> 00:37:22,160 agreement we can't find agreement we 844 00:37:20,480 --> 00:37:23,869 need to seek love and patience with one 845 00:37:22,159 --> 00:37:25,789 another whatever it is we need to 846 00:37:23,869 --> 00:37:28,789 support the work of God support one 847 00:37:25,789 --> 00:37:30,170 another as we seek to do it if you're 848 00:37:28,789 --> 00:37:31,730 not a believer in Christ let me 849 00:37:30,170 --> 00:37:34,010 encourage you to trust in him as your 850 00:37:31,730 --> 00:37:36,320 Savior to turn from your sin himself and 851 00:37:34,010 --> 00:37:38,330 turn to put your faith in Him God will 852 00:37:36,320 --> 00:37:40,369 forgive your sins in Christ and give you 853 00:37:38,329 --> 00:37:42,500 a new life if you like someone to pray 854 00:37:40,369 --> 00:37:45,410 with you you can write to me pastor at 855 00:37:42,500 --> 00:37:47,389 IBC Stuttgart de and I'll be glad to 856 00:37:45,409 --> 00:37:49,129 respond to you let me close this out the 857 00:37:47,389 --> 00:37:51,199 prayer father we thank you for your 858 00:37:49,130 --> 00:37:53,809 loving your grace I pray to you bless us 859 00:37:51,199 --> 00:37:56,559 this Sunday bless us with the peace that 860 00:37:53,809 --> 00:38:00,519 you give we pray this in Jesus name Amen 861 00:37:56,559 --> 00:38:00,519 thank you god bless you