1 00:00:00,410 --> 00:00:08,669 [Music] 2 00:00:09,808 --> 00:00:14,798 you ever worry about doing the will of 3 00:00:12,218 --> 00:00:17,469 God thinking what it may cost you or 4 00:00:14,798 --> 00:00:20,109 maybe cost your family or even other 5 00:00:17,469 --> 00:00:23,049 friends we're going to see a story today 6 00:00:20,109 --> 00:00:25,119 from the 27th chapter of Acts where we 7 00:00:23,050 --> 00:00:28,030 see that the safest place on earth is in 8 00:00:25,120 --> 00:00:30,100 the center of God's will if you have 9 00:00:28,030 --> 00:00:32,020 your Bible please open it to the 27th 10 00:00:30,100 --> 00:00:34,239 chapter of Acts we're looking at this 11 00:00:32,020 --> 00:00:37,030 harrowing journey of the Apostle Paul 12 00:00:34,238 --> 00:00:38,858 from Jerusalem to Rome we're just going 13 00:00:37,030 --> 00:00:41,350 to get him as far as Malta this time but 14 00:00:38,859 --> 00:00:43,870 let me sum up the story for us as we get 15 00:00:41,350 --> 00:00:47,408 there at the first and story we see them 16 00:00:43,869 --> 00:00:49,599 setting sail and they're going to go up 17 00:00:47,408 --> 00:00:52,058 the coast and see how they go but the 18 00:00:49,600 --> 00:00:54,550 weather starts turning against them the 19 00:00:52,058 --> 00:00:56,408 trip box down and the Isle of Crete and 20 00:00:54,549 --> 00:00:58,119 and there they are on the southern part 21 00:00:56,408 --> 00:01:00,728 of it and they're at a place called fair 22 00:00:58,119 --> 00:01:03,189 havens and that's where our story picks 23 00:01:00,728 --> 00:01:05,319 up one of the things we we learn from 24 00:01:03,189 --> 00:01:07,959 the story is how unpredictable life is 25 00:01:05,319 --> 00:01:10,329 how many challenges that life throws at 26 00:01:07,959 --> 00:01:13,719 us and we see here the Apostle Paul as 27 00:01:10,329 --> 00:01:16,599 well there's 276 people he was the 276 28 00:01:13,719 --> 00:01:18,310 ones from 275 other people they were all 29 00:01:16,599 --> 00:01:20,019 in this journey and they were all 30 00:01:18,310 --> 00:01:22,930 frustrated with what they were trying to 31 00:01:20,019 --> 00:01:24,879 accomplish and life is like that life is 32 00:01:22,930 --> 00:01:26,680 always like that whatever we plan to do 33 00:01:24,879 --> 00:01:28,539 there's always gonna be some frustration 34 00:01:26,680 --> 00:01:31,420 along the way but in the midst of 35 00:01:28,540 --> 00:01:34,120 frustration we see also the potential of 36 00:01:31,420 --> 00:01:36,579 life to touch other people because in 37 00:01:34,120 --> 00:01:38,230 those situations we see we're in a place 38 00:01:36,579 --> 00:01:40,359 where people are vulnerable or whether 39 00:01:38,230 --> 00:01:42,579 asking questions where they need answers 40 00:01:40,359 --> 00:01:45,370 and and often the place where we feel 41 00:01:42,579 --> 00:01:48,009 the most vulnerable that's exactly the 42 00:01:45,370 --> 00:01:50,290 place that God can use us and also the 43 00:01:48,010 --> 00:01:52,390 challenges in life revealed character 44 00:01:50,290 --> 00:01:55,150 we're going to see the character of Paul 45 00:01:52,390 --> 00:01:58,239 the courage of Paul because of God's 46 00:01:55,150 --> 00:02:00,340 grace to him and and these are these are 47 00:01:58,239 --> 00:02:03,039 attributes that God can give to us as 48 00:02:00,340 --> 00:02:06,219 well God can make us courageous he could 49 00:02:03,040 --> 00:02:08,200 make us bold he can make us confident he 50 00:02:06,219 --> 00:02:10,449 can make us obedient but just simply 51 00:02:08,199 --> 00:02:11,949 happen in our hearts to fault the desire 52 00:02:10,449 --> 00:02:15,039 to follow him 53 00:02:11,949 --> 00:02:17,139 and let him use us in our life so the 54 00:02:15,039 --> 00:02:19,179 first thing we're looking at is the 55 00:02:17,139 --> 00:02:21,128 human perspective in the store that's 56 00:02:19,180 --> 00:02:24,400 where it starts out we're in verse 10 of 57 00:02:21,128 --> 00:02:26,679 chapter 27 of Acts and we see that 58 00:02:24,400 --> 00:02:29,980 they're in this little place called fair 59 00:02:26,680 --> 00:02:33,280 havens in Crete and here's what the 60 00:02:29,979 --> 00:02:36,969 Apostle Paul says God gave him a message 61 00:02:33,280 --> 00:02:39,549 and he says this men I can see that our 62 00:02:36,969 --> 00:02:42,699 voyage is going to be disastrous and 63 00:02:39,549 --> 00:02:45,700 bring great loss to ship and cargo and 64 00:02:42,699 --> 00:02:47,709 to our own lives also there describes 65 00:02:45,699 --> 00:02:49,780 three values in the world we see first 66 00:02:47,709 --> 00:02:51,848 of all the ship while the owner was 67 00:02:49,780 --> 00:02:54,610 concerned about the ship someone on that 68 00:02:51,848 --> 00:02:56,530 ship secondly the cargo while their 69 00:02:54,610 --> 00:02:58,360 investors part of that part of that 70 00:02:56,530 --> 00:03:00,219 journey and they were concerned about 71 00:02:58,360 --> 00:03:02,110 the cargo but the third thing he 72 00:03:00,219 --> 00:03:03,750 mentions is a human life which is the 73 00:03:02,110 --> 00:03:07,209 most important of those three and 74 00:03:03,750 --> 00:03:09,549 everybody was concerned for his life but 75 00:03:07,209 --> 00:03:11,949 then in verse 11 this is what we read 76 00:03:09,549 --> 00:03:14,769 but the Centurion instead of listening 77 00:03:11,949 --> 00:03:17,969 to what Paul said followed the advice of 78 00:03:14,769 --> 00:03:21,129 the pilot and of the owner of the ship 79 00:03:17,969 --> 00:03:24,280 since the harbor was unsuitable to 80 00:03:21,129 --> 00:03:26,979 winter in now what it came down to was 81 00:03:24,280 --> 00:03:30,729 none of those three of the ship are the 82 00:03:26,979 --> 00:03:33,099 are the the cargo or even even the human 83 00:03:30,729 --> 00:03:34,959 life it was more a matter of what was 84 00:03:33,099 --> 00:03:37,090 convenient or wallis what was 85 00:03:34,959 --> 00:03:39,189 comfortable the the word in the original 86 00:03:37,090 --> 00:03:41,469 language means commodious think that's 87 00:03:39,189 --> 00:03:43,030 what the King James uses but something 88 00:03:41,469 --> 00:03:44,560 means that the place they were staying 89 00:03:43,030 --> 00:03:46,599 in spite of the wonderful name fair 90 00:03:44,560 --> 00:03:48,009 havens this was kind of a boring little 91 00:03:46,599 --> 00:03:50,650 town it wasn't the place you wanted to 92 00:03:48,009 --> 00:03:52,419 spend a winter in it was more this place 93 00:03:50,650 --> 00:03:53,950 to say it's a nice place to grow up but 94 00:03:52,419 --> 00:03:56,559 I sure wouldn't want to visit there 95 00:03:53,949 --> 00:03:59,589 there's just nothing to do nothing to do 96 00:03:56,560 --> 00:04:01,620 nothing to see nothing to sow to excite 97 00:03:59,590 --> 00:04:04,479 you and to just hang out there for 98 00:04:01,620 --> 00:04:06,359 several more weeks or maybe even months 99 00:04:04,479 --> 00:04:08,768 that was not what they wanted to do so 100 00:04:06,359 --> 00:04:12,430 simply for the sake of their own 101 00:04:08,769 --> 00:04:14,739 convenience they decided to go ahead and 102 00:04:12,430 --> 00:04:17,439 punch out well that's the world that 103 00:04:14,739 --> 00:04:19,418 describes the world to us that our human 104 00:04:17,439 --> 00:04:22,449 perspective we have things that are so 105 00:04:19,418 --> 00:04:24,158 very important to us that don't make 106 00:04:22,449 --> 00:04:24,589 sense in the long run if you can see it 107 00:04:24,158 --> 00:04:26,539 all 108 00:04:24,589 --> 00:04:28,759 values of the world and all the hurts 109 00:04:26,540 --> 00:04:30,740 and pains of the world and everything we 110 00:04:28,759 --> 00:04:33,110 see often our values are just so selfish 111 00:04:30,740 --> 00:04:34,790 we're just stuck on ourselves and what 112 00:04:33,110 --> 00:04:36,979 is comfortable or what makes me look 113 00:04:34,790 --> 00:04:39,530 good what makes me feel good or and we 114 00:04:36,978 --> 00:04:41,569 are willing to sell the lives of our 115 00:04:39,529 --> 00:04:43,909 children sometimes and our loved one 116 00:04:41,569 --> 00:04:45,529 just to get something that's of a 117 00:04:43,910 --> 00:04:47,300 momentary pleasure 118 00:04:45,529 --> 00:04:48,649 and that sounds selfish we are that's 119 00:04:47,300 --> 00:04:51,259 the problem that's the great human 120 00:04:48,649 --> 00:04:54,109 problem well as the story goes on we see 121 00:04:51,259 --> 00:04:57,500 they ran into a terrible storm and they 122 00:04:54,110 --> 00:05:00,229 were probably wishing to the core their 123 00:04:57,500 --> 00:05:03,589 being they had said they had followed 124 00:05:00,228 --> 00:05:06,050 Paul's advice and stayed there in fair 125 00:05:03,589 --> 00:05:08,119 havens the story goes on in verse 50 we 126 00:05:06,050 --> 00:05:10,550 see they lost their time they were stuck 127 00:05:08,120 --> 00:05:14,030 in a storm couldn't make progress and 128 00:05:10,550 --> 00:05:16,668 then in verse 18 they lost their cargo 129 00:05:14,029 --> 00:05:19,699 they began to throw it overboard and 130 00:05:16,668 --> 00:05:23,209 then in in the next verse of 19 they 131 00:05:19,699 --> 00:05:26,000 lost the is called tackle in the the 132 00:05:23,209 --> 00:05:28,038 English translations already means the 133 00:05:26,000 --> 00:05:30,379 chairs and the tables those things that 134 00:05:28,038 --> 00:05:32,750 made the voyage convenient and 135 00:05:30,379 --> 00:05:34,519 comfortable they began to lose their 136 00:05:32,750 --> 00:05:36,050 comforts they began to throw all these 137 00:05:34,519 --> 00:05:38,029 things overboard say it doesn't matter 138 00:05:36,050 --> 00:05:42,439 we want to save our lives and then they 139 00:05:38,029 --> 00:05:46,098 even lost hope well that's that's human 140 00:05:42,439 --> 00:05:48,228 life see salvation when Christ comes to 141 00:05:46,098 --> 00:05:49,788 us to save us he's not concerned about 142 00:05:48,228 --> 00:05:51,500 our possessions he really not he's not 143 00:05:49,788 --> 00:05:53,389 only concerned about your possessions 144 00:05:51,500 --> 00:05:55,250 how much money you have in the bank he's 145 00:05:53,389 --> 00:05:57,259 not concerned really about the 146 00:05:55,250 --> 00:05:59,660 opportunities the world has given you 147 00:05:57,259 --> 00:06:01,848 he's not really concerned about how much 148 00:05:59,660 --> 00:06:04,189 power or prestige or all those things 149 00:06:01,848 --> 00:06:07,639 you have what he's concerned about is 150 00:06:04,189 --> 00:06:11,120 you he's concerned about you he wants 151 00:06:07,639 --> 00:06:12,079 you to have life that's what he was he 152 00:06:11,120 --> 00:06:14,209 doesn't want to give you more 153 00:06:12,079 --> 00:06:16,250 opportunities or more stuff now you will 154 00:06:14,209 --> 00:06:18,109 if you're if it's his will for you and 155 00:06:16,250 --> 00:06:21,079 you and you can handle it but that's not 156 00:06:18,110 --> 00:06:22,729 really his concern he loves you and this 157 00:06:21,079 --> 00:06:26,000 is what happens when we're saved by 158 00:06:22,728 --> 00:06:27,649 Christ we become alive on the inside 159 00:06:26,000 --> 00:06:30,168 this is what Jesus said is that what 160 00:06:27,649 --> 00:06:32,810 does it profit a man if he gains the 161 00:06:30,168 --> 00:06:34,899 whole world if he has all this stuff in 162 00:06:32,810 --> 00:06:37,660 the whole world yet lose 163 00:06:34,899 --> 00:06:40,448 his own so that's a great question isn't 164 00:06:37,660 --> 00:06:43,030 it no man in history has ever owned 165 00:06:40,449 --> 00:06:45,610 everything in the world just to himself 166 00:06:43,029 --> 00:06:48,189 whatever whatever it's not a wealthy man 167 00:06:45,610 --> 00:06:50,410 he has a very small percentage of all 168 00:06:48,189 --> 00:06:52,810 the world's wealth but just for the sake 169 00:06:50,410 --> 00:06:55,990 of argument if someone could own 170 00:06:52,810 --> 00:06:58,000 everything in the world it wouldn't mean 171 00:06:55,990 --> 00:07:01,090 anything if he lost his soul unless he 172 00:06:58,000 --> 00:07:02,560 he knew himself missus soul was saved by 173 00:07:01,089 --> 00:07:05,948 God that's what happens when Christ 174 00:07:02,560 --> 00:07:08,410 comes to save you he saves you he saves 175 00:07:05,949 --> 00:07:10,810 you often we chase after these things 176 00:07:08,410 --> 00:07:12,669 the lusts of the flesh the lust of the 177 00:07:10,810 --> 00:07:15,280 eyes and the pride of life that's what's 178 00:07:12,668 --> 00:07:18,279 in the world according to 1st John 2:15 179 00:07:15,279 --> 00:07:21,219 we we chase after these things because 180 00:07:18,279 --> 00:07:22,569 we have this void inside we're missing 181 00:07:21,220 --> 00:07:24,010 something we know we're missing it we 182 00:07:22,569 --> 00:07:25,509 just don't know what to do about it so 183 00:07:24,009 --> 00:07:28,300 the world's chasing after all these 184 00:07:25,509 --> 00:07:31,120 things and just like the story in their 185 00:07:28,300 --> 00:07:33,310 text often the world makes disastrous 186 00:07:31,120 --> 00:07:36,910 decisions with disastrous results in 187 00:07:33,310 --> 00:07:38,800 there this whole group 276 persons in 188 00:07:36,910 --> 00:07:41,889 total were told later in the story 189 00:07:38,800 --> 00:07:45,038 they're all hanging on to life almost 190 00:07:41,889 --> 00:07:48,639 ready to perish because of the decisions 191 00:07:45,038 --> 00:07:51,728 made by a few well Christ does come to 192 00:07:48,639 --> 00:07:55,120 save us he saves you not the stuff you 193 00:07:51,728 --> 00:07:57,250 have but he saves you the real you this 194 00:07:55,120 --> 00:07:59,918 is what it says in Colossians 3:10 and 195 00:07:57,250 --> 00:08:01,839 11 says you speaking of believers in 196 00:07:59,918 --> 00:08:05,168 Christ he says you have taken off the 197 00:08:01,839 --> 00:08:06,848 old self with its practices by practices 198 00:08:05,168 --> 00:08:09,370 it needs not just what we do but also 199 00:08:06,848 --> 00:08:11,800 the reasons we do that the perspective 200 00:08:09,370 --> 00:08:13,990 of life are our reasoning and our really 201 00:08:11,800 --> 00:08:15,490 wheat reasoning is always selfish always 202 00:08:13,990 --> 00:08:17,860 go back to what's convenient of what 203 00:08:15,490 --> 00:08:20,259 makes me look good or maybe it's I do 204 00:08:17,860 --> 00:08:23,199 something out of a fear of something I'm 205 00:08:20,259 --> 00:08:24,879 afraid my my wife might leave me so I 206 00:08:23,199 --> 00:08:26,500 want to do this to make her happy or a 207 00:08:24,879 --> 00:08:28,870 wool maid frayed or a husband reliever 208 00:08:26,500 --> 00:08:31,089 so she reacts out of fear but really 209 00:08:28,870 --> 00:08:34,479 even that is really selfish I want this 210 00:08:31,089 --> 00:08:37,958 I do these things and insecurities are 211 00:08:34,479 --> 00:08:39,969 also based on self feelings but what 212 00:08:37,958 --> 00:08:42,009 happens when we come to Christ as he 213 00:08:39,969 --> 00:08:44,278 gives us a new life that's what it says 214 00:08:42,009 --> 00:08:46,350 he says you've taken off the old self 215 00:08:44,278 --> 00:08:48,539 with its practices 216 00:08:46,350 --> 00:08:50,639 wouldn't it be great to just get that 217 00:08:48,539 --> 00:08:54,329 old self off of you with all these 218 00:08:50,639 --> 00:08:57,299 worldly concerns and consumed with ego 219 00:08:54,330 --> 00:09:00,810 and ambition and selfishness just get it 220 00:08:57,299 --> 00:09:03,349 off and you have put on the new self the 221 00:09:00,809 --> 00:09:06,029 eternal self which is being renewed 222 00:09:03,350 --> 00:09:08,519 constantly renewed and knowledge in the 223 00:09:06,029 --> 00:09:10,289 image of its creator that's what God 224 00:09:08,519 --> 00:09:12,179 does that's the youth that's eternal 225 00:09:10,289 --> 00:09:14,879 when you trust in Christ he saves you he 226 00:09:12,179 --> 00:09:16,979 saves yourself it gives you a new spirit 227 00:09:14,879 --> 00:09:19,379 and you a new nature and that will be 228 00:09:16,980 --> 00:09:21,060 you for all eternity and that's what the 229 00:09:19,379 --> 00:09:23,970 Christian life is to be one of them this 230 00:09:21,059 --> 00:09:26,039 new self is growing in fact in that next 231 00:09:23,970 --> 00:09:28,110 verse describes this new self all 232 00:09:26,039 --> 00:09:30,329 together these new selves all together 233 00:09:28,110 --> 00:09:32,940 in a church and he says here in the 234 00:09:30,330 --> 00:09:34,830 church there is no Greek or choos 235 00:09:32,940 --> 00:09:38,280 circumcised or uncircumcised barbarian 236 00:09:34,830 --> 00:09:40,080 Scythian slave or free now that 237 00:09:38,279 --> 00:09:42,179 describes the way we have seen other 238 00:09:40,080 --> 00:09:45,300 people and also the way we have seen 239 00:09:42,179 --> 00:09:48,239 ourselves so whatever label you wore in 240 00:09:45,299 --> 00:09:50,849 the world Christ takes that off and 241 00:09:48,240 --> 00:09:52,980 makes that ear relevant what matters is 242 00:09:50,850 --> 00:09:55,019 you're a new creature in Christ you're 243 00:09:52,980 --> 00:09:57,779 now part of God's forever family and 244 00:09:55,019 --> 00:10:00,149 that's our chief identity right now we 245 00:09:57,779 --> 00:10:03,240 have a lot of people speak about 246 00:10:00,149 --> 00:10:06,059 identity politics that is I identify as 247 00:10:03,240 --> 00:10:08,370 this or I identify as that and all those 248 00:10:06,059 --> 00:10:09,959 things are based on a worldly definition 249 00:10:08,370 --> 00:10:11,700 and we don't look at people through a 250 00:10:09,960 --> 00:10:13,290 worldly point of view in Christ anymore 251 00:10:11,700 --> 00:10:16,050 that doesn't really matter what matters 252 00:10:13,289 --> 00:10:18,899 is you're a new creature a new creation 253 00:10:16,049 --> 00:10:20,870 in Christ so it says here there is no 254 00:10:18,899 --> 00:10:23,279 Greek or Jews circumcised or 255 00:10:20,870 --> 00:10:27,629 uncircumcised barbarian Scythian slave 256 00:10:23,279 --> 00:10:30,329 or free but Christ is all and as in all 257 00:10:27,629 --> 00:10:32,129 that's great Christ raises everybody up 258 00:10:30,330 --> 00:10:34,379 here lifts everybody up to the same 259 00:10:32,129 --> 00:10:35,970 level and says hey we're all equal by 260 00:10:34,379 --> 00:10:38,909 the grace of God that's a wonderful 261 00:10:35,970 --> 00:10:40,889 truth well we see man's view of life is 262 00:10:38,909 --> 00:10:42,949 always limited but then do we see what's 263 00:10:40,889 --> 00:10:45,090 important to God and rest the story 264 00:10:42,950 --> 00:10:47,370 there are many things the Bible says is 265 00:10:45,090 --> 00:10:49,500 important to God for example his people 266 00:10:47,370 --> 00:10:51,210 salvation is important that's why Christ 267 00:10:49,500 --> 00:10:52,860 came to save us from our sins that 268 00:10:51,210 --> 00:10:55,110 wasn't merely important that he came 269 00:10:52,860 --> 00:10:57,269 from heaven and died on the cross for 270 00:10:55,110 --> 00:10:59,129 our sins that we may have in rose from 271 00:10:57,269 --> 00:11:00,960 the grave in or that we may have lie 272 00:10:59,129 --> 00:11:03,419 forgiveness and life but it's also 273 00:11:00,960 --> 00:11:07,080 important that we stay safe he says this 274 00:11:03,419 --> 00:11:10,110 and John 10:27 2:30 he says my sheep 275 00:11:07,080 --> 00:11:11,220 listen to my voice I know them and they 276 00:11:10,110 --> 00:11:14,070 follow me 277 00:11:11,220 --> 00:11:17,220 I give them eternal life and they will 278 00:11:14,070 --> 00:11:19,320 never perish no one can snatch them out 279 00:11:17,220 --> 00:11:21,930 of my hand my father who has given them 280 00:11:19,320 --> 00:11:24,480 to me is greater than all no one can 281 00:11:21,929 --> 00:11:26,579 snatch them out of my father's hand I 282 00:11:24,480 --> 00:11:27,810 and the father are one and that a 283 00:11:26,580 --> 00:11:30,000 wonderful picture it's like you're a 284 00:11:27,809 --> 00:11:31,589 believer here you are in Christ has his 285 00:11:30,000 --> 00:11:33,690 hands around you and the father has a 286 00:11:31,590 --> 00:11:35,759 sound around you and the Christ and the 287 00:11:33,690 --> 00:11:39,750 father are one and no one's going to 288 00:11:35,759 --> 00:11:42,029 snatch you out of their head notice our 289 00:11:39,750 --> 00:11:44,820 salvation your salvation is imported to 290 00:11:42,029 --> 00:11:47,339 Christ every time we see God move we see 291 00:11:44,820 --> 00:11:49,680 he moves with intention with purpose 292 00:11:47,340 --> 00:11:51,780 with righteousness and that's what is 293 00:11:49,679 --> 00:11:54,509 our salvation some people imagine 294 00:11:51,779 --> 00:11:56,549 salvation as some slippery rope God has 295 00:11:54,509 --> 00:11:58,080 let down out of heaven that we have to 296 00:11:56,549 --> 00:12:00,149 hold on to if we hold on tight enough 297 00:11:58,080 --> 00:12:02,220 you pull us back up but if we ever let 298 00:12:00,149 --> 00:12:04,199 go we'll lose it that's not how the 299 00:12:02,220 --> 00:12:06,269 Bible describes salvation here in this 300 00:12:04,200 --> 00:12:08,790 passage describes God reaching down and 301 00:12:06,269 --> 00:12:11,189 grabbing hold of us and holding onto us 302 00:12:08,789 --> 00:12:14,730 secure see though that that's a that's a 303 00:12:11,190 --> 00:12:17,550 fact and and God will not let go of his 304 00:12:14,730 --> 00:12:20,850 people that's important to God secondly 305 00:12:17,549 --> 00:12:23,189 we see it also that God's promises are 306 00:12:20,850 --> 00:12:25,259 important to him what he's promised he 307 00:12:23,190 --> 00:12:27,750 will do and God's character so much 308 00:12:25,259 --> 00:12:30,179 higher than ours I can't come back this 309 00:12:27,750 --> 00:12:34,350 issue of God's intention of this purpose 310 00:12:30,179 --> 00:12:36,259 of his of him moving intentionally with 311 00:12:34,350 --> 00:12:39,990 design and purpose and in righteousness 312 00:12:36,259 --> 00:12:41,909 what God does he does well and he does 313 00:12:39,990 --> 00:12:45,810 intentionally here's what he says in 314 00:12:41,909 --> 00:12:47,819 Isaiah 55 he says this for as the rain 315 00:12:45,809 --> 00:12:49,669 and the snow come down from heaven and 316 00:12:47,820 --> 00:12:52,260 do not return there but water the earth 317 00:12:49,669 --> 00:12:53,699 making it bring forth and sprout giving 318 00:12:52,259 --> 00:12:57,090 seed to the sower and bread to the eater 319 00:12:53,700 --> 00:13:00,090 so shall my word be that goes out from 320 00:12:57,090 --> 00:13:02,280 my well my mouth it shall not return to 321 00:13:00,090 --> 00:13:04,590 me empty but it shall accomplish that 322 00:13:02,279 --> 00:13:07,679 which I purpose and shall succeed and 323 00:13:04,590 --> 00:13:10,170 the thing for which I sent it great 324 00:13:07,679 --> 00:13:12,329 promise that God's promises are secure 325 00:13:10,169 --> 00:13:13,110 he makes them secure he doesn't say 326 00:13:12,330 --> 00:13:15,990 things 327 00:13:13,110 --> 00:13:18,899 so Dental er or happenstance see he 328 00:13:15,990 --> 00:13:20,100 doesn't intentionally and his promises 329 00:13:18,899 --> 00:13:23,190 are secure 330 00:13:20,100 --> 00:13:25,740 second Corinthians 1:20 says this for no 331 00:13:23,190 --> 00:13:29,730 matter how many promises God has made 332 00:13:25,740 --> 00:13:31,769 they are all yes in Christ no matter how 333 00:13:29,730 --> 00:13:34,079 many promises he'll fulfilled them all 334 00:13:31,769 --> 00:13:35,669 Ausmus plans and purpose are important 335 00:13:34,078 --> 00:13:39,149 to God he does not give up on them 336 00:13:35,669 --> 00:13:41,729 isaiah 46:9 through 11 back again to 337 00:13:39,149 --> 00:13:44,820 prophet isaiah here's what God says for 338 00:13:41,730 --> 00:13:47,820 I am God and there is no other I'm God 339 00:13:44,820 --> 00:13:50,670 and there's none like me declaring the 340 00:13:47,820 --> 00:13:53,278 end from the beginning saying my counsel 341 00:13:50,669 --> 00:13:56,519 shall stand and I will accomplish all my 342 00:13:53,278 --> 00:13:59,278 purpose I have spoken and I would bring 343 00:13:56,519 --> 00:14:02,159 it to pass I purposed and I will do it 344 00:13:59,278 --> 00:14:04,528 God's purposes are eternal purposes and 345 00:14:02,159 --> 00:14:07,528 he will fulfill all his promises because 346 00:14:04,528 --> 00:14:09,659 of his purpose he plans before the world 347 00:14:07,528 --> 00:14:12,059 was ever created I already planned to 348 00:14:09,659 --> 00:14:14,699 redeem the world through Christ and he 349 00:14:12,059 --> 00:14:16,979 will fulfill all of his purposes well we 350 00:14:14,700 --> 00:14:19,709 come to our text and back in Acts 351 00:14:16,980 --> 00:14:22,409 chapter 27 and we see a promise he made 352 00:14:19,708 --> 00:14:25,619 to the Apostle Paul and God's going to 353 00:14:22,409 --> 00:14:29,909 be faithful to that promise in the 27th 354 00:14:25,620 --> 00:14:32,039 chapter we come to verse 22 and we see 355 00:14:29,909 --> 00:14:34,588 that the last thing that they lost on 356 00:14:32,039 --> 00:14:36,328 that voyage was hope they despaired they 357 00:14:34,589 --> 00:14:39,390 said we're not going to make it but 358 00:14:36,328 --> 00:14:41,939 here's what Paul said and Paul says but 359 00:14:39,389 --> 00:14:44,429 now I urge you to keep up your courage 360 00:14:41,940 --> 00:14:46,800 because not one of you will be lost not 361 00:14:44,429 --> 00:14:49,439 only the ship only the ship will be 362 00:14:46,799 --> 00:14:52,948 destroyed he says this last night an 363 00:14:49,440 --> 00:14:55,560 angel of the God whose I am in whom I 364 00:14:52,948 --> 00:14:58,078 serve stood beside me and said do not be 365 00:14:55,559 --> 00:15:01,169 afraid Paul you must stand trial before 366 00:14:58,078 --> 00:15:04,889 Caesar and God has graciously given you 367 00:15:01,169 --> 00:15:07,139 the lies of all who sail with you so 368 00:15:04,889 --> 00:15:09,328 keep up the courage men for I have faith 369 00:15:07,139 --> 00:15:12,629 in God that it will happen just as he 370 00:15:09,328 --> 00:15:16,319 told me well there was God's commitment 371 00:15:12,629 --> 00:15:17,850 to save Paul's life and because he was 372 00:15:16,320 --> 00:15:20,100 saving Paul's life he ended up saving 373 00:15:17,850 --> 00:15:21,930 the lives of 275 374 00:15:20,100 --> 00:15:24,060 other people some of those were Paul's 375 00:15:21,929 --> 00:15:25,948 companions who travel with him but he 376 00:15:24,059 --> 00:15:26,578 was going to save all the other people 377 00:15:25,948 --> 00:15:29,458 as well 378 00:15:26,578 --> 00:15:31,738 it's not a wonderful look it's just fact 379 00:15:29,458 --> 00:15:33,599 that we see that their safety in the 380 00:15:31,739 --> 00:15:35,189 will of God not only safety for you but 381 00:15:33,600 --> 00:15:37,528 safety for those around you 382 00:15:35,188 --> 00:15:38,998 by the way let me speak to some that you 383 00:15:37,528 --> 00:15:41,548 may be listening this you think God is 384 00:15:38,999 --> 00:15:43,409 calling you into ministry well God calls 385 00:15:41,548 --> 00:15:46,139 us into ministry he doesn't change his 386 00:15:43,409 --> 00:15:49,198 mind on that Romans 11:29 it says for 387 00:15:46,139 --> 00:15:50,999 God's gifts and his call are irrevocable 388 00:15:49,198 --> 00:15:52,649 if God have recalled you in the ministry 389 00:15:50,999 --> 00:15:54,869 he hasn't changed his mind on that 390 00:15:52,649 --> 00:15:56,610 sometimes people have fear they said it 391 00:15:54,869 --> 00:15:59,100 won't happen to my family what will 392 00:15:56,610 --> 00:16:01,769 happen to my children or mine my wife 393 00:15:59,100 --> 00:16:03,449 will we be able to live well let me tell 394 00:16:01,769 --> 00:16:06,119 you if God's called you into ministry 395 00:16:03,448 --> 00:16:08,039 he'll take care of you he'll take care 396 00:16:06,119 --> 00:16:11,129 of your family too that's the safest 397 00:16:08,039 --> 00:16:13,169 place you can ever be is to be in the 398 00:16:11,129 --> 00:16:16,619 center of God's will and just trust him 399 00:16:13,169 --> 00:16:18,360 I'm almost 70 years old I could say that 400 00:16:16,619 --> 00:16:20,939 I've smile whole life serving God I say 401 00:16:18,360 --> 00:16:23,308 God has fulfilled hardest promises to me 402 00:16:20,938 --> 00:16:26,039 he has been gracious providing for us 403 00:16:23,308 --> 00:16:27,568 more than we need at him do the same for 404 00:16:26,039 --> 00:16:29,188 you you did that not because of me but 405 00:16:27,568 --> 00:16:32,039 because of his word because of his 406 00:16:29,188 --> 00:16:35,248 promises so we can trust him and leave 407 00:16:32,039 --> 00:16:39,118 these things in God's hands now 408 00:16:35,249 --> 00:16:41,579 God planned to use Paul he wanted to use 409 00:16:39,119 --> 00:16:43,798 Paul to give a testimony to the nation's 410 00:16:41,578 --> 00:16:46,258 he said Paul you will testify before 411 00:16:43,798 --> 00:16:49,739 Caesar and that's my purpose that a 412 00:16:46,259 --> 00:16:52,199 Christian will stand before Caesar the 413 00:16:49,739 --> 00:16:54,569 Roman Emperor and give a witness for 414 00:16:52,198 --> 00:16:56,969 Jesus Christ not only did Paul do that 415 00:16:54,568 --> 00:16:59,219 but he also was able to witness to the 416 00:16:56,970 --> 00:17:01,709 Imperial Guard that were they were 417 00:16:59,220 --> 00:17:03,480 guarding him and a movement we learned 418 00:17:01,708 --> 00:17:05,548 from the New Testament writings of Paul 419 00:17:03,480 --> 00:17:07,980 a movement broke out among the guards 420 00:17:05,548 --> 00:17:10,619 many of them became believers because of 421 00:17:07,980 --> 00:17:13,980 Paul's testimony God said I'm going to 422 00:17:10,619 --> 00:17:16,948 use you and I have a purpose for you I'm 423 00:17:13,980 --> 00:17:18,599 going to use you so just trust me now 424 00:17:16,949 --> 00:17:20,220 this is exact opposite from Jonah's 425 00:17:18,599 --> 00:17:23,009 experience Joan was running from God 426 00:17:20,220 --> 00:17:25,919 thinking it was better safer to run from 427 00:17:23,009 --> 00:17:27,750 God's will and the ship he was on had a 428 00:17:25,919 --> 00:17:30,630 great storm of course he had to had to 429 00:17:27,750 --> 00:17:32,970 throw him overboard but here Paul was 430 00:17:30,630 --> 00:17:35,039 running to the will of God and even 431 00:17:32,970 --> 00:17:37,649 though the was a great storm God brought 432 00:17:35,038 --> 00:17:38,480 them all through so there is a blessing 433 00:17:37,648 --> 00:17:40,779 for the 434 00:17:38,480 --> 00:17:43,910 around us member following God's will 435 00:17:40,779 --> 00:17:46,308 God wants to use his people God wants to 436 00:17:43,910 --> 00:17:49,340 use you and when God says to do 437 00:17:46,308 --> 00:17:51,918 something we can simply trust him and do 438 00:17:49,339 --> 00:17:54,649 it and not worry about it trust him and 439 00:17:51,919 --> 00:17:56,809 he will show how faithful he is there's 440 00:17:54,650 --> 00:17:59,330 times in the Bible we see that God saved 441 00:17:56,808 --> 00:18:01,730 a great number of people because of his 442 00:17:59,329 --> 00:18:04,879 faithfulness to one person or maybe just 443 00:18:01,730 --> 00:18:07,099 a few people remember the story of sodom 444 00:18:04,880 --> 00:18:10,460 and gomorrah and Abraham's nephew lot 445 00:18:07,099 --> 00:18:12,918 went there to live in the in the book of 446 00:18:10,460 --> 00:18:15,140 Genesis we learn in chapter 14 of the 447 00:18:12,919 --> 00:18:17,000 time that Sodom and Gomorrah were were 448 00:18:15,140 --> 00:18:19,790 taken captive that is they had another 449 00:18:17,000 --> 00:18:22,490 king other kings raided them took people 450 00:18:19,789 --> 00:18:25,099 took possessions and Abraham the cosmas 451 00:18:22,490 --> 00:18:27,230 nephew lot went to their rescue and 452 00:18:25,099 --> 00:18:29,178 rescued the positions that the 453 00:18:27,230 --> 00:18:30,919 possessions rescued the people and 454 00:18:29,179 --> 00:18:34,548 brought them back and it's interesting 455 00:18:30,919 --> 00:18:37,850 that the king of Sodom wanted to give a 456 00:18:34,548 --> 00:18:40,940 gift to Abraham but Abraham said no no I 457 00:18:37,849 --> 00:18:44,449 do not want it said that the king of 458 00:18:40,940 --> 00:18:46,370 Sodom made Abraham wealthy he knew the 459 00:18:44,450 --> 00:18:48,980 character of the king of Sodom and he 460 00:18:46,369 --> 00:18:51,349 knew how evil they were how evil O 461 00:18:48,980 --> 00:18:54,679 cities were then a couple of chapters 462 00:18:51,349 --> 00:18:58,569 later chapter 18 of Genesis we see this 463 00:18:54,679 --> 00:19:02,000 mysterious event three visitors visit 464 00:18:58,569 --> 00:19:05,509 Abraham and his wife Sarah and mom Marie 465 00:19:02,000 --> 00:19:07,220 and it's an event shrouded in mystery we 466 00:19:05,509 --> 00:19:10,669 don't understand it but those three 467 00:19:07,220 --> 00:19:13,519 represented God and they came as angels 468 00:19:10,669 --> 00:19:16,009 as messengers from God and they blessed 469 00:19:13,519 --> 00:19:18,440 Abraham and Sarah in fact they told they 470 00:19:16,009 --> 00:19:20,650 told them that Sarah would have a child 471 00:19:18,440 --> 00:19:23,509 although she was old and that's the 472 00:19:20,650 --> 00:19:25,548 promise of Isaac and Isaac sounds like 473 00:19:23,509 --> 00:19:26,808 laughs and that's what Sarah did when 474 00:19:25,548 --> 00:19:28,599 they told her she was going to have a 475 00:19:26,808 --> 00:19:31,428 child even though she was an older woman 476 00:19:28,599 --> 00:19:33,769 she laughed but nevertheless it was a 477 00:19:31,429 --> 00:19:36,169 blessing to him and then as these three 478 00:19:33,769 --> 00:19:38,900 guests got ready to leave they began 479 00:19:36,169 --> 00:19:41,690 talking among themselves and they said 480 00:19:38,900 --> 00:19:44,419 to one another should we hide from 481 00:19:41,690 --> 00:19:47,210 Abraham what we're about to do what God 482 00:19:44,419 --> 00:19:50,150 is about to do or they defined that in 483 00:19:47,210 --> 00:19:51,920 Scripture we find in Amos 3:7 this 484 00:19:50,150 --> 00:19:53,870 promise this statement rather 485 00:19:51,920 --> 00:19:55,820 for the Lord God does nothing without 486 00:19:53,869 --> 00:19:58,789 revealing his secret to his servants the 487 00:19:55,819 --> 00:20:02,929 prophets so they were going to reveal to 488 00:19:58,789 --> 00:20:05,869 Abraham what God was going to do and it 489 00:20:02,930 --> 00:20:09,230 was about Sodom and Gomorrah and I said 490 00:20:05,869 --> 00:20:12,379 these cities are so I'm paraphrasing but 491 00:20:09,230 --> 00:20:14,630 these cities are so immoral that they're 492 00:20:12,380 --> 00:20:16,310 going to be destroyed in fact I said 493 00:20:14,630 --> 00:20:19,100 we're down to invest it we're going down 494 00:20:16,309 --> 00:20:21,559 to investigate them right now now these 495 00:20:19,099 --> 00:20:24,199 are anthropomorphism that is it's human 496 00:20:21,559 --> 00:20:26,269 activity to help us understand how God 497 00:20:24,200 --> 00:20:28,850 does things and we would say that it 498 00:20:26,269 --> 00:20:31,279 pictures how thorough god's judgment is 499 00:20:28,849 --> 00:20:33,289 that he never judges someone until he's 500 00:20:31,279 --> 00:20:35,990 able to investigate the situation of 501 00:20:33,289 --> 00:20:38,269 course God knows all it is is is 502 00:20:35,990 --> 00:20:40,370 judgment is instant his knowledge is 503 00:20:38,269 --> 00:20:43,279 instant but still it gives us a picture 504 00:20:40,369 --> 00:20:46,309 of the thoroughness of God's research 505 00:20:43,279 --> 00:20:49,549 into every life into every circumstance 506 00:20:46,309 --> 00:20:52,099 so they're going to go there and Abraham 507 00:20:49,549 --> 00:20:54,159 knows his nephew lot is there well 508 00:20:52,099 --> 00:20:56,990 perhaps because he had no children 509 00:20:54,160 --> 00:21:00,080 Abraham felt fatherly feelings towards 510 00:20:56,990 --> 00:21:02,150 life so it begins to ask him they talked 511 00:21:00,079 --> 00:21:04,490 about the destruction he says what if 512 00:21:02,150 --> 00:21:07,070 there are 50 righteous people in the 513 00:21:04,490 --> 00:21:09,319 city will you really sweep it away and 514 00:21:07,069 --> 00:21:13,339 not spare the place for the sake of 50 515 00:21:09,319 --> 00:21:15,529 righteous people in it and he adds this 516 00:21:13,339 --> 00:21:18,500 very important question it's rhetorical 517 00:21:15,529 --> 00:21:21,349 question will not the judge of all the 518 00:21:18,500 --> 00:21:24,109 earth do right now that is a Christian 519 00:21:21,349 --> 00:21:26,899 claim that's a Christian belief we 520 00:21:24,109 --> 00:21:29,119 should hold on to that God the judge of 521 00:21:26,900 --> 00:21:31,550 all the earth will always do right 522 00:21:29,119 --> 00:21:33,649 that's our beginning place to understand 523 00:21:31,549 --> 00:21:37,190 the judgment of God and the actions of 524 00:21:33,650 --> 00:21:40,040 God God always does what is right well 525 00:21:37,190 --> 00:21:43,309 the the three angels telling says no no 526 00:21:40,039 --> 00:21:45,500 four fifty will not harm the city fifty 527 00:21:43,309 --> 00:21:47,450 can launch a movement fifty can give a 528 00:21:45,500 --> 00:21:49,849 witness fifty can make a difference for 529 00:21:47,450 --> 00:21:52,340 Christ and there's 50 lives that are 530 00:21:49,849 --> 00:21:55,309 that are precious to God in that city 531 00:21:52,339 --> 00:21:59,029 not for fifty but then he began sparking 532 00:21:55,309 --> 00:22:00,980 how about forty five how about 40 says 533 00:21:59,029 --> 00:22:04,039 yeah for forty how about thirty got the 534 00:22:00,980 --> 00:22:05,029 third how about twenty four twenty how 535 00:22:04,039 --> 00:22:08,970 about 536 00:22:05,029 --> 00:22:11,639 and the answer for the sake of 10 I will 537 00:22:08,970 --> 00:22:14,400 not destroy it but they go down to the 538 00:22:11,640 --> 00:22:17,250 city and there's not even ten just 539 00:22:14,400 --> 00:22:19,769 Abraham and his family and they were 540 00:22:17,250 --> 00:22:21,569 saved but the city was destroyed but 541 00:22:19,769 --> 00:22:24,808 nevertheless perceived the principle 542 00:22:21,569 --> 00:22:27,178 that God often blesses people all around 543 00:22:24,808 --> 00:22:29,460 a committed Christian simply because of 544 00:22:27,179 --> 00:22:31,140 his faith we have to ask the question 545 00:22:29,460 --> 00:22:33,329 what about the Christian whose life is 546 00:22:31,140 --> 00:22:35,759 taken from him that's a difficult 547 00:22:33,329 --> 00:22:38,099 question to answer we do see it happen 548 00:22:35,759 --> 00:22:40,829 quite often but again let's understand 549 00:22:38,099 --> 00:22:42,389 that God is to save our life and it's 550 00:22:40,829 --> 00:22:45,659 used to give us eternal life he's to 551 00:22:42,390 --> 00:22:47,610 save our soul and save our spirit bring 552 00:22:45,660 --> 00:22:49,860 us back to true life his goal is not 553 00:22:47,609 --> 00:22:51,750 merely that we have a longer time on 554 00:22:49,859 --> 00:22:54,240 this earth though that we have eternity 555 00:22:51,750 --> 00:22:57,630 with him in heaven in fact it says in 556 00:22:54,240 --> 00:22:59,789 Psalm 116 verse 15 precious and the 557 00:22:57,630 --> 00:23:02,700 sight of the Lord is the death of his 558 00:22:59,789 --> 00:23:05,639 Saints Saints means believers so when a 559 00:23:02,700 --> 00:23:08,160 believer in Christ dies that moment is 560 00:23:05,640 --> 00:23:11,190 precious to God he invites us into his 561 00:23:08,160 --> 00:23:15,150 home and he promises protection and life 562 00:23:11,190 --> 00:23:17,910 and eternal life and joy and and all the 563 00:23:15,150 --> 00:23:20,400 blessings and securities of heaven so 564 00:23:17,910 --> 00:23:22,919 that moment is not a bad moment from 565 00:23:20,400 --> 00:23:25,380 God's perspective and a death of a 566 00:23:22,919 --> 00:23:26,970 Christian we should always rejoice at 567 00:23:25,380 --> 00:23:28,950 that moment even though we may agree 568 00:23:26,970 --> 00:23:32,250 because we will see them even though our 569 00:23:28,950 --> 00:23:34,830 hearts may break for that person for 570 00:23:32,250 --> 00:23:39,539 that soul it's a precious precious 571 00:23:34,829 --> 00:23:41,460 moment no it also says in Psalm 57 1 it 572 00:23:39,539 --> 00:23:44,548 says the righteous are taken away to be 573 00:23:41,460 --> 00:23:47,100 spared from evil and that's another 574 00:23:44,548 --> 00:23:49,289 great text to hold on to when someone 575 00:23:47,099 --> 00:23:51,149 dies it's a mystery to us what their 576 00:23:49,289 --> 00:23:53,970 life would have experienced had they 577 00:23:51,150 --> 00:23:55,740 been here only God can see that so we 578 00:23:53,970 --> 00:23:58,558 can trust them in the hands of the 579 00:23:55,740 --> 00:24:00,569 loving and all-wise heavenly father we 580 00:23:58,558 --> 00:24:03,569 see the stories of these martyrs Stephen 581 00:24:00,569 --> 00:24:07,349 and and James and others that God did 582 00:24:03,569 --> 00:24:10,200 not rescue but he welcomed them into 583 00:24:07,349 --> 00:24:13,059 heaven in all situations if we're in the 584 00:24:10,200 --> 00:24:16,120 center of God's will God can use 585 00:24:13,059 --> 00:24:18,819 God would give us joy and a Christian at 586 00:24:16,119 --> 00:24:19,359 any age at any time should never fear 587 00:24:18,819 --> 00:24:21,700 death 588 00:24:19,359 --> 00:24:24,059 that's our graduation ceremony that's 589 00:24:21,700 --> 00:24:27,850 our that's our welcome home ceremony 590 00:24:24,059 --> 00:24:31,119 Rhydian Borden was a great example to 591 00:24:27,849 --> 00:24:33,699 young men his age he was born in 1887 592 00:24:31,119 --> 00:24:37,299 the son of a wealthy man his father made 593 00:24:33,700 --> 00:24:40,840 his money in in silver but he he was 594 00:24:37,299 --> 00:24:42,549 silver mining I should say and William 595 00:24:40,839 --> 00:24:44,109 though was a committed Christian wanted 596 00:24:42,549 --> 00:24:46,839 to be a missionary even though he was 597 00:24:44,109 --> 00:24:48,939 the son of a multimillionaire he wanted 598 00:24:46,839 --> 00:24:50,799 to be a missionary in college he want 599 00:24:48,940 --> 00:24:53,799 many people to Christ even organized a 600 00:24:50,799 --> 00:24:55,690 Bible study around the university many 601 00:24:53,799 --> 00:24:57,279 students were involved in those Bible 602 00:24:55,690 --> 00:25:00,309 studies and lives were changed because 603 00:24:57,279 --> 00:25:02,079 of what william bordon organized and he 604 00:25:00,309 --> 00:25:05,200 wanted to go to china he particularly 605 00:25:02,079 --> 00:25:08,079 wanted to go there to reach Muslims in 606 00:25:05,200 --> 00:25:09,670 China well is he was going to go 607 00:25:08,079 --> 00:25:12,129 personal he had to take language 608 00:25:09,670 --> 00:25:14,920 learning and chose to do it in Egypt and 609 00:25:12,130 --> 00:25:17,890 as he was studying language learning in 610 00:25:14,920 --> 00:25:21,160 Egypt he became sick and died from 611 00:25:17,890 --> 00:25:23,650 meningitis there in Egypt what a tragedy 612 00:25:21,160 --> 00:25:26,560 this young alive this young life it was 613 00:25:23,650 --> 00:25:29,590 such a brilliant shining example of 614 00:25:26,559 --> 00:25:31,839 Christian faith and how God could use 615 00:25:29,589 --> 00:25:33,459 someone but many people thought it 616 00:25:31,839 --> 00:25:36,699 didn't make sense in the whole world 617 00:25:33,460 --> 00:25:39,670 grieved but what was interesting is it 618 00:25:36,700 --> 00:25:43,059 out of his death out of his testimony 619 00:25:39,670 --> 00:25:46,000 out of his commitment scores and scores 620 00:25:43,059 --> 00:25:48,970 of young people in throughout the world 621 00:25:46,000 --> 00:25:51,970 began to surrender to World Missions and 622 00:25:48,970 --> 00:25:56,380 it resulted not just in one life going 623 00:25:51,970 --> 00:25:58,779 to China but many many many more well 624 00:25:56,380 --> 00:26:01,030 when we die in the middle of the will in 625 00:25:58,779 --> 00:26:03,819 the center of the will of God we die the 626 00:26:01,029 --> 00:26:06,039 death God wants us to die the way God 627 00:26:03,819 --> 00:26:09,220 wants us to die in the Flyleaf of 628 00:26:06,039 --> 00:26:11,619 William Borden's Bible it's been told he 629 00:26:09,220 --> 00:26:13,059 had these three statements no reserve 630 00:26:11,619 --> 00:26:16,029 that is no holding back 631 00:26:13,059 --> 00:26:18,099 no retreats no turning around and 632 00:26:16,029 --> 00:26:20,389 running back no regrets 633 00:26:18,099 --> 00:26:22,759 I'm going to go all-out for God 634 00:26:20,390 --> 00:26:25,580 God will God would use me God will bless 635 00:26:22,759 --> 00:26:28,609 me I'm trusting God the safest place on 636 00:26:25,579 --> 00:26:31,099 in life no matter what you're doing what 637 00:26:28,609 --> 00:26:33,529 you're facing is in the center of God's 638 00:26:31,099 --> 00:26:35,539 will so what does this message mean for 639 00:26:33,529 --> 00:26:38,779 us the first thing is this let God save 640 00:26:35,539 --> 00:26:41,269 your soul let him bring the real you 641 00:26:38,779 --> 00:26:42,740 into existence forget about the lust of 642 00:26:41,269 --> 00:26:44,180 the flesh the lust of the eyes and the 643 00:26:42,740 --> 00:26:45,890 pride of life all this in the world 644 00:26:44,180 --> 00:26:48,860 forget about what you own or don't own 645 00:26:45,890 --> 00:26:52,250 simply let God reveal himself to your 646 00:26:48,859 --> 00:26:54,649 heart let him make you truly alive in 647 00:26:52,250 --> 00:26:58,279 him the secondly lift up your head as a 648 00:26:54,650 --> 00:27:00,259 Christian not in Pride but in respect 649 00:26:58,279 --> 00:27:02,210 for what God is doing in your life see 650 00:27:00,259 --> 00:27:03,200 the people would have looked at Paul and 651 00:27:02,210 --> 00:27:05,150 they would have thought him as a 652 00:27:03,200 --> 00:27:07,519 prisoner you know we see prisoners we 653 00:27:05,150 --> 00:27:09,470 think of them as as next to nothing 654 00:27:07,519 --> 00:27:11,359 they're the refuse of the world they're 655 00:27:09,470 --> 00:27:13,220 the ones that we forget about who cares 656 00:27:11,359 --> 00:27:15,589 about him they would have seen Paul 657 00:27:13,220 --> 00:27:19,220 under those Roman guards and thought ha 658 00:27:15,589 --> 00:27:21,439 as he's nothing but God had his eye on 659 00:27:19,220 --> 00:27:24,500 him and God was going to save the whole 660 00:27:21,440 --> 00:27:27,799 bunch because of him what amazing 661 00:27:24,500 --> 00:27:30,740 picture how different God sees things so 662 00:27:27,799 --> 00:27:31,639 if you're committed to God's plan for 663 00:27:30,740 --> 00:27:34,069 your life 664 00:27:31,640 --> 00:27:36,380 lift your head up don't feel defeated 665 00:27:34,069 --> 00:27:38,929 don't feel unimportant or insignificant 666 00:27:36,380 --> 00:27:41,270 you are important to God because God's 667 00:27:38,930 --> 00:27:42,950 going to use you now the third thing is 668 00:27:41,269 --> 00:27:44,960 this though determined to be in the 669 00:27:42,950 --> 00:27:48,440 center of God's will for your life 670 00:27:44,960 --> 00:27:50,240 whatever happens you're safe even if you 671 00:27:48,440 --> 00:27:52,490 die you die the death God planned for 672 00:27:50,240 --> 00:27:54,680 you to die whatever happens you're safe 673 00:27:52,490 --> 00:27:57,440 the best place that all the world to be 674 00:27:54,680 --> 00:27:59,960 is in the center of gospel not just 675 00:27:57,440 --> 00:28:02,660 being at the right place but being the 676 00:27:59,960 --> 00:28:05,509 right person in that place committed to 677 00:28:02,660 --> 00:28:07,519 him being gracious being faithful of 678 00:28:05,509 --> 00:28:10,609 being righteous doing the right thing 679 00:28:07,519 --> 00:28:13,250 this image of God's as he fulfills his 680 00:28:10,609 --> 00:28:15,699 purpose with intention with with with 681 00:28:13,250 --> 00:28:18,349 purpose and planning patiently 682 00:28:15,700 --> 00:28:20,330 consistently righteously 683 00:28:18,349 --> 00:28:22,669 that's how a Christians life ought to be 684 00:28:20,329 --> 00:28:25,279 whatever goes on we don't need to panic 685 00:28:22,670 --> 00:28:27,830 we just trust the purpose of God if we 686 00:28:25,279 --> 00:28:30,200 take one step after another after 687 00:28:27,829 --> 00:28:31,970 another that's what we're to do well I 688 00:28:30,200 --> 00:28:33,380 pray that God will bless you if you're 689 00:28:31,970 --> 00:28:34,130 not a believer in Christ let me invite 690 00:28:33,380 --> 00:28:35,930 you to trust 691 00:28:34,130 --> 00:28:38,180 him as your savior to turn from yourself 692 00:28:35,930 --> 00:28:40,250 and sin and say lord I I confess I'm a 693 00:28:38,180 --> 00:28:42,529 sinner I need your forgiveness I turn to 694 00:28:40,250 --> 00:28:44,180 faith in Christ ask him to save me if 695 00:28:42,529 --> 00:28:45,649 you are a Christian you're not living 696 00:28:44,180 --> 00:28:47,480 for God if you know for a fact you're 697 00:28:45,650 --> 00:28:49,610 outside the will of God let me encourage 698 00:28:47,480 --> 00:28:52,160 you to get in the center of the will of 699 00:28:49,609 --> 00:28:54,019 God submits your life to him and that 700 00:28:52,160 --> 00:28:56,690 your reactions the circumstances around 701 00:28:54,019 --> 00:29:00,619 you be the right thing don't get caught 702 00:28:56,690 --> 00:29:02,870 up and letting a boss or a circumstance 703 00:29:00,619 --> 00:29:05,779 or even a colleague or anyone intimidate 704 00:29:02,869 --> 00:29:08,239 you in doing the wrong thing rather as a 705 00:29:05,779 --> 00:29:10,460 believer in Christ lift up your head be 706 00:29:08,240 --> 00:29:12,829 confident in God and you do the right 707 00:29:10,460 --> 00:29:15,230 thing wherever you are be gracious to 708 00:29:12,829 --> 00:29:16,939 people be patient and circumstances and 709 00:29:15,230 --> 00:29:19,160 let God use your life 710 00:29:16,940 --> 00:29:20,750 let's bring follow me thank you for your 711 00:29:19,160 --> 00:29:23,240 grace and your love I praise you blessed 712 00:29:20,750 --> 00:29:25,730 us this Lord stay as we seek to follow 713 00:29:23,240 --> 00:29:28,730 you show yourself to us we thank you 714 00:29:25,730 --> 00:29:31,819 that you save us you save not just our 715 00:29:28,730 --> 00:29:34,130 stuff not just the opportunities we have 716 00:29:31,819 --> 00:29:35,539 and things around and Sprott you save us 717 00:29:34,130 --> 00:29:37,910 we thank you lord 718 00:29:35,539 --> 00:29:38,930 and pray that you would let us know how 719 00:29:37,910 --> 00:29:40,940 much you love us 720 00:29:38,930 --> 00:29:43,610 well I pray for everyone who is every 721 00:29:40,940 --> 00:29:45,890 home also there's listening to this this 722 00:29:43,609 --> 00:29:48,079 sermon I pray that you bless them that 723 00:29:45,890 --> 00:29:49,970 you use this message in every life and 724 00:29:48,079 --> 00:29:52,819 where we pray all this in Jesus name and 725 00:29:49,970 --> 00:29:55,329 for his sake came in thank you may God 726 00:29:52,819 --> 00:29:55,329 bless you