1 00:00:00,410 --> 00:00:08,669 [Music] 2 00:00:09,490 --> 00:00:14,089 good morning everyone this is Pastor 3 00:00:12,109 --> 00:00:16,099 Dave of International Baptist Church in 4 00:00:14,089 --> 00:00:18,289 Stuttgart Germany today I thought I'd 5 00:00:16,099 --> 00:00:21,890 just preached from my own home and share 6 00:00:18,289 --> 00:00:24,169 with you the final verses and the final 7 00:00:21,890 --> 00:00:26,390 bit of the story of Acts we've been in 8 00:00:24,169 --> 00:00:28,189 acts for several months and it's been up 9 00:00:26,390 --> 00:00:31,339 for me it's been a been a very 10 00:00:28,189 --> 00:00:33,890 beneficial study to see how the Holy 11 00:00:31,339 --> 00:00:37,340 Spirit led the church and how he's 12 00:00:33,890 --> 00:00:39,049 continuing to lead us today the Bible 13 00:00:37,340 --> 00:00:41,140 says that the scriptures are given to us 14 00:00:39,049 --> 00:00:43,669 in order to encourage us and give us 15 00:00:41,140 --> 00:00:46,789 endurance and also wisdom and knowledge 16 00:00:43,670 --> 00:00:50,090 we are built up by the Word of God and 17 00:00:46,789 --> 00:00:53,710 strengthened and so this story all those 18 00:00:50,090 --> 00:00:56,510 history is very beneficial to our souls 19 00:00:53,710 --> 00:00:58,429 now let me just say a few words about 20 00:00:56,509 --> 00:01:00,949 these writings but I think it's 21 00:00:58,429 --> 00:01:04,909 important now the time of the sermon is 22 00:01:00,950 --> 00:01:07,399 Paul the last view of a world changer 23 00:01:04,909 --> 00:01:10,490 this is the last objective view or 24 00:01:07,399 --> 00:01:12,379 third-party view we have of Paul it's 25 00:01:10,489 --> 00:01:14,089 not necessarily objective because it's 26 00:01:12,379 --> 00:01:15,949 written by one of his companions someone 27 00:01:14,090 --> 00:01:19,399 had been with him and knew him and loved 28 00:01:15,950 --> 00:01:22,159 him Suton by Luke now Luke according to 29 00:01:19,399 --> 00:01:23,090 tradition was a Gentile not a Jew he is 30 00:01:22,159 --> 00:01:24,889 from Syria 31 00:01:23,090 --> 00:01:27,560 he's what Paul's companions and he's 32 00:01:24,888 --> 00:01:29,269 also called a physician so he has some 33 00:01:27,560 --> 00:01:32,748 medical training for that day and age 34 00:01:29,269 --> 00:01:34,129 but he had a very investigated mind it's 35 00:01:32,748 --> 00:01:36,769 very interesting see how he described 36 00:01:34,129 --> 00:01:38,748 miracles and ie he described historical 37 00:01:36,769 --> 00:01:41,569 events when he tells the story of Jesus 38 00:01:38,748 --> 00:01:43,789 and also as he tells the story of the 39 00:01:41,569 --> 00:01:46,819 early church he's describing what's 40 00:01:43,789 --> 00:01:50,269 going on in the world around him so he's 41 00:01:46,819 --> 00:01:53,060 a very interesting author but these were 42 00:01:50,269 --> 00:01:55,759 not merely the words of a human author 43 00:01:53,060 --> 00:01:57,259 these were inspired of the spirit so we 44 00:01:55,759 --> 00:02:00,138 have something beneficial to our own 45 00:01:57,259 --> 00:02:03,858 hearts and lives in this teaching now 46 00:02:00,138 --> 00:02:05,118 that the book of Luke's Gospel and the 47 00:02:03,858 --> 00:02:07,699 book of Acts those are really two 48 00:02:05,118 --> 00:02:10,429 volumes of the same story and if we look 49 00:02:07,700 --> 00:02:12,530 at them together they end they begin and 50 00:02:10,429 --> 00:02:15,289 end in a similar way 51 00:02:12,530 --> 00:02:16,669 that is it is though some scholars 52 00:02:15,289 --> 00:02:19,609 describe it this way it is though 53 00:02:16,669 --> 00:02:22,250 there's a great storm that comes and the 54 00:02:19,610 --> 00:02:25,069 beginning of luke's gospel describes a 55 00:02:22,250 --> 00:02:27,349 community before the storm and then at 56 00:02:25,068 --> 00:02:30,829 the end of the book of Acts and scribes 57 00:02:27,349 --> 00:02:33,229 of the community after the storm but the 58 00:02:30,830 --> 00:02:35,290 beginning of the storm we see or before 59 00:02:33,229 --> 00:02:38,389 the storm begins with see simple 60 00:02:35,289 --> 00:02:40,879 situations simple lies the story begins 61 00:02:38,389 --> 00:02:43,189 with Zacharias and Elizabeth the parents 62 00:02:40,879 --> 00:02:46,519 of John the Baptist and then Mary and 63 00:02:43,189 --> 00:02:51,560 Joseph and baby Jesus Shepherds Simeon 64 00:02:46,519 --> 00:02:54,739 and Anna a very simple story told and in 65 00:02:51,560 --> 00:02:57,289 smaller settings but then the wind picks 66 00:02:54,739 --> 00:02:59,360 up the clouds come in it seems like the 67 00:02:57,289 --> 00:03:02,049 rain begins to fall the multitudes 68 00:02:59,360 --> 00:03:05,330 appear in miracles in opposition as well 69 00:03:02,050 --> 00:03:08,030 and then the story builds into a great 70 00:03:05,330 --> 00:03:11,930 crescendo as like a storm at the 71 00:03:08,030 --> 00:03:13,789 tremendous rainfall in the wind and the 72 00:03:11,930 --> 00:03:17,420 crescendo of the cross and the 73 00:03:13,789 --> 00:03:19,849 resurrection and for our brief period in 74 00:03:17,419 --> 00:03:23,569 this story it seems like the storm has 75 00:03:19,849 --> 00:03:25,370 abated the storm of grace has abated but 76 00:03:23,569 --> 00:03:28,310 then realize that really we're just in 77 00:03:25,370 --> 00:03:30,890 the eye of a hurricane and soon and acts 78 00:03:28,310 --> 00:03:33,140 the storm continues then it picks up 79 00:03:30,889 --> 00:03:35,000 again but the coming of the Holy Spirit 80 00:03:33,139 --> 00:03:37,009 the expansion of the church the 81 00:03:35,000 --> 00:03:39,860 persecution of the church these great 82 00:03:37,009 --> 00:03:42,379 movements among people but now we come 83 00:03:39,860 --> 00:03:44,420 to the final two chapters of Acts and 84 00:03:42,379 --> 00:03:46,009 again it's actually it's a real storm 85 00:03:44,419 --> 00:03:50,119 almost metaphoric for the whole 86 00:03:46,009 --> 00:03:53,060 experience and Paul and his companions 87 00:03:50,120 --> 00:03:56,269 survived that storm but it comes down 88 00:03:53,060 --> 00:04:00,469 again to a simple story one person Paul 89 00:03:56,269 --> 00:04:03,739 a prisoner waiting in Rome sharing his 90 00:04:00,469 --> 00:04:07,430 faith and and we see again the after 91 00:04:03,739 --> 00:04:09,920 effect well after the storm of grace has 92 00:04:07,430 --> 00:04:12,590 come to the world things do not go back 93 00:04:09,919 --> 00:04:15,798 to normal in fact the Apostle Paul is a 94 00:04:12,590 --> 00:04:18,228 great testimony of someone to this story 95 00:04:15,799 --> 00:04:20,750 to end with because he had been a 96 00:04:18,228 --> 00:04:22,908 persecutor of the church and he had been 97 00:04:20,750 --> 00:04:23,668 changed everything about him was who had 98 00:04:22,908 --> 00:04:25,978 chained 99 00:04:23,668 --> 00:04:28,198 and after the storm of grace has come 100 00:04:25,978 --> 00:04:30,719 into the world the world cannot go back 101 00:04:28,199 --> 00:04:33,120 as to what it was everything is 102 00:04:30,720 --> 00:04:35,910 different now we're in the days of the 103 00:04:33,120 --> 00:04:38,069 coronavirus lockdown and people have 104 00:04:35,910 --> 00:04:39,870 talked about let's go back to want to be 105 00:04:38,069 --> 00:04:41,610 great when we get back to normal but 106 00:04:39,870 --> 00:04:43,439 what the experts are telling us is there 107 00:04:41,610 --> 00:04:46,710 is no going back to normal there will be 108 00:04:43,439 --> 00:04:48,719 a new normal but things are not going to 109 00:04:46,709 --> 00:04:51,839 go back to exactly as they were before 110 00:04:48,720 --> 00:04:54,900 well that's what we have with Paul's 111 00:04:51,839 --> 00:04:56,279 life that after Christ comes after 112 00:04:54,899 --> 00:04:58,769 Christ saves him 113 00:04:56,279 --> 00:05:00,989 Paul has radically changed in fact the 114 00:04:58,769 --> 00:05:03,120 whole world has changed after the life 115 00:05:00,990 --> 00:05:05,519 and death and resurrection of Christ and 116 00:05:03,120 --> 00:05:07,680 the coming of the Spirit and expansion 117 00:05:05,519 --> 00:05:10,459 of the church there is a new normal but 118 00:05:07,680 --> 00:05:15,030 there's no going back to a pre Christ 119 00:05:10,459 --> 00:05:17,069 world but in these final chapters we see 120 00:05:15,029 --> 00:05:21,418 already the last chapter we see four 121 00:05:17,069 --> 00:05:23,909 titles that Paul wore he says in first 122 00:05:21,418 --> 00:05:27,870 Corinthians 15:10 by the grace of God I 123 00:05:23,910 --> 00:05:30,270 am what I am and we see the result of 124 00:05:27,870 --> 00:05:33,240 this gospel was that he now looked at 125 00:05:30,269 --> 00:05:35,430 every situation different well these 126 00:05:33,240 --> 00:05:39,210 four titles that we see he wears in 127 00:05:35,430 --> 00:05:41,939 these last few last few verses is first 128 00:05:39,209 --> 00:05:45,750 of all a prisoner but also Paul the 129 00:05:41,939 --> 00:05:48,029 servant Paul the brother and Paul the 130 00:05:45,750 --> 00:05:50,519 Evangelist first of all let's look at 131 00:05:48,029 --> 00:05:52,649 Paul the prisoner for many years of 132 00:05:50,519 --> 00:05:54,930 Paul's life he was a prisoner we did not 133 00:05:52,649 --> 00:05:57,569 know how many but it's at least four if 134 00:05:54,930 --> 00:05:59,970 not five or six now that there's been 135 00:05:57,569 --> 00:06:01,978 two different traditions according to 136 00:05:59,970 --> 00:06:04,500 the interpreting the scripture the 137 00:06:01,978 --> 00:06:06,629 historical data of Scripture I'm of the 138 00:06:04,500 --> 00:06:09,120 opinion that probably the lead case in 139 00:06:06,629 --> 00:06:11,459 most Bible scholars that I study they 140 00:06:09,120 --> 00:06:14,370 agree with this that the lead case is 141 00:06:11,459 --> 00:06:18,299 that Paul was released after this first 142 00:06:14,370 --> 00:06:19,560 imprisonment that he saw a Nero and he 143 00:06:18,300 --> 00:06:23,129 would have been released this would have 144 00:06:19,560 --> 00:06:25,228 been in the early 68 II like 60 to 63 ad 145 00:06:23,129 --> 00:06:27,180 something like that and Paul was 146 00:06:25,228 --> 00:06:30,269 released he went back out to evangelize 147 00:06:27,180 --> 00:06:32,069 but in 2nd Timothy he talks about his 148 00:06:30,269 --> 00:06:33,399 first defense which would have been his 149 00:06:32,069 --> 00:06:36,759 first appearing 150 00:06:33,399 --> 00:06:38,918 before Caesar then he talks about that 151 00:06:36,759 --> 00:06:42,850 he is a prisoner again and it seems now 152 00:06:38,918 --> 00:06:46,329 to be more serious and and and this 153 00:06:42,850 --> 00:06:50,850 would have been after 64 AD 60 probably 154 00:06:46,329 --> 00:06:54,399 66 67 ad what happened in 64 AD 155 00:06:50,850 --> 00:06:57,160 something that changed the the Roman 156 00:06:54,399 --> 00:06:59,728 view of the church and of the of 157 00:06:57,160 --> 00:07:04,030 Christians that is the burning of Rome 158 00:06:59,728 --> 00:07:06,069 64 AD when Nero was the Emperor Rome 159 00:07:04,029 --> 00:07:07,929 burned it had burned for ten days and 160 00:07:06,069 --> 00:07:11,168 two thirds of the city were destroyed 161 00:07:07,930 --> 00:07:14,560 but Nero blamed Christians for setting 162 00:07:11,168 --> 00:07:17,139 the fire and so during Nero's time in 64 163 00:07:14,560 --> 00:07:20,589 AD there was the first Imperial Roman 164 00:07:17,139 --> 00:07:22,478 imperial persecution of Christians and 165 00:07:20,589 --> 00:07:24,609 that meant all over the Roman world 166 00:07:22,478 --> 00:07:26,168 Christianity would be outlawed and 167 00:07:24,610 --> 00:07:30,400 Christians would be sought after and 168 00:07:26,168 --> 00:07:33,399 persecuted and in those days Paul as the 169 00:07:30,399 --> 00:07:34,839 leader of the Christian faith would have 170 00:07:33,399 --> 00:07:36,788 been arrested if he was still alive 171 00:07:34,839 --> 00:07:39,638 would have been arrested and then 172 00:07:36,788 --> 00:07:41,379 brought to trial and would have been 173 00:07:39,639 --> 00:07:43,509 found guilty and tradition has it that 174 00:07:41,379 --> 00:07:45,579 he and Peter and several others as well 175 00:07:43,509 --> 00:07:47,409 who recognized leaders would have been 176 00:07:45,579 --> 00:07:50,109 sought throughout thee throughout the 177 00:07:47,410 --> 00:07:53,110 empire Roman Empire and they would have 178 00:07:50,110 --> 00:07:55,569 been arrested and persecuted so for 179 00:07:53,110 --> 00:08:02,348 several years though Paul wore this 180 00:07:55,569 --> 00:08:05,199 title prisoner prisoner he was a victim 181 00:08:02,348 --> 00:08:07,509 of circumstance but he did not define 182 00:08:05,199 --> 00:08:10,090 himself that way it's very interesting 183 00:08:07,509 --> 00:08:12,629 he did not define himself that way he 184 00:08:10,089 --> 00:08:15,250 said in chapter 27 he's speaking to the 185 00:08:12,629 --> 00:08:17,529 passengers on the ship he describes 186 00:08:15,250 --> 00:08:22,360 himself in this way he said talked about 187 00:08:17,529 --> 00:08:26,529 an angel coming of the God whom I whose 188 00:08:22,360 --> 00:08:28,060 I am and whom I served and he saw 189 00:08:26,529 --> 00:08:31,779 himself in that way first of all he 190 00:08:28,060 --> 00:08:35,229 belonged to Christ he belong to the 191 00:08:31,779 --> 00:08:37,088 biblical God Christ that saved him and 192 00:08:35,229 --> 00:08:40,599 he belonged to him secondly he served 193 00:08:37,089 --> 00:08:42,339 the God that he belonged to now those 194 00:08:40,599 --> 00:08:45,490 are two things to belong to God and to 195 00:08:42,339 --> 00:08:46,400 serve God some people they say I belong 196 00:08:45,490 --> 00:08:49,250 to God but they don't 197 00:08:46,399 --> 00:08:52,220 serve God and some people tried to serve 198 00:08:49,250 --> 00:08:53,840 God in order to belong to him 199 00:08:52,220 --> 00:08:57,230 thinking they can earn their salvation 200 00:08:53,840 --> 00:09:00,530 but but that's not possible but Paul 201 00:08:57,230 --> 00:09:03,019 said it right he belonged to God and he 202 00:09:00,529 --> 00:09:05,029 served God that's how we should be so 203 00:09:03,019 --> 00:09:07,490 even in prison he saw himself not 204 00:09:05,029 --> 00:09:10,459 necessarily as a prisoner but as a 205 00:09:07,490 --> 00:09:13,879 servant of God he refused to let his 206 00:09:10,460 --> 00:09:16,340 circumstances define him no it's very 207 00:09:13,879 --> 00:09:19,549 interesting to see what Paul taught 208 00:09:16,340 --> 00:09:21,410 about this very issue to the Corinthians 209 00:09:19,549 --> 00:09:24,679 he wrote this this is first Corinthian 210 00:09:21,409 --> 00:09:26,480 first Corinthians chapter 3 verses 21 211 00:09:24,679 --> 00:09:29,779 through 23 just a snippet of that 212 00:09:26,480 --> 00:09:32,480 passage he said that we believers he 213 00:09:29,779 --> 00:09:37,159 said we are having nothing but in Christ 214 00:09:32,480 --> 00:09:39,289 owning everything so he arose above his 215 00:09:37,159 --> 00:09:41,480 circumstance through Christ he rose 216 00:09:39,289 --> 00:09:43,969 above his circumstance and realized that 217 00:09:41,480 --> 00:09:46,370 the his circumstance does not limit the 218 00:09:43,970 --> 00:09:49,700 power of God or did not change who he 219 00:09:46,370 --> 00:09:52,159 was for all eternity and God could take 220 00:09:49,700 --> 00:09:54,920 care of him and provide for him even in 221 00:09:52,159 --> 00:09:57,860 that situation to the Philippians he 222 00:09:54,919 --> 00:10:00,860 wrote in chapter 4 philippians verses 11 223 00:09:57,860 --> 00:10:03,259 through 13 he says i have learned and 224 00:10:00,860 --> 00:10:05,330 that shows a spiritual lesson he had 225 00:10:03,259 --> 00:10:07,460 learned not just he had claimed but he 226 00:10:05,330 --> 00:10:09,350 had learned through faith and through 227 00:10:07,460 --> 00:10:12,019 study and through prayer and through 228 00:10:09,350 --> 00:10:16,460 experience i have learned and whatever 229 00:10:12,019 --> 00:10:18,829 state I am therewith to be content I can 230 00:10:16,460 --> 00:10:23,180 do all things through him who gives me 231 00:10:18,830 --> 00:10:25,940 strength now we may choose not to remain 232 00:10:23,179 --> 00:10:29,029 victims of our own circumstances 233 00:10:25,940 --> 00:10:31,490 no one is obscure if God knows them if 234 00:10:29,029 --> 00:10:33,589 they know God no one is poor if he 235 00:10:31,490 --> 00:10:34,190 belongs to Christ we Christians we hold 236 00:10:33,590 --> 00:10:37,610 everything 237 00:10:34,190 --> 00:10:39,440 no one is cast aside if God can use him 238 00:10:37,610 --> 00:10:41,600 so whatever your circumstances are 239 00:10:39,440 --> 00:10:43,850 here's an example from Paul put your 240 00:10:41,600 --> 00:10:45,950 circumstances in the hands of God 241 00:10:43,850 --> 00:10:49,820 and let him do with them as he wishes 242 00:10:45,950 --> 00:10:52,700 but your circumstances do not define you 243 00:10:49,820 --> 00:10:53,920 Christ defined you faith in Christ 244 00:10:52,700 --> 00:10:56,379 changes 245 00:10:53,919 --> 00:10:58,240 now the second thing second title he 246 00:10:56,379 --> 00:11:01,720 wore the second thing we see about him 247 00:10:58,240 --> 00:11:05,560 is Paul the servant the ship broke apart 248 00:11:01,720 --> 00:11:08,889 on the shores of Malta and in chapter 28 249 00:11:05,559 --> 00:11:12,129 of Acts verse 1 it says this once safely 250 00:11:08,889 --> 00:11:14,559 on shore we found out that the island 251 00:11:12,129 --> 00:11:17,259 that was called Malta the Islanders 252 00:11:14,559 --> 00:11:19,059 showed us unusual kindness they built a 253 00:11:17,259 --> 00:11:20,289 fire and welcomed us because it was 254 00:11:19,059 --> 00:11:23,319 raining and cold 255 00:11:20,289 --> 00:11:25,088 so there's 276 people all gathered 256 00:11:23,320 --> 00:11:27,760 around a fire that the Bolton's had 257 00:11:25,089 --> 00:11:30,250 built for them choice of compassion but 258 00:11:27,759 --> 00:11:32,799 says this Paul gathered a pile of 259 00:11:30,250 --> 00:11:35,799 brushwood and as they put it on the fire 260 00:11:32,799 --> 00:11:37,059 a Viper driven out of the heat fastened 261 00:11:35,799 --> 00:11:39,759 itself on his hand 262 00:11:37,059 --> 00:11:42,399 well here it describes Paul as simply 263 00:11:39,759 --> 00:11:44,950 doing what Christians do being a servant 264 00:11:42,399 --> 00:11:46,778 helping others they built a fire but he 265 00:11:44,950 --> 00:11:49,930 was like others he said I'm going to 266 00:11:46,778 --> 00:11:52,330 help this effort also and that says a 267 00:11:49,929 --> 00:11:54,909 lot about his character he was a serpent 268 00:11:52,330 --> 00:11:58,270 servant in fact as he had been his 269 00:11:54,909 --> 00:12:01,449 servant a serpent attached itself all 270 00:11:58,269 --> 00:12:04,088 this and now it says this in verse 4 271 00:12:01,450 --> 00:12:05,710 when the Islanders saw the snake hanging 272 00:12:04,089 --> 00:12:08,050 from his hand they said to each other 273 00:12:05,710 --> 00:12:10,180 this man must be a murderer for though 274 00:12:08,049 --> 00:12:12,819 he has escaped from the sea justice has 275 00:12:10,179 --> 00:12:14,799 not allowed him to live but Paul shook 276 00:12:12,820 --> 00:12:17,560 the snake off into the fire and suffered 277 00:12:14,799 --> 00:12:19,419 no ill effects the people expect to have 278 00:12:17,559 --> 00:12:20,919 to swell up or suddenly fall dead but 279 00:12:19,419 --> 00:12:22,419 after waiting a long time and seeing 280 00:12:20,919 --> 00:12:24,338 nothing unusual happen to him they 281 00:12:22,419 --> 00:12:30,459 changed their minds and said he was a 282 00:12:24,339 --> 00:12:32,560 God there Paul describes the the view of 283 00:12:30,460 --> 00:12:35,259 Islanders they were looking at him 284 00:12:32,559 --> 00:12:37,449 they're not seen these people before and 285 00:12:35,259 --> 00:12:40,899 they were looking at Paul and wondering 286 00:12:37,450 --> 00:12:44,350 what type of person he was but it shows 287 00:12:40,899 --> 00:12:46,750 a heart of Paul to simply serve no I 288 00:12:44,350 --> 00:12:49,480 love this quote from Martin Luther King 289 00:12:46,750 --> 00:12:53,350 jr. we're in a day of also civil unrest 290 00:12:49,480 --> 00:12:56,740 and this time and Martin Luther King jr. 291 00:12:53,350 --> 00:12:59,110 endured a very difficult situation 292 00:12:56,740 --> 00:13:00,459 brought about changes in America and 293 00:12:59,110 --> 00:13:04,060 changes throughout the world through 294 00:13:00,458 --> 00:13:06,119 peaceful demonstrations but I love his 295 00:13:04,059 --> 00:13:08,729 insights he says many 296 00:13:06,120 --> 00:13:11,669 many great things and look at his quotes 297 00:13:08,730 --> 00:13:14,430 or is a is a very helpful thing here's 298 00:13:11,669 --> 00:13:18,240 what he said he said everyone can be 299 00:13:14,429 --> 00:13:18,808 great because anybody can serve isn't 300 00:13:18,240 --> 00:13:20,818 that great 301 00:13:18,808 --> 00:13:22,588 anybody can serve you don't have to have 302 00:13:20,818 --> 00:13:24,568 a college degree to serve you don't have 303 00:13:22,589 --> 00:13:26,490 to make your subject and verb agree to 304 00:13:24,568 --> 00:13:30,748 serve you only need a heart full of 305 00:13:26,490 --> 00:13:32,879 grace also generated by love now the 306 00:13:30,749 --> 00:13:34,589 scripture says in Paul's self wrote let 307 00:13:32,879 --> 00:13:37,230 us do good to all people as we have 308 00:13:34,589 --> 00:13:39,749 opportunity and there was showing a 309 00:13:37,230 --> 00:13:42,360 heart of a servant again Martin Luther 310 00:13:39,749 --> 00:13:45,959 King he said this love is the only force 311 00:13:42,360 --> 00:13:48,058 capable of transforming an enemy into a 312 00:13:45,958 --> 00:13:49,588 friend just cause you serve an enemy 313 00:13:48,058 --> 00:13:51,838 doesn't mean he'll be your friend 314 00:13:49,589 --> 00:13:54,360 but there's nothing that can do that 315 00:13:51,839 --> 00:13:56,069 like love can there's nothing that can 316 00:13:54,360 --> 00:13:58,709 do that like a heart of service that 317 00:13:56,068 --> 00:14:00,688 that reaches out to them now it's 318 00:13:58,708 --> 00:14:03,088 interesting that we see Paul doing this 319 00:14:00,688 --> 00:14:06,299 because Paul as a Pharisee have been 320 00:14:03,089 --> 00:14:09,240 brought up and trained and schooled as 321 00:14:06,299 --> 00:14:10,678 an elitist the Pharisees thought they 322 00:14:09,240 --> 00:14:12,419 were better than other people 323 00:14:10,678 --> 00:14:14,009 he thought he was better than their 324 00:14:12,419 --> 00:14:16,378 fellow Jews that was what the Pharisees 325 00:14:14,009 --> 00:14:19,499 believed so here isn't a Gentile place 326 00:14:16,379 --> 00:14:21,629 on Malta and his upbringing would have 327 00:14:19,499 --> 00:14:24,120 said these people are beneath you but 328 00:14:21,629 --> 00:14:26,009 yet there he is helping them serving 329 00:14:24,120 --> 00:14:28,499 them fact we read not only did he put 330 00:14:26,009 --> 00:14:31,379 wood on the fire but after this when 331 00:14:28,499 --> 00:14:34,230 they saw he did not die then the bluebe 332 00:14:31,379 --> 00:14:37,110 assay the leader he of that town he at 333 00:14:34,230 --> 00:14:39,420 that place he invited Paul to come and 334 00:14:37,110 --> 00:14:41,550 see his father who was sick and and then 335 00:14:39,419 --> 00:14:43,169 many others came and Paul he luby's his 336 00:14:41,549 --> 00:14:45,808 father and healed many others on the 337 00:14:43,169 --> 00:14:48,899 island simply doing good as God had 338 00:14:45,808 --> 00:14:50,669 enabled him to do good but Paul could 339 00:14:48,899 --> 00:14:53,399 also said I'm oppressed or held against 340 00:14:50,669 --> 00:14:55,860 my will is not my problem this is I'm a 341 00:14:53,399 --> 00:14:57,389 prisoner you truck me here now some 342 00:14:55,860 --> 00:14:59,610 would say well maybe the prisoners were 343 00:14:57,389 --> 00:15:01,589 compelled to do this but Luke never 344 00:14:59,610 --> 00:15:04,139 mentions it it seems like what Paul did 345 00:15:01,589 --> 00:15:06,899 was completely by his own will and 346 00:15:04,139 --> 00:15:08,159 desire and he could have said look it's 347 00:15:06,899 --> 00:15:10,528 your fault that were in this mess 348 00:15:08,159 --> 00:15:12,629 remember I warned you not to take this 349 00:15:10,528 --> 00:15:14,938 voyage and he had he warned them don't 350 00:15:12,629 --> 00:15:17,129 do this but it didn't matter whose fault 351 00:15:14,938 --> 00:15:18,448 it was or whose fault it wasn't whether 352 00:15:17,129 --> 00:15:21,359 he was a prisoner or not 353 00:15:18,448 --> 00:15:23,789 first he was a Christian and he rose 354 00:15:21,359 --> 00:15:26,519 above his circumstance by being a 355 00:15:23,789 --> 00:15:28,379 servant that's what Christians do again 356 00:15:26,519 --> 00:15:31,828 may look like this quote by Martin 357 00:15:28,379 --> 00:15:34,558 Luther King jr. everybody can't be great 358 00:15:31,828 --> 00:15:39,508 because anybody can serve in that great 359 00:15:34,558 --> 00:15:43,769 we can help others know when hearts are 360 00:15:39,509 --> 00:15:46,980 hard when people are difficult when 361 00:15:43,769 --> 00:15:51,209 circumstances seem hopeless when doors 362 00:15:46,980 --> 00:15:53,459 are closed love people anyway in the 363 00:15:51,208 --> 00:15:55,138 name of Christ that's the best hope of 364 00:15:53,458 --> 00:15:58,078 the world is it Christians will simply 365 00:15:55,139 --> 00:16:01,230 love in spite and be gracious in spite 366 00:15:58,078 --> 00:16:04,108 now the third title that we see Paul 367 00:16:01,230 --> 00:16:06,629 wearing here in this setting is Paul the 368 00:16:04,109 --> 00:16:10,350 brother we read on in this 28th chapter 369 00:16:06,629 --> 00:16:12,119 we come to verse 13 we see verse 11 they 370 00:16:10,350 --> 00:16:16,139 finally left Malta and they began going 371 00:16:12,119 --> 00:16:18,778 up the coast to to Rome and they came to 372 00:16:16,139 --> 00:16:21,778 a place desert right next to right next 373 00:16:18,778 --> 00:16:24,749 to to Naples it's called a patrol Ian 374 00:16:21,778 --> 00:16:28,198 and the Bible I think is pizzoli is what 375 00:16:24,749 --> 00:16:30,329 it's called today and right next to next 376 00:16:28,198 --> 00:16:33,599 to Naples and I'm sure I mispronounced 377 00:16:30,328 --> 00:16:36,088 that but he arrives there and it says in 378 00:16:33,600 --> 00:16:38,159 verse 13 it says from there was this 379 00:16:36,089 --> 00:16:40,819 errant rifle regime the next day south 380 00:16:38,159 --> 00:16:44,938 when came and the following way we reach 381 00:16:40,818 --> 00:16:47,578 booty Olli there we found some brothers 382 00:16:44,938 --> 00:16:50,849 who invited us to spend a week with them 383 00:16:47,578 --> 00:16:52,378 and so we came to Rome the brothers had 384 00:16:50,850 --> 00:16:54,449 heard that we were coming and they 385 00:16:52,379 --> 00:16:56,999 traveled as far as the forum of Appius 386 00:16:54,448 --> 00:16:59,578 and the three tyrants to meet us at the 387 00:16:56,999 --> 00:17:01,048 sight of these men Paul thanked God and 388 00:16:59,578 --> 00:17:03,538 was encouraged 389 00:17:01,048 --> 00:17:07,168 now spear interesting that Paul admits 390 00:17:03,538 --> 00:17:09,838 that he needed the brothers he needed 391 00:17:07,169 --> 00:17:12,240 the brothers he needed a community he 392 00:17:09,838 --> 00:17:14,068 had some companions with him but he had 393 00:17:12,240 --> 00:17:15,720 written to the church in Rome say he 394 00:17:14,068 --> 00:17:18,269 wished he could be with them and that 395 00:17:15,720 --> 00:17:21,360 they could be mutually encouraged by one 396 00:17:18,269 --> 00:17:24,028 another and he realized his need of 397 00:17:21,359 --> 00:17:26,818 Christian companionship well here we see 398 00:17:24,028 --> 00:17:28,240 some sweetness and some tenderness to 399 00:17:26,818 --> 00:17:31,420 Paul's character 400 00:17:28,240 --> 00:17:34,120 he knew that as a Christian he was not 401 00:17:31,420 --> 00:17:36,100 merely called to believe it was also 402 00:17:34,119 --> 00:17:39,159 called to belong to a family of 403 00:17:36,099 --> 00:17:40,389 believers the family of faith so it 404 00:17:39,160 --> 00:17:42,730 encouraged him 405 00:17:40,390 --> 00:17:45,759 it encouraged him that he could be with 406 00:17:42,730 --> 00:17:48,759 these brothers and sisters friends this 407 00:17:45,759 --> 00:17:51,970 something has something else as well we 408 00:17:48,759 --> 00:17:54,069 see Paul encouraged by these brothers 409 00:17:51,970 --> 00:17:57,069 and friend we need the encouragement of 410 00:17:54,069 --> 00:17:59,139 the Christian family as well there's no 411 00:17:57,069 --> 00:18:00,609 Christian that God ever intended to 412 00:17:59,140 --> 00:18:03,880 stand all by himself 413 00:18:00,609 --> 00:18:06,009 but here we see this great man Paul the 414 00:18:03,880 --> 00:18:09,130 Apostle this great man who had endured 415 00:18:06,009 --> 00:18:10,480 years of imprisonment and shipwrecked 416 00:18:09,130 --> 00:18:12,790 and of course more than just this 417 00:18:10,480 --> 00:18:16,509 shipwreck we read from his writings 418 00:18:12,789 --> 00:18:19,509 endured persecution but still he knew he 419 00:18:16,509 --> 00:18:22,269 needed encouragement he knew he needed 420 00:18:19,509 --> 00:18:24,879 brothers to encourage in fact as we read 421 00:18:22,269 --> 00:18:27,039 about his writing receiving many people 422 00:18:24,880 --> 00:18:29,350 who helped him if patro diet is Timothy 423 00:18:27,039 --> 00:18:30,190 a pad for us and many others he mentions 424 00:18:29,349 --> 00:18:32,649 in his writings 425 00:18:30,190 --> 00:18:35,830 these were relationships he depended 426 00:18:32,650 --> 00:18:37,750 upon and he could not have been who he 427 00:18:35,829 --> 00:18:40,869 became he could not have done what he 428 00:18:37,750 --> 00:18:44,680 did without the support and the love of 429 00:18:40,869 --> 00:18:48,219 the Christian community it says as we 430 00:18:44,680 --> 00:18:48,880 read on that Paul was allowed to live by 431 00:18:48,220 --> 00:18:53,350 himself 432 00:18:48,880 --> 00:18:54,700 with a guard but that guard was from 433 00:18:53,349 --> 00:18:57,159 Rome that was the only thing Ron 434 00:18:54,700 --> 00:18:59,830 provided Paul had to pay for his own 435 00:18:57,160 --> 00:19:02,259 house at the papers on food and lodging 436 00:18:59,829 --> 00:19:05,439 and of course as a prisoner he could not 437 00:19:02,259 --> 00:19:09,220 work so he depended on the believing 438 00:19:05,440 --> 00:19:13,240 community to send him help to give him 439 00:19:09,220 --> 00:19:15,339 enough means to live and he stayed there 440 00:19:13,240 --> 00:19:17,049 for at least two years in that City and 441 00:19:15,339 --> 00:19:20,169 Boston even longer where do you don't 442 00:19:17,049 --> 00:19:23,519 know exactly how long but still we see 443 00:19:20,170 --> 00:19:26,440 how much he knew he needed Christians 444 00:19:23,519 --> 00:19:28,539 there is no Christian who doesn't need 445 00:19:26,440 --> 00:19:30,880 other Christians and one of the things 446 00:19:28,539 --> 00:19:35,039 you see in the Christian community when 447 00:19:30,880 --> 00:19:37,360 you see someone who has taking a great 448 00:19:35,039 --> 00:19:40,849 stumble in his Christian walk when you 449 00:19:37,359 --> 00:19:43,309 see a believer who's given into a 450 00:19:40,849 --> 00:19:45,889 and is caught up in a sin almost always 451 00:19:43,309 --> 00:19:48,440 you'll see that person has a loneliness 452 00:19:45,890 --> 00:19:50,810 to their life either no one offered them 453 00:19:48,440 --> 00:19:53,690 fellowship or they rejected what was 454 00:19:50,809 --> 00:19:56,089 offered and we need one another to be 455 00:19:53,690 --> 00:19:59,390 strong the Christian family is not 456 00:19:56,089 --> 00:20:01,189 married and an irritation or something 457 00:19:59,390 --> 00:20:04,730 that just we happen to have it is 458 00:20:01,190 --> 00:20:07,309 something we need to have I need you you 459 00:20:04,730 --> 00:20:09,920 need me and we need one another the 460 00:20:07,309 --> 00:20:12,109 Christian is to belong to a family let 461 00:20:09,920 --> 00:20:13,970 me ask you it are you blah are you 462 00:20:12,109 --> 00:20:16,279 meaningfully connected to a church are 463 00:20:13,970 --> 00:20:18,319 you meaningfully connected to a group of 464 00:20:16,279 --> 00:20:20,599 Christians I see many people they come 465 00:20:18,319 --> 00:20:22,519 and they sit and I can almost see them 466 00:20:20,599 --> 00:20:25,159 sometimes they come because their spouse 467 00:20:22,519 --> 00:20:26,809 is involved and and the spouse comes 468 00:20:25,160 --> 00:20:29,330 maybe it's the husband maybe it's the 469 00:20:26,809 --> 00:20:30,859 why but once this third is engaged the 470 00:20:29,329 --> 00:20:32,829 other one since they're unconscious is 471 00:20:30,859 --> 00:20:35,929 there maybe they're supporting it 472 00:20:32,829 --> 00:20:37,460 supporting that other spouse but I see 473 00:20:35,930 --> 00:20:39,890 there's something missing in that 474 00:20:37,460 --> 00:20:42,140 person's life he doesn't have Christian 475 00:20:39,890 --> 00:20:45,050 friends he doesn't have a meaningful 476 00:20:42,140 --> 00:20:47,270 connection to other believers and friend 477 00:20:45,049 --> 00:20:49,490 we all need this we all need to be 478 00:20:47,269 --> 00:20:52,849 encouraged we need to be built up by the 479 00:20:49,490 --> 00:20:55,430 spiritual gifts God gives others and we 480 00:20:52,849 --> 00:20:57,980 all need to be taught we all need to 481 00:20:55,430 --> 00:20:59,900 help one another serve well this is part 482 00:20:57,980 --> 00:21:03,349 and parcel of being a follower of Christ 483 00:20:59,900 --> 00:21:04,940 being part of a family so let me 484 00:21:03,349 --> 00:21:06,889 encourage you to get involved in the 485 00:21:04,940 --> 00:21:10,340 church get involved not just that you 486 00:21:06,890 --> 00:21:12,020 attend and have merely acquaintances 487 00:21:10,339 --> 00:21:14,269 that are Christians but that you can 488 00:21:12,019 --> 00:21:15,889 involve with other people that you talk 489 00:21:14,269 --> 00:21:19,190 to them you call them and you connect 490 00:21:15,890 --> 00:21:21,410 with them now the final title do we see 491 00:21:19,190 --> 00:21:24,320 the Apostle Paul using in this urgent 492 00:21:21,410 --> 00:21:26,360 it's displaying in this final chapter of 493 00:21:24,319 --> 00:21:29,809 Acts is the title of evangelist or a 494 00:21:26,359 --> 00:21:32,089 major is calling simply apostle we see 495 00:21:29,809 --> 00:21:35,000 he goes to the Jews and shares again the 496 00:21:32,089 --> 00:21:37,369 gospel with the Jews there in role and 497 00:21:35,000 --> 00:21:38,809 we see him calling the brothers also by 498 00:21:37,369 --> 00:21:41,869 the way reaching out to them 499 00:21:38,809 --> 00:21:44,389 compassionately loving them the gospel 500 00:21:41,869 --> 00:21:47,089 changed his affection he was not the 501 00:21:44,390 --> 00:21:49,670 same person he loved people even if they 502 00:21:47,089 --> 00:21:52,939 did not love him in return he loved them 503 00:21:49,670 --> 00:21:53,330 for the sake of Jesus but the story ends 504 00:21:52,940 --> 00:21:58,999 this 505 00:21:53,329 --> 00:22:01,759 in verse 30 and 31 it says this for two 506 00:21:58,999 --> 00:22:04,909 whole years Paul stayed there in his own 507 00:22:01,759 --> 00:22:07,970 rented house and welcomed all who came 508 00:22:04,909 --> 00:22:10,309 to see him boldly and without hindrance 509 00:22:07,970 --> 00:22:12,618 he preached the kingdom of God and 510 00:22:10,308 --> 00:22:14,329 taught about the Lord Jesus Christ 511 00:22:12,618 --> 00:22:16,220 now that's marvelous statements that's 512 00:22:14,329 --> 00:22:18,980 thus filled with meaning and 513 00:22:16,220 --> 00:22:20,690 significance but first of all we see how 514 00:22:18,980 --> 00:22:22,278 much he needed the church is supported 515 00:22:20,690 --> 00:22:24,649 because he was a prisoner but he had to 516 00:22:22,278 --> 00:22:26,720 rent his own house and stay there so he 517 00:22:24,648 --> 00:22:28,638 had people that cared for him and they 518 00:22:26,720 --> 00:22:30,589 helped him they invested in his ministry 519 00:22:28,638 --> 00:22:33,769 because he could not have done what he 520 00:22:30,589 --> 00:22:35,928 did with without their support but since 521 00:22:33,769 --> 00:22:39,349 he welcomed all who came to see him 522 00:22:35,929 --> 00:22:41,389 whoever came he welcomed them and as an 523 00:22:39,349 --> 00:22:44,358 advantage as he welcomed them not just 524 00:22:41,388 --> 00:22:46,729 in voice but also with the gospel 525 00:22:44,358 --> 00:22:49,999 sharing with them as best he could he 526 00:22:46,730 --> 00:22:51,829 warmly received people now we see that 527 00:22:49,999 --> 00:22:53,868 he put his whole ministry in the hands 528 00:22:51,829 --> 00:22:55,579 of God because he could not go out and 529 00:22:53,868 --> 00:22:58,128 recruit people he had to depend on who 530 00:22:55,579 --> 00:23:00,230 was going to come and see him but he 531 00:22:58,128 --> 00:23:03,138 welcomed them and trusted the Lord to 532 00:23:00,230 --> 00:23:05,239 sending people that God was sent 533 00:23:03,138 --> 00:23:07,548 according to God's will that he could 534 00:23:05,239 --> 00:23:10,999 touch with the gospel and it says that 535 00:23:07,548 --> 00:23:13,788 boldly and without hindrance he preached 536 00:23:10,999 --> 00:23:16,100 the gospel that phrase without entrance 537 00:23:13,788 --> 00:23:18,710 says a lot about this whole story about 538 00:23:16,099 --> 00:23:21,738 the whole work of God even to this day 539 00:23:18,710 --> 00:23:23,659 but the gospel itself is unhindered the 540 00:23:21,739 --> 00:23:26,179 gospel itself when we preach it and 541 00:23:23,659 --> 00:23:29,629 share it it has the power in to touch 542 00:23:26,179 --> 00:23:32,600 anybody and everybody in the world the 543 00:23:29,628 --> 00:23:35,358 Spirit inspires the preaching of it and 544 00:23:32,599 --> 00:23:39,019 he convicts hearts as it is proclaimed 545 00:23:35,358 --> 00:23:41,960 in fact we we see that from the book of 546 00:23:39,019 --> 00:23:43,638 Philippians another prison epistle Paul 547 00:23:41,960 --> 00:23:45,950 spoke about a movement that started 548 00:23:43,638 --> 00:23:48,648 among the Imperial Guard the people that 549 00:23:45,950 --> 00:23:50,600 were guarding him that he was able to 550 00:23:48,648 --> 00:23:53,358 share with them the gospel many of them 551 00:23:50,599 --> 00:23:56,628 became believers and his own brothers in 552 00:23:53,358 --> 00:23:57,909 fact many have commented that in that 553 00:23:56,628 --> 00:24:00,678 setting 554 00:23:57,910 --> 00:24:02,690 with the guard chained to Pauls all 555 00:24:00,679 --> 00:24:04,280 chained to the guard it's not really 556 00:24:02,690 --> 00:24:07,940 clear at all who the real prisoner was 557 00:24:04,279 --> 00:24:11,089 they were both prisoners that Paul was 558 00:24:07,940 --> 00:24:12,740 but still he used his opportunities for 559 00:24:11,089 --> 00:24:14,928 Christ and he shared with them they 560 00:24:12,740 --> 00:24:16,819 preached about the kingdom of God 561 00:24:14,929 --> 00:24:19,370 now that's about righteousness and the 562 00:24:16,819 --> 00:24:22,250 rule of God he did not merely preach 563 00:24:19,369 --> 00:24:24,769 grace sometimes grace is abused because 564 00:24:22,250 --> 00:24:27,890 it's preached without preaching the the 565 00:24:24,769 --> 00:24:29,779 lordship of Christ and the issues raised 566 00:24:27,890 --> 00:24:31,880 to the kingdom of God and the rule of 567 00:24:29,779 --> 00:24:34,339 God and righteousness and Paul never did 568 00:24:31,880 --> 00:24:37,130 that when he preached the gospel he gave 569 00:24:34,339 --> 00:24:38,990 it freely anybody can be saved not in 570 00:24:37,130 --> 00:24:41,990 our own worst turning our lives to 571 00:24:38,990 --> 00:24:43,789 Christ but the truth of the gospel also 572 00:24:41,990 --> 00:24:46,460 must be attached to the truth of the 573 00:24:43,789 --> 00:24:50,149 kingdom of God and the rule of God in 574 00:24:46,460 --> 00:24:52,759 this world by being Lord of our lives so 575 00:24:50,150 --> 00:24:55,160 he preached both of those truths not 576 00:24:52,759 --> 00:24:56,990 that you had just received Christ but if 577 00:24:55,160 --> 00:24:59,509 you receive Christ you receive not just 578 00:24:56,990 --> 00:25:01,370 a savior but also a lord and he will 579 00:24:59,509 --> 00:25:04,910 change your heart your life and your 580 00:25:01,369 --> 00:25:07,279 priorities but he taught also about the 581 00:25:04,910 --> 00:25:09,950 Lord Jesus Christ he could not exhaust 582 00:25:07,279 --> 00:25:12,829 the sub she kept teaching and teaching 583 00:25:09,950 --> 00:25:15,769 about this well this last picture of 584 00:25:12,829 --> 00:25:18,529 Paul the last picture of a world changed 585 00:25:15,769 --> 00:25:21,139 tells us how we can be a world changer 586 00:25:18,529 --> 00:25:23,200 in our situation we can first of all 587 00:25:21,140 --> 00:25:25,220 determine to rise above our 588 00:25:23,200 --> 00:25:27,830 circumstances whatever circumstance 589 00:25:25,220 --> 00:25:30,319 you're in do not let those circumstance 590 00:25:27,829 --> 00:25:32,839 limit you are define you if you're a 591 00:25:30,319 --> 00:25:36,409 believer you're a child of God that's 592 00:25:32,839 --> 00:25:39,470 really who you are secondly be a servant 593 00:25:36,410 --> 00:25:41,450 God calls us to be servants and faith in 594 00:25:39,470 --> 00:25:43,759 Christ will lead us to be servants 595 00:25:41,450 --> 00:25:46,220 helping people and serving them a 596 00:25:43,759 --> 00:25:47,990 thirdly the Christian faith means there 597 00:25:46,220 --> 00:25:50,720 should be meaningfully connected with 598 00:25:47,990 --> 00:25:53,109 other Christians and get to know them 599 00:25:50,720 --> 00:25:55,640 encourage them let them encourage us 600 00:25:53,109 --> 00:25:57,918 pray for one another support one another 601 00:25:55,640 --> 00:25:59,450 we need one another's prayers we need 602 00:25:57,919 --> 00:26:02,090 one another's lives we need one 603 00:25:59,450 --> 00:26:05,419 another's understanding and support and 604 00:26:02,089 --> 00:26:07,069 finally to let God use you as you will 605 00:26:05,419 --> 00:26:08,570 whatever spiritual gifts he has given 606 00:26:07,069 --> 00:26:11,178 you but let it all point back 607 00:26:08,569 --> 00:26:12,829 to Christ weathers to share the faith of 608 00:26:11,179 --> 00:26:15,860 others I'm ready demonstrate the faith 609 00:26:12,829 --> 00:26:17,869 with others let God use you but every 610 00:26:15,859 --> 00:26:19,668 Christian can be a witness every 611 00:26:17,869 --> 00:26:23,298 Christian can talk about what Jesus has 612 00:26:19,669 --> 00:26:25,880 meant to them and God can use any and 613 00:26:23,298 --> 00:26:28,038 every Christian to do that I prayed this 614 00:26:25,880 --> 00:26:31,190 message would encourage you in the faith 615 00:26:28,038 --> 00:26:33,919 I pray that you could see God's work and 616 00:26:31,190 --> 00:26:36,019 Paul also would be what the same spirit 617 00:26:33,919 --> 00:26:37,370 is doing in your life and I prayed that 618 00:26:36,019 --> 00:26:39,528 God bless you if you're not a believer 619 00:26:37,369 --> 00:26:41,508 in Christ let me invite you to trust in 620 00:26:39,528 --> 00:26:43,278 him as your Savior say lord I admit that 621 00:26:41,509 --> 00:26:45,259 I'm a sinner on each your forgiveness 622 00:26:43,278 --> 00:26:47,720 and I believe that you died on the cross 623 00:26:45,259 --> 00:26:50,240 and rose from the grave if you are a 624 00:26:47,720 --> 00:26:52,129 Christian but you're not living for 625 00:26:50,240 --> 00:26:54,888 Christ you're like I said the beginning 626 00:26:52,128 --> 00:26:56,509 that you you know you belong to God but 627 00:26:54,888 --> 00:26:59,058 you're not serving him well let me 628 00:26:56,509 --> 00:27:00,679 encourage you to to belong to him and 629 00:26:59,058 --> 00:27:03,168 also to serve Him let me encourage you 630 00:27:00,679 --> 00:27:05,480 to do both of those things and say Lord 631 00:27:03,169 --> 00:27:09,139 I belong to you because I belong to you 632 00:27:05,480 --> 00:27:11,839 I want to live my faith in a responsible 633 00:27:09,138 --> 00:27:14,408 meaningful way if I can help you in any 634 00:27:11,839 --> 00:27:18,769 way please feel free to write to me 635 00:27:14,409 --> 00:27:21,049 pastor at IBC Stuttgart de I pray that 636 00:27:18,769 --> 00:27:23,960 god bless you let's pray father God we 637 00:27:21,048 --> 00:27:26,240 thank you for the last few verses in 638 00:27:23,960 --> 00:27:29,659 this wonderful story of the book of Acts 639 00:27:26,240 --> 00:27:32,628 in order it really doesn't end with Paul 640 00:27:29,659 --> 00:27:35,539 because this story has continued even to 641 00:27:32,628 --> 00:27:38,028 this day your spirit is still at work 642 00:27:35,538 --> 00:27:41,628 you know hearts in our lives and you are 643 00:27:38,028 --> 00:27:44,089 still writing your history in people's 644 00:27:41,628 --> 00:27:46,069 lives to this day and Lord we pray that 645 00:27:44,089 --> 00:27:47,599 you had helped us to grow from this 646 00:27:46,069 --> 00:27:49,730 helped us to rise above our 647 00:27:47,599 --> 00:27:52,668 circumstances to be servants in your 648 00:27:49,730 --> 00:27:54,919 name to encourage one another to embrace 649 00:27:52,669 --> 00:27:57,889 the family of faith and also that we 650 00:27:54,919 --> 00:28:01,309 would see the mission you have given us 651 00:27:57,888 --> 00:28:04,339 and let us follow that mission fulfil 652 00:28:01,308 --> 00:28:06,019 your plan for us in your power we thank 653 00:28:04,339 --> 00:28:07,548 you for your grace you prayed this in 654 00:28:06,019 --> 00:28:09,558 Jesus name Amen 655 00:28:07,548 --> 00:28:12,128 thank you I pray that god bless you 656 00:28:09,558 --> 00:28:12,128 thank you for listening